Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 122: Don't eat my cooking

She blinked, felt the weight of her waist, and then noticed a slight breathing from the back of her neck. When did he come back? Asuna couldn't help but wonder.

The thought of getting up was dispelled by the shallow breathing behind him. Asuna glanced at the time. Just after eight o'clock in the evening, she probably slept for three hours.

Because she didn't want to alarm Xie Chen, Asuna lay there motionless, just sliding her fingers gently, sorting out her inventory, by the way, looking at her ingredients here, and thinking about the recipe for the evening. Well, last time Xie Chen almost gave her all the ingredients from him. I remember there were many good things in it, so I can consider eating it today.

Although her movements were small, Xie Chen still woke up. But it wasn't that Asuna's movements awakened, but the spirit was almost restored, and he woke up naturally.

As soon as Xie Chen woke up, Asuna noticed it. She turned her head and saw Xie Chen looking into her eyes, smiled, and then moved back and leaned against the bedside to sit up.

She said softly: "Wake up?"

Xie Chen let out a low "um", instead of sitting up like Asuna, but still lying there, just put both arms under her head, and then asked: "I'm doing Well?"

Asuna gently slid her finger, and said, "Looking at the ingredients, think about the recipe for the evening."

When Xie Chen heard it, he immediately sat up, stretched his head over Asuna's shoulder, and looked at the inventory interface in front of her.

Putting her chin on Asuna’s shoulder, she said, “I think it’s pretty good. This meat is good. I remember it was delicious last time and I was hungry. There is also this, it’s okay. They are all delicious too..." The finger directly replaced Asuna's finger and pointed on it.

Asuna did not organize, but discussed with Xie Chen with interest: "This meat? Do you want to eat stewed or roasted? Let me take a look at these, um, you can make one dish and one soup, recipe If you do, wait for me to look through it for you."

Xie Chen smiled in satisfaction, then stretched out his hand to wrap Asuna's waist and said, "Okay."

Asuna smiled helplessly, but there was always a happy expression inside.

After Asuna tuned out the recipes of the dishes she could cook, Xie Chen blinked. These were a bit beyond his expectation, because there were too many!

Since Xie Chen entered SAO, to be honest, apart from various sword skills and his own collection skills, he really didn't pay attention to other life skills.

, Even if I often see Asuna cooking, I know that she can cook many kinds of dishes, but I have never seen it so intuitively.

After staring at so many recipes for a while, Xie Chen turned his head and stared at her with a serious look and said: "Asuna. I have one thing, a very important thing."

Asuna is a little confused, Xie Chen is like this, what's the matter? So she also put on a serious expression, preparing herself to listen to what Xie Chen said.

"I'm here, just talk about it." Asuna's lips pursed.

"This matter is very important, it will affect our future life situation, the impact will be especially long. So, you must be psychologically prepared." Xie Chen said with a serious face, and then a trace of imperceptible joke flashed under his eyes. .

When Asuna heard the words, her expression became more solemn, and her hands began to squeeze together unconsciously, "What's the matter, you, stop talking." "From tomorrow, no, tonight, let’s eat the dishes one by one."

Asuna: "Huh?", then "...", and finally "!"

"Is that all?" Asuna raised her eyebrows, frowning slightly.

Xie Chen nodded: "Yes."

"You have such a serious expression, I thought it was something big, but you just thought of eating..." Asuna didn't know what expression to use to face Xie Chenhao, usually wise and decisive. Where is the wise morning?

Seeing Asuna's reaction, Xie Chen laughed at once, laughing until she felt a little pain alone.

Seeing Xie Chen's reaction, Asuna didn't understand that he was deliberately acting on her own. She sank her face, and then a little embarrassed she picked up the pillow beside her and threw it at Xie Chen.

"You give me out! Not only do you want to eat the food I cooked tonight!" Asuna said loudly, staring.

Xie Chen didn't know when he moved from the bed to the floor. The pillow was in the focus of the two people's eyes, and then it fell exactly ten centimeters in front of Xie Chen.

Asuna's mouth tightened, and her hands holding the quilt tightened a lot.

She stared at Xie Chen badly, picked up another pillow casually, aimed at it, and threw it out firmly.

This time Xie Chen didn't hide. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the pillow fell into his hand obediently.

Asuna was silent, and then silently took out a spherical object, and threw it over as Xie Chen was thinking about walking to the door.

This time it’s not as deadly as a pillow, so the spherical object hits the door directly, and the purple hexagonal light film keeps flashing, and it says "Indestructible Items" on it. The thing was broken directly into pieces, the red sap dripped down the door, and then shattered and disappeared in the next second.

In fact, that thing was a tomato that Asuna picked out.

Asuna watched Jiang Xiechen go out, and hummed a little, then sat down again, her face relaxed, and even a smile appeared on her face thinking of Xie Chen's actions just now.

This person is really naive sometimes. Asuna thought.

Then, the door slowly opened, and Xie Chen's face appeared in the crack of the door.

Asuna remembered that she was still angry, so she straightened her face again and stared at Xie Chen without saying a word.

Xie Chen saw that she didn't do anything else, so he opened the door in relief, then coughed, touched her nose and said in embarrassment, "That, Asuna."

Asuna said in a cool tone, "What are you doing?"..


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