Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 140: Starry sky

The day before was an extremely rare leisure time for Xie Chen, but he finally took a leave of absence from Asuna.

So he casually went to a place with a nice view and not many people, but he still ran into something unexpectedly. Fortunately, it was not a troublesome thing. After the solution was over, I continued to relax and think about nothing.

After closing my eyes, I put all the things in my heart down, my mind calmed down and became empty. After that, various thoughts floated out and then disappeared suddenly. He recalled the people and things he had experienced before, different worlds, different people. Although he has only stayed in this world for a short time, it may be because the rhythm is too fast, as if a long time has passed. Many things in the past would not appear in his mind if they were not deliberately thought of. .

This is indeed a sparsely populated place, so Xie Chen still lay there peacefully when the sky was dark, until a little bit of stars appeared on the dark sky. Although it was false, it still made people look at it. There was a momentary shaking of mind.

Xie Chen, who was completely awake, suddenly had an impulse, and there was a burst of heat in his already somewhat slack heart. He wanted to see what the real starry sky was like, and for this goal, he had to work harder.

Xie Chen stood up with a carp, stretched his waist and glanced at the starry sky, then turned and left without reluctance. No matter how good it looks, it is fake.

The day passed quickly, and Xie Chen also returned to the guild’s headquarters. Compared to before, the atmosphere of the current headquarters looks a little more rigorous. Because of the faster development, more effort has been put in management. Do your best to keep the Demon Knights in a stable and harmonious state.

Thanks to the efforts of Asuna and Tiabelu, together with the leader of Xie Chen, the situation of the guild has always been relatively good.

What is Xie Chen up to now? In addition to playing the BOSS, I was preparing to fight the BOSS. In the remaining time, I was collecting ingredients, looking for clues to inheritance tasks, paying attention to Heathcliff's movements, and then squeezing time to deal with some guild work.

The busy schedule for more than a month before actually made him a little irritable, but it was just suppressed.

In fact, it's not just him, many people are the same, but what's better than them is that at least those players still have their rotations while the senior management is not so good.

After coming back this time, Xie Chen was refreshed and regained his vitality and motivation. He made a decision. Unless something is extremely urgent, he will implement a rotation system in the future. After a period of time, he will take a vacation and adjust his physical state and mood. , This way is good for the individual and the guild.

In fact, Asuna and Tiabeilu have been very busy and under great pressure, so they did not put forward any opinions on Xie Chen’s decision but quickly arranged the specific rotation schedule. After all, Xie Chen’s status They are all in their eyes, and the current situation also determines that the rotation system must be worked out, otherwise, sooner or later, the guild will have problems.

As soon as this system came out, it was supported by all members of the guild. As a result, the cohesion and enthusiasm of the guild increased more and more fun, so after a period of time, the efficiency of various work of the guild not only did not decrease, but was slightly better than before. Promote.

But this is all for the future, and now Xie Chen has just decided on this matter and then raised it.

Four days later, the guarding BOSS on the forty-fourth floor was defeated. This time it was eight days since the last time.

But if this progress continues, the entire time will be enough. So Xie Chen's mind relaxed a little, and there was no tension before.

On the 45th floor of Aincrad, some people were running around. Their ranks are relatively high, and at such times, they are the ones who come here. It will take at least half a month to get busy here.

Because the advancing speed is too fast, the most lively part of Aincrad now is down the thirty-fifth floor, and the upper levels are still developing bit by bit.

Therefore, the higher you go, the fewer people, but the evil people who are capable of being at the top are all powerful people. Over time, it has become a peculiar distribution.

Xie Chen has just returned from the front line. The headquarters of the Demon Knights has not changed. It is in Tuft, so this layer is still the most lively layer of all the layers, and it is also the layer with more high-level people. After all, They are the strongest guild.

In fact, their headquarters is indeed a bit low compared to the level of customs clearance, but whether it is Xie Chen, Asuna or Tiabello, they have no intention of relocating.

Because under the influence of Xie Chen, they have decided to wait until the end of this task to move. Anyway, there is less than a month before the last step is in place. And now there really is not so much time and energy to do this.

According to Xie Chen's idea, they can move directly to Floria, which is the 47th floor, and the scenery is particularly good. So wait now.

"Senior, when will the next action be?" Kirito asked, walking beside Xie Chen.

Xie Chen touched his chin and said, "Within this week."

Kirito paused for a while, then scratched his hair and said, "Then, senior, can I ask for a leave."

Xie Chen blinked and remembered that it seemed that Kirito hadn't rested for a long time, thinking that there should be nothing urgent in these two days, so he agreed: "Okay, then there is no need to come here today and tomorrow. It's a day and a half. Fake, take a good rest."

Hearing Xie Chen's answer, Kirito smiled and stretched out, sighing with emotion: "It's great, it's really unaccustomed to be busy for such a long time."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "Tired?"

Kirito nodded and said: "Yes, although SAO is indeed a virtual world dominated by combat, we are actually living here."


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