Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 30: Find

"With the increase of time, the ability has gradually become stronger." Xie Chen said with squinting eyes. Judging from some things he discovered recently, the methods of parasitic beasts have become closer and closer to humans, and many of them have lost the rigidity and rigidity that they had just started, and have become more flexible. Xie Chen knows their terrifying learning ability, so some of them have been fully integrated into human society in this not-so-short period of time, and there is no difference from the outside.

"The mission of hunting parasitic beasts has gained 79 points. It seems that the points scored recently are much higher on average than before." Xie Chen touched his chin and studied, "I think it's because their abilities have become stronger recently. Come on." Xie Chen was lying on the bed, and the computer on the table next to him was playing these reports on murders and corpses, all from other regions. Because there will be no gains when going out, he also takes a break and thinks about what he should do next.

"It shouldn't work if I go far away now, I will give them a good opportunity, in case something happens when I'm away that causes the mission to fail, it won't be good." Xie Chen denied the matter of going out hunting, but changed his mind." But since they have figured out a way to get me to leave, they must be planning something. If I don't get the plan, there will definitely be other plans. It's better to plan the plan and see what they want to do. Then it can be true. If there is any situation, it will be possible to transfer the crystal back. As for the whistleblower, will there be others besides him?"

Xie Chen made up his mind, and after thinking about what to do, he relaxed a little, and said with a smile on his lips: "But I am not sleepy at all now. It's time to go out early to buy something to eat. I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time. "

Touched his stomach, Xie Chen decided to go out.

When he walked out of the apartment door, a cleaner who passed by the service desk saw him. After confirming that Xie Chen had left, he turned on the intercom and said something to the person on the other end. After speaking, he smiled and said, "It's so easy to make money, haha. I can have a good meal again after I go back."

Xie Chen didn't know what happened behind his back, so that's why his movements were monitored and it was still unclear. The people who looked at him were people who appeared frequently, and he didn't need to know Xie Chen's specific movements, as long as he knew his general direction and the area where he was. In addition to these, it is sufficient to monitor through intersections.

Because he didn't think about it, he didn't find it. But one day such surveillance will be discovered. Xie Chen stood on the road with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a cold flash in his eyes. He has been under surveillance for so long without notice!

He smiled coldly at a camera at the entrance of a park. The camera has already moved in his direction. Do you really think he won't find it? Lifting his finger slightly, the glass of the camera was smashed by something, and the lens and wiring inside were also destroyed.

The park ranger who watched the camera saw that the picture suddenly went dark, jumped down, and immediately got up to check and found that there was nothing wrong with it. He just drank saliva just now, why suddenly there is no signal?

Thinking of what he was doing before the picture was broken, there was a faint guess in his heart. Sure enough, after adjusting the picture before the entrance of the park, he saw a boy in black walking past the door, and then glanced in the direction of the camera, then the monitor screen went black.

He knew that young man, someone asked him to stare at him, asked him to pay attention to the general movement of this young man, and then reported it to everyone. After confirmation, he would be paid every time. He has been doing this for a short period of time. During this period of time, he has seen Xie Chen three times. The first two times he successfully got the money, the last time was this time. Although I don't know what the identity of this young man is, it is definitely not an ordinary person who can be stared at like this.

Judging from the picture just now, he must have been discovered by the boy. The administrator let out a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, he chose safety among money and personal safety. So he decided not to say anything, and what happened tonight was deemed to have not happened.

Now that he knew that he was being monitored, Xie Chen also noticed many details that he had neglected before. The camera was facing him at the intersection, the eyes of the apartment cleaner, and some pedestrians that seemed normal but slightly strange. action.

Xie Chen snorted in his heart, he finally knew what he was faintly feeling awkward recently. However, although Xie Chen was angry, he was not impatient, because he vaguely felt that the purpose of the parasitic beasts was to watch him prevent him from becoming prey when he hunted again.

In fact, Xie Chen still feels that they are developing well in the human world, and now they have learned to use methods other than violent accidents to achieve their goals.

Although he is not very angry, it does not mean that he can tolerate such behavior. So what Xie Chen did was to express his anger directly to the parasitic beasts.

When he went out again, Xie Chen walked out of the house as before. Because today is the weekend, he did not take the usual path.

People who noticed his movements reported the incident, and it was the same along the way. But I don't know when they lost Xie Chen's trace.

However, this situation has attracted the attention of the people above, because such things often happen, and after losing his track, he will be found in another place soon.

But this time it was a little different from what they thought. They were a little anxious after waiting for no news. It was not until forty minutes later that they finally reported the matter to their superiors. ..


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