Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 16: New teacher

"Why? Are you afraid of him?" A slammed the case and asked viciously, "You are afraid of him, but I am not afraid!"

"A, I just want to avoid unnecessary casualties." Ryoko Tamiya glanced at him, then retracted his gaze, looked at the photo of Xie Chen on the projection, and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Now, it's almost time to go back. Up."

"It's time." Another man in a suit also said.

"Why? Did something happen?" Someone asked without understanding.

Tamiya Ryoko explained: "Now that we know the specific situation of this person, we have a way to deal with it. According to intelligence, he is not a bloodthirsty person, maybe we have the possibility of cooperating with him."

"If his ability is really like what the intelligence says, I have no objection. But will he cooperate with us?"

Tamiya Ryoko's words did not provoke a backlash from the people present, because they are parasitic beasts, and killings between the same species are normal. Those = dead species have no meaning or touch to them.

Tamiya Ryoko got up, and before turning around, he heard the sentence just now: "This question, just try it."

When Xie Chen didn't know, a group of parasitic beasts were about to return. What kind of results would this bring? No one knows.

At this time Xie Chen had just finished hunting, and his current location was far away from his home, so he didn't bother to rush back, but found a hotel to live in.

Looking at the pale horizon, Xie Chen closed his eyes and began to rest. This day was a weekend, so he didn’t worry about school matters anymore, and he was going to take a week’s leave for hunting. After all, it would be too hard to go back and forth. He also wanted to take this opportunity to observe what the situation in other regions was like.

What Xie Chen didn't expect was that he saw unexpected people after returning to school.

On this day, the parasitic beasts headed by Ryoko Tamiya returned to the city where Xie Chen’s school was located. After some handovers, they all settled down properly. Although they left before, they did not give up on this place. Business.

Ryoko Tamiya smoothly became a teacher in Xie Chen's school. Because of caution, she is the only one who has entered the school.

After the return, they have been paying attention to Xie Chen’s movements, but unexpectedly, Xie Chen did not show up the following week, and judging from the scattered news from other places, they knew that Xie Chen was Moved to another city for hunting.

In fact, they don't have to be in this city, but they have invested a lot before, and if they change a place, they will start all over again, and it is difficult to find such a suitable candidate. She watched the TV, which was broadcasting the news that the mayoral campaign was about to start soon.

"I hope the plan will succeed." She said softly.

At the freshman rally, Shinichi tried to yawn in a daze, but Xiaoyou reminded him with a stern voice: "Shinichi, my kind has appeared."

"What?!" Shinichi immediately became sober, and immediately surprised, trying to look around in horror, "Who is it? Where?" "Don't move, you will be exposed."

Under the reminder of Xiaoyou, Xinsheng stopped moving, and then communicated with Xiaoyou in a low voice: "Do you know where it is?"

"According to my perception, it is in that direction." Xiaoyou pointed out a direction to Xinyi.

Looking in the direction of Xiaoyouzhan, he saw the podium. The people on it were all teachers and leaders of the school, could it be among them?

He swallowed, and then said, "The school teacher, is it parasitic?"

"It's still not certain. If it hadn't been parasitized recently, it would have appeared today." If it had been parasitized before, it must have been discovered long ago.

Izumi Shinichi looked at the podium nervously, but tried his best to keep his eyes and expressions in a normal state, no different from the students around him. Only in this way can he ensure his safety to the greatest extent.

While he was guessing who it was with Xiaoyou, the principal spoke: "Teacher Tamiya is here to speak."

"Teacher Tamiya?" Quan Xinyi raised his head, a little surprised. Why hasn't he heard of this teacher?

"This is a new teacher. Just now, Xinyibi didn't know what was thinking and didn't hear it." Xiaoyou said.

Then Quan Xinyi said, "It turns out to be a new teacher..." As soon as the voice fell, he thought of a possibility, "The newcomer, Xiaoyou, isn't it her?"

Xiao You's answer confirmed his thoughts: "Yes, it is her."

As Tamiya Ryoko walked to the middle step by step, the eyes of the students below also moved with her, and the surrounding discussion voices one after another, nothing more than talking about the appearance and temperament of this new teacher.

Contrary to what the classmates thought, Quan Shinichi was very nervous now, and parasitic beasts appeared in the school!

Tamiya Ryoko scanned the students below, and she sensed the existence of the same kind among these people, but because there were too many people, she didn't find who it was, and could only determine a rough location. But this matter did not arouse her much attention, anyway, she will always find out later. What she cares more about is not seeing Xie Chen among these students.

Izumi Shinichi accidentally caught her eyes when observing Ryoko Tamiya, then immediately lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyou, what should I do now?"

"Don't worry, depending on the situation, she wants to integrate into human society, so she won't do it in school, which means that everyone around her is safe now." Xiaoyou analyzed.

"Yes, is that right?" Quan Xinyi was still nervous now.

"It should be so right." Xiaoyou said, and then after analyzing what he knew, he continued, "I just don't know what her purpose is, but for the time being, it seems that you and your classmates will have nothing. Danger."..


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