Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 235: Not an opponent

"It can surprise you so much, it shows that the timing of our appearance is just right. I heard that after defeating you last time, you have a stronger skill, so we specially came to give you a chance of revenge."

"I mean it too, it's too time for you to show up!" Dou immediately left behind the task of opening the way for the ninja army behind.

For him, Sasuke is also a person who must want to get rid of it! Not only did Sasuke have a very high hatred for him, he wanted to kill him several times. What's more important is that Sasuke still possesses the quite powerful power of Oshemaru. If you can absorb this part of the power, you can ignore it even if you bring the soil!

Because at that time, I can also have the complete power of writing round eyes, and there is also the possibility of evolving into round eyes in the future.

"Suzano can be!"

Sasuke and Itachi also used the Susano state at the same time and attacked towards the pocket.

Tou calmly retreated, and with a move with his right hand, the altar of the snake came up from the ground.

And this time, it did not directly incarnate as a giant snake to counterattack, but centered on it, with complex snake patterns on the ground spreading out towards the surroundings.

"Is the enchantment of the snake again? Humph, I want to see what power you can achieve after absorbing such power!"

Sasuke was so arrogant that they didn't take the opportunity to interrupt the arrangement of their pockets, but wanted to wait for him to change into the strongest state before deciding the outcome with him.

"Hehe, I have to admit that you two do have the self-confidence of the strong, but at the same time, you are also so stupid that you hate it, die!"

Dou's eyes suddenly turned red, and under the ground, the snake's altar did not continue to extend the snake pattern, but turned into the giant snake to cooperate with Dou's attack.

"Snake Violence!"

Although there is still half of its body under the ground, as soon as it came out, it immediately rushed towards Sasuke and Itachi! At the same time stirring the entire ground, as if to turn the entire ground over.

"Monthly reading!"

In the face of such violent power, Itachi did not choose to fight hard, although with the strength of the two of them, it was not a big problem to fight hard. Instead, he used his own illusion to act on the giant snake's brain.

The thinking of the giant snake is relatively simple, and sometimes it is not easy to fall into the illusion under such circumstances, but itachi is specifically misleading its mind, so that it just can't recognize its own direction.

As a result, the giant snake changed its direction midway and rushed towards the empty space. However, the giant trees surrounded by ten people couldn't stop the giant snake, and was broken by it!

Seeing them so easily resolve the impact of their giant snake, he snorted and rushed up personally.

Sasuke smashed a punch, but at this time, the pocket faced Susano's power without any retreat. He faced him with his right hand in front of him, and actually blocked his giant fist!

With one palm and one punch, the comparison of size is amazing, but Sasuke's fist is so terrifying that it can't break the defense.

"Sasuke, return the power from you!" Dou suddenly showed a tricky smile.

From Sasuke's body, there is a force that has received a very strong attraction. Although it will not take Sasuke directly away, it also makes him feel weak in an instant.


Sasuke is worthy of being a very human person. At this critical moment, he was able to break his wrist and directly cut out the Chakra Blade with his other hand and cut it towards his right hand!

If Dou continues to **** his own strength, then his body must be cut off with Sasuke's right fist.

Tou did not rush his hand back, and with a flick of his right hand, two small lightning snakes shot at Sasuke's eyes to prevent him from attacking further.

In this way, a scene where Dou competes with Itachi alone.

"Snake pill!"

Although it has been half a night of fighting, Dou knows that Sasuke and Itachi are no better than him, so he doesn't care about the consumption of Chakra.

A few black tail beast jade rose up in the palm of Doudou's palm. The ability to form such an attack already showed Dou had turned himself into a tail beast state. Make his Chakra even more terrifying!

Facing the power of these tail beast jade, Itachi did not dare to fight head-on, and could only avoid these snake pills first.

And Dou will naturally not waste such a good opportunity. His right arm turned into a sharp blade at this time. Judging from the degree of its reflection, it is clear that this long sword is definitely not a common product, and it should be a powerful weapon not lost to Sasuke's ninja sword.


Dou's figure suddenly turned into five, and he pierced towards Itachi from five different angles.

Even with Itachi's strength, he couldn't resist this attack head-on, but he had only one chance to attack, and he couldn't determine which of the five was the clone of Tou!

"Fire Breaking Jade!"

At a critical moment, Itachi suddenly spit out a highly agglomerated fire bomb directly below.


After the fire bomb hits the ground, it completely covers the area around Itachi. No matter how many clones are involved in the attack, they can only be blocked.

And because he rushed too close, all the clones were burned out, leaving only the body of the pocket to escape. ,

But Itachi himself did not feel well. At the center of the explosion, Itachi was not immune to fire damage.

"Itachi, how are you?" Sasuke immediately intervened between him and Tou to block the way to continue the attack.

"Don't worry, it's not a serious injury. It's just that the current pocket is really hard to deal with."

Sasuke felt the same way.

"Haha, is it just that you can't stand it at this level? You haven't seen anything really scary yet!"

Doudou laughed wildly, and suddenly stood up to the position of the altar of the snake just now, which was also the center of the snake pattern on the ground.

Those snake patterns immediately began to shrink, and all of them were attached to the body of the pocket. Following this process, Sasuke and Itachi could clearly feel his strength increase rapidly!

"Monthly reading!"

Itachi immediately used illusion technique at him to interrupt his process of attracting snake patterns.

However, at this time the giant snake rushing in the wrong direction has also turned back, rushing towards the two again! ..


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