Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 200: Do the opposite

"Trouble!" Xie Chen shook his head helplessly, feeling the helplessness of betting on others for the first time.

That team of people can be said to be their key players, and they have moved the whole body.

"No matter how troublesome it is, only with them can we break the walls of Akatsuki's fortress. Now we have no choice but to save them at the risk of exposing the plan."

When Xie Chen waved his hand, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "What we have to do now is not to rescue them, but to go straight to their third fortress! Break the enemy in one fell swoop."

Shikamaru said in a puzzled way: "How is this possible. Didn't you try, Lord Xie Chen last time? You can't break that kind of wall at all. Even if we reach the front of the third fortress, we can't break him."

Xie Chen explained: "First, there must be a lot of teams that have received this news now, and they must have all gone to support. In this way, our plan has actually been exposed. If we want to continue, it is equivalent to talking to each other. In a decisive battle! What do you think our chances of winning are?"

Shikamaru was silent, he was not Naruto's hot-headed type. According to his estimation, their odds of winning the final battle at this time were only 50%, and he was simply gambling.

"Secondly, it is because of their reaction that they can greatly weaken their attention to me. In addition, Payne has been repelled, they can only send a strong enemy, Taeto, in the secret of me and Dokage. He can only choose one among the working units."

"Third, that is, that unit is not necessarily the only one who can break the fortress of the Dawn Organization!"


The first few items are not enough, Shikamaru can completely figure it out after thinking about it, but the last one is completely beyond their expectation.

Could it be that he used any method to secretly learn Dokage's cracking ninjutsu? Otherwise, how can you be so sure. You know, his attack ended in failure last time. However, Master Xie Chen is by no means a person who can speak big words. Since he made such a decision, he should be very sure.

"Then, okay, we will change our course of action and rush directly into their third fortress. It's just that Master Xie Chen, don't make trouble, otherwise, we will be completely trapped by the Akatsuki organization. You can escape by yourself, and the few of us can only become their dishes."

They immediately began to act.

It seemed that Akatsuki's attention was indeed attracted by the rescue operations of other teams. Instead, their rear door opened wide, and they didn't encounter many ninjas to stop them.

Shikamaru kept in touch with the headquarters at any time to understand the situation on the main battlefield. Although their action was a desperate move, after all, more than 60% of the main ninjas are concentrated on the main battlefield now. If there is a defeat, it will be more serious than unable to break their fortress.

In other words, if the situation on the front battlefield has begun to turn bad, then they can only abandon the plan and give priority to supporting the main battlefield.

Of course, this is the worst situation. With Kakashi, Raikage Dokage, and Sasuke Naruto Itachi and other masters, it is impossible for them to break their defenses so easily.

The only thing that needs to be worried about is the back hand of the pocket, what kind of back hand this guy has left, and how he is going to sacrifice Uchiha Madara.

This product is definitely a big killer, and now even Xie Chen dare not 100% guarantee that he can beat him. Of course, now that Naruto is under his absolute protection, it is impossible for that hidden boss Kaguya Ji to emerge.

"Master Xie Chen, we are about to reach the target location, how are you going to destroy it?"

Xie Chen coldly looked at the faint outline in the distance and said, "Just like the method Tuying said, approach it directly and destroy it with violence!"

Hina Tian and others looked at each other, and they couldn't understand Xie Chen's routine.

"Stop them!"

Even if they are empty inside, it is impossible for Akatsuki to not be noticed by the Akatsuki organization. Hundreds of black shadow ninjas were led by several ninjas who had reincarnated from the dirty land to intercept them.

"Let's block them, Master Xie Chen, break into the fortress!"

Qiu Dao Dingci was the first to stand up, his body suddenly swelled, and then quickly rotated around himself, turning into a huge spinning top, bounced away all the black shadow ninjas that rushed forward.

"Fire escape! Flying hot!"

One of the Konoha ninjas who reincarnated from the dirty soil saw that physical attacks were of no use to him, so he summoned a wave of fire bombs from the sky. If Akudo Dingci continued to rush forward, he would be drowned in flames first!

But now Qiu Dao Dingci is very proficient in his own ninjutsu control, and with an instant that almost violates the physical rules, he dodges his fireball dangerously and dangerously.

"Mind attack! Mind wave!"

Yamanaka Ino crossed his four fingers in front of his heart, but he didn't want to exchange souls with someone, but attacked all around at the same time in a spirit wave!

For those black shadow ninjas, such an attack is useless, but for those who reincarnated from the dirty land, they are two different things.

Their souls are logically dead, and they were forcibly attached by the ninjutsu of Reincarnated Dirty Land. Ino’s attack not only greatly disrupted Doudou’s control over them, but also caused a tremendous impact on the weak mental power of these reincarnated ninjas. The shock left them in a daze for a while.

This gave Xie Chen a flash of light in his mind. If they could make good use of the power of the mountain clan on the frontal battlefield, they might have a decisive influence on the battle!

It's just that they don't have time to consider this issue in detail now. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xie Chen smashed Yanfeng and swept away a large area of ​​Black Shadow Ninja. Now there are not many enemies standing in front of him!

However, Shikamaru and the others did not relax their vigilance. On the contrary, they paid more attention to Xie Chen's movements. If his attack could not damage the fortress, their situation would be very dangerous. ..


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