Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 109: Seek to explain

"Of course it's true." Xie Chen said with a smile, vowing with his right hand.

Asuna pursed her lips and looked at him, nodded reluctantly, and said, "Well, I will let you go this time."

When Xie Chen heard the words, he put his hand down, then grabbed Asuna's hand and played with it slowly.

Tiabeilu sat aside, once again felt a deep weakness, and ignored him again. Such a show of affection is really...Although he has seen it many times, he still feels that he has received it. What to do with a knowing blow.

"Ahem, Asuna." Tiaberu put his hand to his mouth and coughed slightly before shouting.

"Tiabelu? What's the matter?" Asuna turned her head and looked at him, but still put her hand in Xie Chen's.

So, under the influence of Xie Chen, did he feel that there was nothing wrong with it? He murmured silently in his heart.

Then he sorted out his expressions and brought the topic back to the topic: "Is it time to talk about business now? There are plans for the subsequent incidents."

Asuna felt embarrassed when she heard Tiabelu’s words. She lowered her head slightly and glanced at Xie Chen with complaining eyes. Then, she continued with Tiaberu’s words and said: "Actually, I have been studying this before. Regarding the follow-up plan, after I analyzed all the relevant information, I had an idea, and after today’s event, I have confirmed my previous ideas."

Xie Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he sat up straight and looked at Asuna with burning eyes, and said, "Asuna, I know you will have a plan. Tell me soon."

Tiabelu reacted in the same way, with anticipation and excitement in his eyes.

But Asuna didn’t want them to express her thoughts immediately. Instead, she smiled helplessly and said with a hint of embarrassment: “Actually, I listed several plans on duty, but they are all because I overturned the reasons for this and that. Then, seeing the situation today, the plan I gave was..."

She glanced at Xie Chen and Tiabello from left to right, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in their hearts.

Asuna smiled slightly, and then said, "In fact, the best plan for this matter is that there is no plan."

"What?" Tiabeilu asked directly. After all, this answer really made his heart jump, and Wanqun was beyond his expectation.

However, Xie Chen was not surprised. Instead, he seriously thought about the meaning of Asuna’s words. He touched his chin, his eyes met Asuna’s gaze, and then slowly said, "You Means..." Before the words were finished, she looked at Asuna deeply.

Asuna greeted Xie Chen's gaze and slowly nodded: "Well, that's it.""Is this feasible? Will it be caught off guard?" Xie Chen thought a little bit.

Asuna shook her head and said, "No, at each stage, I am willing to make several preparations based on the status quo, so I can deal with it as I think about it. And with the passage of time, it will become more mature. "

Xie Chen nodded slowly, with a slightly long voice: "This way, it doesn't sound impossible."

The two of them talked tacitly between you and me, but Tiabeilu who was next to him fell into a deep weakness and madness. He watched the two people talk and the plan was almost finalized. , But he still didn't understand what they were talking about.

Although there is a vague idea, I still don't understand what they are talking about! Tiabeilu even started to abandon himself a bit. Is it because his IQ is so low that others can't understand it?

Although I wanted to ask Xie Chen what they were talking about, they had to worry about whether they would be despised. It's not enough to be shown affection, is it to be disgusted? This world is really, goodbye.

Xie Chen, who was in the opposite position of Tiabello, finally found his unit at this time. It clearly looked the same as usual, but why did he feel that his back and head were full of black air? What?

"Tiabelu, are you... okay." Xie Chen frowned slightly and asked, "What do you think of this plan?"

Tiabeilu smiled stiffly and answered calmly, but there was a deep resentment in the words: "What are you talking about? I don't understand the plan. Can you explain it in detail? ?"

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, his gaze happened to be in match with Asuna, they thought about it for a moment, and they remembered what happened just now, and then they knew why Tiabeilu behaved like this.

Xie Chen touched his nose. With the tacit understanding between him and Asuna, he naturally understood what she wanted to say from the expressions in his eyes and words, so he started chatting without pointing it out, but Tiabelu But it was impossible to transfer Asuna's whole mind from a sentence without beginning and end, so this result was caused.

Asuna was embarrassed and smiled at Tiabelu, because of Xie Chen's question, she also forgot Tiabelu, and now she was going to explain everything to Tiabelu.

"Well, it's actually like this." Asuna cleared her throat, and then began to say: "I didn't have a plan, I just didn't make any plans and act accordingly."

Tiabelu also put aside his emotions at this time. It was just a small episode. Now that he is talking about business, he will naturally not be like that again.

With a serious expression on his face, he thought about Asuna's words for a while, frowning slightly. Questioned: "Is this feasible?"

Asuna nodded and confirmed her thoughts: "It's feasible. In fact, there is no plan, nor is it really not making any preparations, but not doing anything deliberately, just like everyone here, what to do, Just do it."

"What to do, just do it?" Tiabeilu's eyes lit up slightly, and this sentence struck his heart directly, which seemed simple but contained many things. ..


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