Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 138: too weak

Lights and shadows of various colors were chaotic, and there was no trace of traces from Xie Chen's body. So those people found that they had been attacking but did not care about causing any harm to Xie Chen. This result left them stunned.

Silica had already closed her eyes worriedly, and then she couldn't bear to open a slit and looked over, only to find that Xie Chen's attendant was unscathed. This discovery made her feel joyful and completely let go of her heart.

Xie Chen seemed to smile, although he was besieged, but his eyes were looking at you, the woman outside the circle.

"Well, what's going on? Why is it useless at all?" a person yelled out in horror.

Other people feel the same, they are like attacking the wall in the circle, which is of no use at all.

"It's not that people are NPCs, right!" someone shouted out.

The enchanting woman stood on the side and saw Xie Chen like this, she knew she had encountered hard stubble, but it was impossible to ask for reconciliation at this point, so she had to run this way!

A gloomy light flashed in her eyes, and then she shouted loudly: "I don't believe it's useless, just give me big tricks!"

This may sound imposing, but as long as you see her eyes, you will know that it is in fact a stubborn slut, not to mention that she is still talking and moving back secretly, looking for a chance to escape.

At this time, Xie Chen took a step forward slowly, but this action shocked the people around him. They accidentally jumped a big step back, clenching their weapons and looking at him warily.

Xie Chen patted both arms lightly with his hands, as if patted away the dust, and then said: "Have you not seen it yet? Even if I stand here, you can't hurt me a bit, even I can't break my defenses, and want to teach me a lesson? That lady, don't you think?" Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and looked straight over.

The woman froze under his cold forehead in the twilight. She knew that she could not escape in front of this person. She calmed down and asked, "Who are you? There is nothing between us. Gratitude?"

"Of course not." Xie Chen said.

"Then, you let us go this time, and we promise that we won't trouble Silica again. How about we write off?" The woman heard Xie Chen's answer with a hint of joy, and then hurriedly offered her terms.

But Xie Chen looked at her, then smiled, with irony in his eyes, he said: "A write-off? What you think is too simple. What people like you say from the mouth, do you think I will believe?"

As soon as he said this, the woman's face turned dark, even the faces of those around her were not so good.

Seeing that Xie Chen wouldn't let them go, these people thought about running away. Anyway, if many of them are scattered, that person can only choose one of the directions to chase them, but who will be unlucky then is uncertain. Up. But just as someone turned around and wanted to escape, he was knocked to the ground by Xie Chen's hand.

It turned out that he directly hit the man's leg with a small throwing knife placed around his waist. Seeing that Xie Chen had such a handy hand, those people's hearts were jealous, and they carefully stepped back, hoping to find opportunities.

But Xie Chen didn't leave them any more time but directly activated a skill, Real Dream.

The corners of Xie Chen's mouth were slightly raised. Seeing those people who had fallen into the environment like this, he turned around and left. Although it was only a small effort to trap them in place, Xie Chen still felt overkill when dealing with them. Shaking his head, he went under the tree and stretched out his hands to Silica, and then shouted: "Silica, jump down, I will follow you."

Silica laughed unconsciously when she saw Xie Chen coming over. When she heard Xie Chen's words, she jumped down without any hesitation. This distance is actually not dangerous to her. If she falls down That is, a small amount of blood is lost, so she has nothing to fear. But since the elder brother said he would catch her, he would definitely. Silica thought this way. I don't know why. After seeing Xie Chen, she felt a sense of security, as if she was no longer alone in this world.

"Big brother, you are amazing!" Silica said, looking at Xie Chen with gleaming eyes, her voice full of admiration.

Xie Chen put her down and said: "It's okay, those people are too weak."

"Just now, what was the situation? Why didn't their attack have any effect on you?" Silica tilted her head and asked curiously.

There is nothing that can't be said about this kind of thing, so Xie Chen quickly told Silica: "Because their attack power was too weak, they didn't break the defense at all, so all the attacks were neutralized."

"Such a strong defense!" Silica's eyes slowly became amazed, and she couldn't help but reach out and poked Xie Chen's armor. The dark and dark armor edges were coarsely engraved with fine and complex dark red patterns. It's not Fanpin.

Xie Chen explained with a smile: "Actually, the armor is the second place. The real reason is that their level is so different from mine. Do you know the MMO of the SAO hierarchy?"

Silica nodded.

Xie Chen continued to explain: "Under the hierarchical MMO, even without this layer of defense, the damage they can cause to me is very limited, and there is not as much automatic response as me, so even if I stand and let them chop for a day, Nothing at all."

Silica's eyes are already full of admiration, and it has reached this level. How high should that level be? I heard that the predecessors on the front line are all at level 70.

"I'm about sixty-five right now." Xie Chen glanced at the number on the side of the HP slot next to it, there was a bright number, seventy-two, and then said.

After Xie Chen answered, Silica realized that she had said everything she thought. She blushed immediately, but soon she was no longer ashamed. Instead, she stared at Xie Chen without blinking. In my heart, I calculated how much difference between his current level and Xie Chen's level.

My eldest brother is at level 65, and I was only at level 36, and it was actually at level 29, no wonder those people had nothing to do with him. ..


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