Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 39: wrong person

Hideo Shimada looked at him for a while, then didn't say a word, turned around and left, waved to him when he left, and said, "Waiting for your news, see you tomorrow."

Quan Xinyi looked at the back of him leaving, his expression unclear, his lips pressed tightly, and he said to Xiaoyou: "What should I do?" Now he has not experienced the murder of his mother by the parasitic beast and the injury of his heart in the original plot. A series of events that merged with Xiaoyou, so now he does not express his own skepticism about the coexistence of humans and parasitic beasts as clearly as the original book.

Xiao You said cautiously: "Only half of what he said is audible, but can't you still discuss it with others?"

"That's right, I'll call Xie Chenjun now. It's strange that I suddenly ran to school for this kind of thing." Quan Xinyi took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, and he heard it not far ahead. Some familiar shouts.

Kana was standing at the corner of the road, waiting with joy and a little excitement for the man's arrival, her heart telepathy told her that he was going to pass here soon.

The moment he turned, she jumped out excitedly and shouted, "Jun Quan!"

But when she saw it clearly, she realized that she had admitted the wrong person! She scratched her cheek strangely, and muttered, "Is it my feeling wrong?"

Shimada's hearing is much stronger than human hearing, so he keenly heard Kana's self-talk. He said with some interest: "Induction?"

"Ah, nothing. I just confessed to the wrong person." Kana said with some embarrassment, waving his hand, "I'm really sorry."

But Hideo Shimada changed the subject: "Do you know Izumi Shinichi?"

"Ah, yes." Kana was stunned, then nodded.

"Is there anything similar to Izumi Shinichi? You can actually mistake me for him." Shimada asked Hideo.

Kanai pouted: "So I'm sorry to say that I have admitted the wrong person."

"Interesting." He looked at Kana, tilted his head thinking about this.


Kanai watched in horror as the boy pulled his arm and walked forward, and said as he walked: "Interesting examples, take them back and study them."

Kana struggled backwards, but couldn't get away. Just as she was frightened, she heard a moan coming from behind, "What are you doing?!" Izumi Shinichi just ran to the intersection and saw Hideo Shimada who was pulling Kana, and he couldn't help frowning: "What do you want to do while holding her?"

Seeing Izumi Shinichi, Shimada stopped moving forward, and the strength in his hands was somewhat relaxed. Kana took advantage of this opportunity to break free of his restraint, and ran behind Quan Shinichi: "I just admitted the wrong person, and he kept dragging me away!"

Seeing Izumi Shinichi, Hideo Shimada stood up straight and said to him, "I just want to study her abilities. I have no other intentions."

Quan Xinyi frowned and said, "No matter what you are here for, you'd better not hurt anyone around me."

"I didn't mean that. I have already said that I will not hurt anyone when I bring it here. After all, I am now trying human food." Then his eyes keenly saw Quan Xinyi's grasping in his hand. On the dialing interface on the phone screen, the name on it made his eyes flash, and he said, "But since you are here, then I will leave first. See you tomorrow."

Shimada Hideo left, Izumi Shinichi's brows frowned and his eyes flickered. He looked back at Kana and pursed his lips.

Kana has been watching the dialogue between Izumi Shinichi and Shimada from now on. The dialogue between them was a little strange, and she couldn't help but notice. Seeing him looking at himself, he immediately smiled and said, "Actually, I just recognized the wrong person without knowing what was going on. Obviously, I haven't missed the induction before."

"Induction?" Quan Xinyi was helpless, is this again?

Kana nodded: "Yes, I said I had telepathy with you, you should already know it. No matter where it is, I can sense your location as long as you are near me, but I don't know what happened this time. , Something went wrong." She said with some confusion, and then smiled again, "But it's not a mistake, didn't you come later."

Izumi Shinichi, who didn't care about Kana's telepathy theory before, changed his mind this time. This induction may not be a good thing. The induction she said should be the kind of electric waves between the parasitic beasts. It may be due to spiritual reasons or other reasons. In short, what Kana felt was the radio waves emitted by the parasitic beasts. The location is because of the small right. And the reason why it went wrong today is because of the appearance of the parasitic beast Shimada Hideo.

He pursed his mouth, then said to Kana: "Kana, you don't need to rely on telepathy in the future. This is not a good thing."

"What?" Kana was surprised, then a little angry, and finally smiled and said to Quan Shinichi, "What are you talking about, is this obviously the special feeling between me and you."

Quan Xinyi shook his head and said, "Actually, what you sense is just a kind of radio waves from the crowd, and they are dangerous. You'd better stay away from them."

"Dangerous person?" Kana nodded his chin. "So, are you a dangerous person?"

"..." Quanxin paused, and then said, "That's right, so you don't want to talk about this ability, and don't use it. It's probably not me but someone else. People are very dangerous, you know?"

Kanai listened to him and looked at his serious expression, but didn't intend to listen to him in his heart, but nodded under his gaze and said, "Well, it's up to you."

Izumi Shinichi didn't know that even though Kana said that, he didn't care about what he said in his heart, and planned to continue to use this ability to find her true love. ..


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