Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 192: discuss

"Hey, who knows? It is said that this level is more troublesome than the first level. I really don't know what I will encounter in the future. I hope such a wife can end soon." Asuna said lowly.

Lisbet did not answer the conversation immediately, but thoughtfully said: "Actually, life now is not that bad, don't you think?"

"What?" Asuna wondered if she didn't understand Lisbeth's words.

Lisbeth smiled and said, "That's right, Asuna, take a look, what is the difference between the people here now and when they first started? It has only been less than a year, but everyone seems They are all used to life now, no one has been desperately trying to make a strategy and then return to reality."

Asuna was taken aback, and then slowly nodded, and said, "Liz, you are right. Compared with reality, life now is more dangerous, but there seems to be nothing wrong. Maybe it’s much simpler and cleaner than the real world."

Lisbey agrees with Asuna's words: "Asuna, what you said is absolutely right. When I first started here, I was thinking about going back to the real world because I couldn't find me living here. What’s the meaning of, so I always wanted to go back. But after I met you and joined the guild, my life changed. I don’t even remember to think about it when I go about it every day."

After listening to Lisbeth, Asuna couldn't help but remembered the life before entering this world, the life of the group eldest lady, compared with the current life. Although it has only been less than a year, she feels like a long time has passed, and some details can’t even be remembered clearly. If it weren’t for Lisbeth to mention it, she wouldn’t think of things in the real world, just like It is the same as forgotten.

The corner of Asuna's mouth was slightly tilted, and she said with a smile: "Human resilience is very strong. You can see how many people have changed from students or office workers in less than a year. A warrior with weapons, you have also become an ironman."

"What's a striker, Asuna!" Lisbet frowned when she heard it, pouting her clothes and looking unhappy, "I'm a foundry, do you understand!"

"But aren't you hitting iron every day?" Asuna blinked, teasing her deliberately. "

"You, I really didn't tell you." Lisbeth folded her arms and sat back angrily.

A smile flashed in Asuna's eyes, and she waved her hand and said, "Okay, Master Foundry, don't be angry, please have another cake."

Lisbeth’s face changed and she said, “I want to eat tiramisu. Ah, in fact, the biggest advantage in SAO is that you won’t get fat no matter how you eat it, right? I don’t know how I am in reality. How's your body going? Will you lose weight if you infuse nutrients every day." Tiramisu is a kind of cake sold in SAO, the name is not this, but because of the taste, color and lifting Misu is very similar so everyone still calls it that way.

A trace of confusion flashed in Asuna's eyes, and she said softly, "It should be. After all, if you stay in bed for a long time, the muscles that are not massaged will shrink and degenerate. Even when we return to reality, it is estimated that we will be like Little babies have learned to walk."

Lisbeth tapped her chin with her hand and said, "Ah, that sounds unfavourable. But when I want to return to reality, I won't be able to strike iron anymore, and I'm quite disappointed."

Asuna smiled slightly and said, "Liz, you said that, when we people really return to reality, we may not be able to integrate into society anymore, or it is difficult. After all, the rules and reality of life here It's not the same at all."

"That's right..." Lisbey sighed with her head. Then neither of them was talking, and the atmosphere fell silent for a while. The world in SAO becomes a red name even if it is a murder. There is no police, but the reality is different. And more importantly, almost everyone here is relying on martial arts. The life of fighting almost every day has become the norm, and it can be said that strength is respected here, and people with high levels can always get more respect. .

After returning to reality, he loses his strong strength, and no matter who it is, he will feel that the gap is huge. These are the main things, and there are also living habits. They can run long and jump high when they run and jump. It won't matter if they jump from a place that is not particularly high, but if they are still subconscious in reality, The result is not so good, there are all kinds of small habits, it is not so easy to reintegrate into the real world.

After a while, Asuna opened her mouth to break the silence and said, "Well, now we say that this is of no use. If we want to return to reality or have a long way to go, I don’t know when things will happen. Think about what is right now."

"For example, you're going to the 63rd floor of the Raiders in a while?" Lisbet blinked and said playfully.

Asuna's face collapsed at the mention of this. The strategy this time was really troublesome, and she actually thought of avoiding it. But in the end she stood up, sighed and said, "Forget it, I still have to stay on the front line anyway. As a member of the frontline strategy team, I shouldn't shrink back. The time is almost there. Then I will first Gone." Asuna smiled and waved Lisbeth, and then left.

"I wish you a smooth strategy~" Lisbeth smiled and waved her hand to Asuna. After Asuna's figure disappeared, Lisbeth remembered that Asuna did not check out! Also, the cake for her!

Lisbeth stood angrily on the spot. After a while, he laughed out loud and said: "Forget it, this time I'll treat you as if it was me, for the sake of your recent troubles. The cake will be ready with you next time we meet."..


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