Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Battle of Izumi Shinichi

"That person..." Quan Xinyi's first thought was Xie Chen, but hearing the meaning of the parasitic beast in front of him, Xie Chen hadn't come back yet? He remembered the tactics Xiao You had just told him, and touched the steel pipe pinned in the belt behind him. Xiao You is responsible for the defense, and then he seizes the opportunity to attack. This way, it should work.

Almost instantly, Xiao You fought with A, and the gray-white blade with metallic luster brought white light in the air. The sound of "ding ding dong dong" metal collision is endless. The three tentacles that are fighting against each other move extremely fast, and I can't see the trajectory of them against each other with Quan Shinichi's eyesight. He can only cheer himself up in his heart, and then Walk forward little by little.

But because of Xie Chen, Quan Xinyi and Xiao You, who should have seen various parasitic beasts and fought with them, have almost no combat experience now.

Fortunately, Xiaoyou said that even if he had never fought, the fighting factor in his nature would not degenerate due to this. But Quan Xinyi is different, because he hasn't experienced those things, so his current psychological endurance is far from what it was in the original plot.

Because of his hesitation, after Xiao You's physical strength gradually consumed a lot, he still did not make an attack.

Xiao You gradually lost his support, although A also consumed a lot, but because of Xiao You's special circumstances, the situation would be detrimental to them if the delay continued.

Izumi Shinichi knew this too, he gritted his teeth, and then made up his mind. As he walked forward step by step, the glass where they met suddenly shattered, and a figure appeared in the middle of A and Izumi Shinichi. The three tentacles that had been fighting quickly were firmly controlled.

Xie Chen was delayed for a while because of some things, but he didn't expect to see such a situation after returning to school.

A large number of students gathered in front of the teaching building were on the radio regardless of what was being broadcast. This fight showed that the scene he didn't want to see happened happened.

"It's such a coincidence. I just left for a week, and this happened just today." Xie Chen's face sank. He didn't know how far the matter was now, and he couldn't be sure it was. It’s not like in the original book that the students in the school are all fine, in case there is a massacre...

But after he arrived at school, he relaxed a little, because from the expressions of the students, there should be no horrible things happening. Xie Chen avoided the gathering place, but walked around from the side. At his speed, no one saw anyone entering.

And Xie Chen found the position of A and Quan Xinyi almost immediately. He immediately discovered that Quan Xin was in some embarrassment. In order to protect the students in this school from harm, that is to protect Quan Xin. One, so he jumped straight up, broke in through the window, and stopped the fight for the first time.

Quan Xinyi watched Xie Chen falling from the sky almost dumbfounded. After being surprised, he relaxed. He said to Xie Chen: "Xie Chen, you finally showed up. This person suddenly appeared in the school, and it seemed that the target was you." Compared with A, Xie Chen can obviously rely on and believe in his heart.

And A and Xiao You's attention was focused on another aspect, they looked at the tentacles sticking out from behind Xie Chen. It was these tentacles that pulled them out of the battle.

This kind of thing can’t be done casually. The speed at which they are fighting against each other can’t even be seen clearly by ordinary people, let alone separating them. The same is true for parasitic beasts. Their abilities are at best. It is limited to fighting, but they can't separate the two sides almost instantly like this.

"Xie Chen." A said Xie Chen's name, and then continued, "Sure enough, it's the same as the profile, it's very dangerous."

Xie Chen's eyes narrowed, information? It seems that they were investigating themselves when he didn't know it. No wonder they haven't seen those people all the time. It seems that they are deliberately avoiding him.

Xie Chen recognized his identity when he first saw A, except for factors such as looks that have no reference value, it is inferred from the plot. In this place, the person who fought against Quan Shinichi is obviously male, and it is very likely to be A. So, Tamiya Ryoko also appeared?

Xie Chen loosened the restraint of Xiao You's Lin He, then turned to look at A, and said to the person behind him: "Hurry up and get together. Just leave it to me here."

Quan Xinyi hesitated and said: "Can you? You..." He was a little worried, and it wouldn't be nice to leave Xie Chen here alone like this.

Xiao You directly said: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Then he told Quan Xinyi about you, "Xinyi, let's go."

"Go straight?" Quan Xinyi still hesitated, Xiao You explained to him: "You should have noticed just now. He directly separated us in the fighting state. This kind of combat power is far above ours, so he There will be no problem, but you will get in the way here."

"Is that so?" Quan Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then after thinking about it, it really was like this. At the same time, he was more puzzled about Xie Chen's identity. He couldn't even see the trajectory of Xiaoyou and the others when they fought, but Xie Chen was able to directly control both sides. This strength is beyond the scope of human beings. .

After taking a look at Xie Chen's bald back after taking back Lin He, he swallowed, and then said: "Then, I will leave first. Be careful yourself."

Xie Chen waved his hand and said nothing.

"He actually left." A was a little unhappy about Quan Xinyi's departure, but he didn't do anything. He looked at Xie Chen and said, "But it's not too late to solve you and it's not too late to find him. Your strength seems to be very strong." The last sentence he said was to face the eyes of Xie Chen.

Xie Chen chuckled and said, "Mr. A, right?"..


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