Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 247: Naruto gets angry

"Be careful!" Although they didn't know the use of absorbing these snake patterns, they already knew that their strength would explode after absorbing these snake patterns, so they took extra care.

"Haha! Be careful? Is this enough?" Turning the pocket that had been absorbed by the altar of snakes, his body was even more terrifying at this time, and his entire face seemed to stand as a half snake, on all his skin. It was already not only snake patterns, but also full of snake scales, and the strange atmosphere that emerged from his body was even more shocking.

"No trace of the snake!"

Tou suddenly stretched out his hands, but Naruto and Itachi didn't feel anything, it seemed that Tou was just a bluff.

But Sasuke suddenly received a miserable cry, and he knelt on the ground. Fortunately, the power of his Suzuo was still there, otherwise he would not be able to withstand a single blow if he launched a surprise attack at this time.

"Sasuke, how are you!"

Itachi was taken aback and rushed to Sasuke's side, but after careful inspection, he couldn't feel anything unusual around him. It seemed that Sasuke himself had a sudden illness.

Such a weird "ninjutsu" made Itachi also a bit at a loss, not knowing how to deal with it.

More importantly, I don’t know if his "ninjutsu" can only be used on Sasuke who has the power of Oshemaru, or it can also be used for himself and Naruto. If it is the latter, it is impossible to prevent this kind of defense. Weird trick, do they really have a chance of winning?

Sasuke used great perseverance to restrain his pain and reminded Itachi and Naruto: "I'm just sensitive to his power now. His attack has other means. You must be careful!"

"Other means?" Naruto also rushed over at this time, hearing Sasuke's reminder and immediately guarding it with Itachi, watching the surroundings vigilantly.


Naruto seemed to have heard something. Just about to turn his head to look, he felt a pain in his shoulder. When he looked down, he didn't know what had cut his skin, and the blood was flowing.

"What's this? It can hurt me when I just found him?"

Itachi asked to understand what Naruto felt just now, and said thoughtfully: "In this way, the situation is not too bad, at least it is certain that the method used just now is tangible. It's just that it is too fast, and It’s too small and it can hurt us before we know it."

Naruto said with a headache: "The most important thing now is that Sasuke doesn't have the slightest defense in this way. We can't ignore him."

Itachi calmly said: "We two have Susano's defensive power. Even if we are attacked by this kind of attack, it will not break Susano with a single blow. I will protect Sasuke, and you will try to find the flaws in the pocket. ."

Naruto nodded heavily, condensed all his energy, and listened carefully to the strange sound.


The voice sounded again, but Naruto still had no time to react. And this time the injury was heavier than just now!

"Damn it! How to guard against such an attack that is not clear at all?" Naruto thought quickly while stopping the bleeding. But he didn't mean to dodge at all, otherwise, Sasuke and Itachi who was guarding him would definitely become the other's live targets.

Even if he relied on his voice, he couldn't find the trajectory of the attack.

correct! Naruto suddenly remembered.

No matter how fast it attacks, I can at least hear its voice. If you advance your judgment infinitely ahead, as long as you start the action immediately when you hear the sound, then you don't believe it can hurt yourself!

Just thinking of this, Naruto heard that sound again. Without hesitation, he set off immediately and avoided that attack!

"Haha, I finally found a way to crack it. Itachi's analysis is correct, this kind of attack is just too fast. Pocket, I see how you can help me now!"

"Don't get too proud of yourself, this time you will hide it for me!"

The attack sounded again, but this time when Naruto just wanted to get out of the way, the pockets were also moving at the same time. Naruto who was still in the air didn't exert any force at all, and he hit the door with a punch and flew out.

"Hehe, that kind of attack doesn't need me to control at all. You can dodge a single attack, so can you dodge a two-sided attack? It's a pity that Itachi cares more about his brother, and doesn't care about your life or death at all. I can relax. I will get rid of you first, and finally clean up their brothers!"

"Bah! Do you think this trick of instigating discord is useful for us? I alone can still beat you to the ground!"

"It's not too late to talk such big talks when you crack my trick!"

Another attack was launched, and Dou seemed to have predicted Naruto's dodge direction and rushed forward. But he did not expect that Naruto did not dodge this time!

"Shadow clone technique!" Naruto immediately performed ninjutsu, and hundreds of Naruto appeared in the air. That attack could not tell which was true and which was false.


All of Naruto's shadow clones were cut by it. But there is no real body of Naruto inside!

Dou immediately realized that it was not good, but he could no longer stop the figure that he rushed up.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

A dozen Naruto kicked at the same time, attacking pockets from all directions without dead ends. Although he blocked most of the attacks, he was still kicked by four or five Naruto at the same time and flew into the air.

"The lion plays!"

With one hit, Naruto would not let him go, and the waves of attacks made Dou unable to stabilize his figure at all.

"Snake shape without a trace!"

Finally found the opportunity, turned into a snake, bent his body and barely passed Naruto's pursuit, but his snake body still got a few kicks.

"Ha, now you know how good I am?"

Dou coldly snorted. But Naruto, who has to admit, is indeed very strong.

Because of Xie Chen's rise, Naruto's light was completely overshadowed, and people no longer value him. In contrast, Dou pays more attention to Sasuke, who has been fighting on his own. He didn't expect that this kind of contempt made him suffer a big loss! ..


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