Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 220: Hard fight

And its goal doesn't seem to want to injure anyone, but to completely disrupt their formation.

Ning Ci calmly reminded: "Be careful, it should be to create a chance for the pocket. Everyone looks at each other's blind spot."

"Ningji, be careful behind your back!" At this moment, Tiantian suddenly pointed behind him and called.

Ning Ci was shocked. He didn't expect that the pocket was so accurate, he grabbed the blind spot of his white eyes, suddenly turned around, and directly used Jiuquan's sixty-four punches to blast in the direction Tiantian pointed.

However, just as he saw the pocket, he suddenly felt a force similar to a snake pressing on him.

Through his white eyes, Ning Ci could see that it turned out to be a snake skin with a disgusting pattern!

"Ning Ci!" Before he completely lost consciousness, he heard the horrified cry every day.

"Hehe, now there are only four of you left, do you think you can win now?" Dou sneered and turned his head, revealing his true identity facing Tiantian and the others.

"Damn! Storm of wind blades!" Temari didn't expect Dou's ninjutsu to be so weird, and Neji's attack on him would be overshadowed by him, and instead plunged himself into danger.

They didn't know what was in the snake skin that wrapped Ning Ci, so they had to rescue him as quickly as possible.

Now Temari knows that Dou has a figure that can hide himself in this area, so he directly shot a large piece of wind blade, making him unable to hide.

No matter whether he hides it again or not, and no matter what method he uses to hide himself or at least his person is still here, his range of attacks will definitely hurt him.

However, something strange happened, and after a sneer reached out his hand to caress the snakeskin bag, one person and one bag disappeared from their eyes.

And those wind blades that shot past didn't hurt the pocket at all, they shot past that area in an empty space!

"This, what's going on!" Tian Tian didn't understand this phenomenon either.

"Huh, that's because the pocket was transferred to another space." Kankuro snorted coldly, and two giant puppets rushed into the arena. "Unexpectedly, besides divine power, they also know another Powerful ninjutsu in another space!"

"Not that, although this ninjutsu of pocket looks very weird, it must be used with special conditions, otherwise he has been able to become a terrifying master like Daito with such strength before. We will be able to calm down. Find his flaw!"

"Giant wind sickle!" Although Temari was also observing the traces that might be left in the surrounding pockets, more power still kept releasing the wind blade.

Although Dou escaped the previous wave of attacks with his own space ninjutsu, the other party's subsequent attacks still did not stop! Their purpose is to force him to hide again as soon as he shows up, so that he cannot appear for too long to organize a counterattack against them.

And Tiantian flew towards that piece of snake skin.

"Every day! Don't touch it easily!" Temari screamed in surprise.

But it was too late. As soon as I touched the snakeskin every day, I suddenly found that my hand could not "touch" it at all, but directly stretched into its interior, and there was a suction force that seemed to absorb myself completely!

"Tian Tian!" Kanjiuro raised his hands, and a puppet flew over there suddenly, biting most of Tian Tian's body with his mouth, before he was completely sucked in.

"Sand wind!" Temari stepped up the attack, waves of wind and waves with hot sand blew out, and now she also attacked without talking about Chakra.

boom! A giant snake rushed up from the ground, completely shielding the area behind from the attack of the sand wind of Temari, and laughed grimly.

"Now it should be time to harvest. I didn't expect a small plan to entangle three people."

Faced with this unexpected result, of course he would not be polite, waving his right hand repeatedly, one after another giant snakes rushed up from the ground to block his path, and he safely stepped towards Tiantian and the others!

"Fart!" Hearing that he counted himself among the people who couldn't fight back now, Ken Kuro directly threw his other two puppets to block him!

However, Dou seemed to have anticipated such a counterattack. When the two puppets appeared in front of him, Dou suddenly prodded forward and stroked their heads with his hands. After that, the two puppets suddenly Incarnate as two agile white snakes, but bit in the direction of Kankuro!

"How is this possible!" Kankuro was taken aback, and even forgot how to react.

Suddenly, several air cuts came from the side, and the two little snakes were cut directly into pieces. This is when Temari saw that the situation was not good, Feimiao directly gave up breaking the snake shield, and instead resolved the crisis for them.

But after all, she was too far away, she could solve it for a while, but it was impossible to help them all the time. With a grinning laugh, she took advantage of this gap and rushed towards Kankuro's main puppet and Tian Tian.

Tian Tian Yi was cruel, and suddenly drew out a kunai to cut off his sucked arm! The blood spilled out, and Tiantian's broken arm was immediately sucked in by the snakeskin, but she was finally free. Ken Kuro did not dare to hesitate, and immediately controlled his puppet and flew back with Tian Tian.

Although the crisis was resolved this time, their combat power has been greatly injured. Ning Ci was not rescued, and he broke his arm every day. Now only Xiao Li and Akai deal with the giant snake and Temari and Kan. Kuro is dealing with the body of the pocket.

"Could it be said that Sasuke and Itachi defeated such a perverted bag in the first place? How did they do it!"

"Concentrate on the enemy, don't think about the useless things!" Temari reminded.

Tou however sneered at them and said: "It's very simple, because at that time my current form was not completed, I could only rely on the giant snake to deal with them. But now I am stronger than before. What a pity, I also want to show Zori and Itachi a little bit, but before that, you must be my warm-up object!"..


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