Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 237: main target

When the people of Akatsuki's organization had gone far, they could no longer pursue them, gathered all the ninjas, and after arranging enough warning, began to count the number of deaths this time.

I have to admit that the breakthrough ability of the Akatsuki organization is still very strong. Although the time of their raid this time was not long, they caused a lot of death.

Fortunately, these casualties were mainly concentrated on ordinary ninjas. Elite Shinobu does not suffer much.

Especially Tsunade and Terumi Ming, although they fought with Otodo many times, they did not suffer very much damage because of the timely treatment of Tsunade and Silence.

"Hehe, it seems that Sasuke and Itachi have already seen how powerful their pockets are this time? And looking at your looks, I'm afraid they didn't take advantage this time?"

Xie Chen quickly noticed the expressions of Sasuke and Itachi and couldn't help but smile.

At this time, they have also received timely treatment, and there is nothing to do with their bodies. But this battle still has a very serious impact on their self-confidence. Especially since they just defeated the pocket a while ago.

"Hmph, it's just that we didn't know enough about his power, so he was caught off guard. If it's the next battle, we will never let him get a bargain!"

Xie Chen nodded: "Of course it is a good thing to have fighting spirit, but you need to pay special attention to Sasuke. While you are staring at Doudou, he also stares at you. Doudou did not get the full power of Oshemaru. Especially his current There are still various defects in the body. If he is allowed to absorb you or even your body, then his strength will definitely be amazingly improved. By then, I am afraid that it will not be easy for me to restrain him."

Sasuke was moved and understood that Xie Chen was worried about their safety. My heart also changed the impression that he was too cold.

But at the same time, he heard a terrible conclusion from what he said.

Could it be that Xie Chen has a complete chance of winning in the face of the current pocket? Only after the pocket absorbs his body and becomes stronger will it be a certain trouble for him?

With this analysis, how powerful Xie Chen is now!

However, Xie Chen did not get entangled in this topic, and nodded to the two of them: "Okay, I have to check the casualties of other people. You should rest first. In the raid on the land of the earth and the land of thunder, Thanks to your performance."

Complimenting them in a timely manner, Xie Chen strode away. For Sasuke and Itachi, he had to use a little scheming in command. the reason is simple. For others, as long as they gave orders, they would obey them unconditionally, but for Sasuke and Itachi, as long as they deemed inappropriate orders, they would not necessarily obey them completely.

In fact, this raid on Onoki and Ai is a proof that as long as they see the opportunity is good, didn't they pass those ninjas and break into deeper?

When they reached the command room, Tsunade and Terumi Mei were already waiting there.

"Master Xie Chen, the specific statistics have come out. Now, after we have suffered losses, I am afraid that the Bixiao organization has no advantage. Fortunately, your raid on Onoki and Ai has achieved greater success than before."

"On the one hand, kill the two old guys and let the internal rebellion completely quell as quickly as possible. This kind of thing should never happen again. On the other hand, they have no casualties themselves, so they are fighting against Akatsuki and Akatsuki. When the shadow-rank ninjas reincarnated from the dirty land, we have enough combat power to compete with them.

"Yes, this time the situation is really very dangerous. If we didn't choose to decapitate Ohnoki and Ai, there would be absolutely no way to overcome this difficulty so easily."

Xie Chen looked at the casualty statistics and said: "Then, based on your experience of fighting against Xiao Organization, if we make a head-on raid this time, can we win?"

Tsunade first made an estimate: "There is still a chance of winning, but our casualties are definitely not small. I was discussing this matter with Master Suikage before you came. If there is a decisive battle, our casualties will also be five. More importantly, even with such a high price, it is still unknown whether we can kill the enemy’s biggest commander like Tutou and Tou. If they are allowed to escape, then we will face endless Troubles."

Xie Chen sighed: "This is what I worry about the most. And to be honest, if I can't help but directly start the scattered attacks and revenge, we will let me not worry, but if they hide and wait for ten years, If we launch another conspiracy twenty years later, then we will be overwhelmed."

There was one more sentence he could not say. If that happens, his mission will not be completed within ten years, will he still be delayed for ten years in Naruto World?

"But, with our current strength, can we really launch a battle that has been accomplished in one battle? That is an all-out battle."

Xie Chen thought for a while and reminded: "First, we must understand that the main force of the other party's ordinary ninjas are mainly ninjas and black shadow ninjas who reincarnated from the dirty earth. So we don't need to pay too much attention to them. If we really do If you can get rid of the dirt and his outside golem, then the black shadow ninja will dissipate. The same goes for those ninjas who reincarnated from the dirty land, as long as they get rid of their pockets, they will no longer maintain the reincarnated state."

"Therefore, if we can ensure victory, we can let go of some of the Sombra Ninjas and the Reincarnated Ninjas. Prioritize the containment of the soil and the pocket. Be sure to concentrate all our efforts to kill these two people."

"Well, we understand that when formulating a new battle plan, we will definitely draw out the containment team specifically for the dirt and pockets."

Xie Chen said: "Yes, there is another very important one, that is, we have brought a lot of ninjas from the land of the earth and the land of thunder this time. It seems that their minds should have been reformed and they hope to return to the ninja union. As long as the army can integrate them well before the war, then our strength will inevitably increase rapidly!"..


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