Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 251: First disadvantage

What was even more shocking to Madara was that when he was fighting with Senjuju, he could not find the real Chakra Tree when he saw him using this trick. It wasn't until later that I transplanted the cells between the thousand hands pillars and mastered the power of Mu Dun to understand its true essence.

And how did Xie Chen do it now!

Fortunately, Madara's power still stabilized his chakra, but his Arboretum ninjutsu was destroyed, and he could no longer suppress the entire battlefield.

"Originally, I just wanted to resolve the dispute between us in a more peaceful way, but it seems that you don’t appreciate it very much. In that case, let me send you to **** by myself! Only then, Only then can you understand the value of heaven!"

"Suzano can be!"

A huge Suzuonoh appeared around Madara, and a powerful force was gaining momentum.

Although it was in the same state, Uchiha Madara's Susano power clearly overwhelmed Sasuke and Itachi.

No, to be precise, the two can hardly be compared, and Madara's power far exceeds the level they can reach.

"Hey, what is going on. Uchiha Madara's power seems to be more terrifying than the legendary!"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, Ohnoki has also played against this man. According to his description, Uchiha Madara is extremely terrifying, but it is not so powerless as we are now. I originally estimated his strength. It should be at the same level as Payne and other masters."

Originally, all the ninjas of the Ninja Union Army had extreme confidence in Xie Chen's victory, but seeing Uchiha Madara's ninjutsu and current strength from his appearance to the present, it was completely different from that power.

Tsunade even felt that even if the shadow-class old immortals in front of him were tied together, they were not as scary as Uchiha Madara!

Master Xie Chen, can you really win this time?

"Take care of yourself! As I said, as long as you are not attacked by Madara, try to take the battlefield as far away as possible!" Xie Chen said coldly, and at the same time blessed himself with strength enhancement, defense enhancement and reaction speed enhancement.

"Doo, if you continue to hide your strength, then you are the first person I want to kill right now!" Uchiha Madara also took Xie Chen's strength more squarely, and looked at Doudou and warned.

"What?" Doudou's eyes condensed and looked at Uchiha Madara coldly, unexpectedly he would talk to himself like this.

"Hmph, don't think that you can control me with the power of reincarnating from the dirty soil. An ant like you doesn't understand the difference in power at all!"

Uchiha Madara faintly made a handprint: "Reincarnation of the dirty soil! Solution!"

Doudou seemed to sense something, and his face became more ugly. After hesitating, a smile appeared on his face again, but the smile at this time was very different from before: "I understand, please rest assured, this time I will definitely With all my strength, even if some people can get rid of this battlefield, I can maintain the overall situation."

"Very good! I will kill this kid as soon as possible and join you. Xie Chen, let me see your strongest strength!"

"Magic shield! Point and line magic eye!"

Xie Chen rushed towards Uchiha Madara, while activating the dot-line magic eye, analyzing all his weaknesses.

With his hand touching the hilt of the magic sword, Xie Chen's speed became faster and faster! "Ha ha, have the courage!"

Seeing that this was clearly a decisive blow for the samurai, Uchiha Madara became serious. The pressure he felt was increasing, and it seemed that Xie Chen's attack might really threaten his safety.

With a cold snort, Uchiha Madara certainly wouldn't give Xie Chen such an opportunity. After all, this kid has the ability to teleport, who knows if he can dodge his unique trick at the most critical moment like bringing dirt.

"Fire escape! Dragon Flame Singing Technique!" Knowing that this move does not hurt Xie Chen, but Uchiha Madara's purpose is only to interfere with him, so that he can no longer maintain the state of concentrating all his heart and energy in a single knife.


Xie Chen cut out without hesitation.

That ray of sword light even cut through the invisible fire dragon. A dozen fire dragons had turned into invisible before they even touched Xie Chen.

Xie Chen knew that his energy had vented and he could no longer win with one move, so he immediately launched an instant shave, flashed by Uchiha Madara's counterattack again, and appeared behind him.

"Dark Arrow!"

"Magic sword! Elegy of disaster!"

He did what he did, first distracting Uchiha Madara's energy with the arrows of darkness, and then he slashed it down.

Although the power of this slash can't be the same as what he expected, if Madara is careless, he will be hurt by this slash.

"Wooden escape! The technique of giant wooden prison!"

Countless wooden roots grew crazily on the ground around them again, entangled in the mid-air Xie Li. Forcing him to use the Instant Shaving technique to escape again, but in this way his offensive was resolved.

"Fire escape! Tianlei Gouyuhuo!"

Uchiha Madara suddenly raised one hand to the sky, and a black ball of flame descended from the sky. When it was about to fall to the ground, it suddenly dispersed and turned into a black sea of ​​fire.

Although he could not tell where Xie Chen would appear, he could roughly sense his location. Therefore, he directly covered the entire location, and no matter where Xie Chen appeared from, all would be burned to death!


Although this black flame is not immortal after it burns the target like Itachi's Amaterasu, it is also very powerful, and even the ground is melted away, looking shocking.

When the black flame dissipated, everyone saw a figure still standing in it.

Xie Chen coldly retracted his right palm. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have destroyed the chakra in the burning black flame at the fastest speed, and he might have really planted.

Uchiha Madara's strength is indeed well-deserved, and he is truly the biggest boss in the entire Naruto world after Kaguya.

However, there is still no fear on his face at this time, only such a powerful enemy can be considered a challenge to his own strength! Inspire your own progress! ..


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