Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 75: Fragments

He had heard of Xie Chen's name and knew what Xie Chen did. Because he was young, he was also concerned about Xie Chen. After hearing Xie Chen's request at this time, he did not consciously obey his request.

Xie Chen shot the gun and smiled at the young police officer and said, "Thank you." Then one hand flashed out and fired at Goto.

Goto heard the words between them, so he knew that the bullet this time was different from the one just now. Although there was still some disdain in his heart, he still avoided the bullet.

But Xie Chen's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he quickly turned the muzzle at him with one hand. The bullet rushed towards Goto with the flame. Even at his speed, he couldn't avoid the bullets coming from howling.

The prepared bullet seems to be a special bullet, and its penetration is much stronger than ordinary bullets, and it will explode after hitting the target. So after being hit by this seed bomb, Goto's body was inevitably exploded with several big holes.

Xie Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the gun smoke rising from the muzzle, the corners of his lips smiled, and then he threw the bullet in his hand back, and then faintly said: "You guys leave quickly, otherwise it will be too late. Up.",

It was obviously a bullet that could only be operated with both hands, but he easily held it in Zhou Li with one hand. The strong recoil seemed to be absent. Seeing this scene and Goto's body still not bleeding, they also began to realize how unusual this incident was. They looked at each other and hesitated, but in the end they started to back away slowly.

Seeing that they had already started to leave, Xie Chen said again: "Don't forget to close the door after you go out. And it's better not to stay at the door and hurt your face."

As he spoke, Goto's body began to creep slowly. The body that became a little fragmented began to slowly recover. The shotgun inside the body fell to the ground through the hands, making a series of sounds.

The shotgun was easily rejected, but the bullet fragments that burst into the body were not so easy to get out.

When Goto’s head was almost recovered, his eyes were fixed on Xie Chen, and he said, “It seems that you really caused me a lot of trouble. So I should solve you earlier. I didn’t expect that today. You actually brought it to your door, and it's okay, I'll find you later if I save it."

The corner of Xie Chen's lips clicked, and Yu Guang saw that the door of this room had been closed. He moved his wrist, the sword in his hand pulled a sword flower, and then pointed to Goto and said: "Actually, the purpose of my coming here today is also you. Let's see who will solve who this time." That's what he said, but his eyes and expressions all showed his confidence. He must have won this battle, and there will be no second result.

All the larger fragments in the body were repelled, and the remaining small fragments could not be helped by Goto for a while, so he could only leave them in his body temporarily. Although it may affect his actions, the writing is only small fragments and should be harmless.

After moving his neck, Gotō's inorganic cold eyes fixed on Xie Chen, his hands turned into tentacles, and the bright blade at the end pointed at Xie Chen and attacked.

Xie Chen didn't have the slightest nervousness in the face of the attacking blade. He easily avoided these attacks. In his opinion, the speed of these attacks was actually not how fast.

"Hey, attack, what are you doing?" Goto said, seemingly dissatisfied with Xie Chen's reaction.

Xie Chen dodged while watching him and smiled without speaking. A light flashed in his hand, and one of Goto's tentacle broke off. It came down so quickly that Goto didn't even react. The severed arm fell to the ground, but it did not shrink strangely, but wriggled to return to Goto's body.

Xie Chen opened the map and took a look. The red icon that was originally on it turned into a vaguely overlapped look of several icons, and one of them was very obvious a little next to it.

Xie Chen smiled and said, "Isn't this here." Then he stretched out his hand, and a small flame fell on the wriggling meat on the ground, and then quickly turned it into ashes.

Goto looked at this scene in shock, he said to Xie Chen incredulously, "Who are you? How can human beings have such skills?"

Xie Chen pulled out a malicious smile, and said, "Me? I'm a demon." He turned off the map. After finishing speaking, he pointed his toe and won with his sword.

What Goto wanted to say was also suppressed in his throat. Xie Chen's formula was too fierce, and he could only respond with all his energy.

A group of police officers were nervous onlookers outside the room. Because Xie Chen said that it is best not to stay at the door, they all concentrated on both sides of the door. They were uneasy listening to the dense metal blows inside, and wanted to see inside. What happened to the scene? But the soundproofing of this door is so good, they can only hear some noise occasionally, and the words inside are vaguely unclear.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor on one side, and they immediately watched the incoming person vigilantly, only to find that it was Yamagishi Nizuo. The gun he raised was immediately put away and the alert state was restored.

The captain of this group of police officers turned around and walked over, nodded to Yamagishi Erzu, and said, "Sir."

"What's the situation now? Why are you all staying here?" As he said, his eyes stayed on that door. There were so many people here, obviously there was something unusual in that room.

"One person said that his name is Xie Chen and he is inside now. He drove us all out before," the police officer said.

Yamagishi frowned, walked a few steps forward and looked at the door and asked, "Who else is inside?" He also heard a vague voice coming from inside.

"There is also a parasite inside, but it's different from ordinary parasites. He is very powerful. We shot at him for a long time, but he didn't have anything at all." The officer briefly introduced Goto's situation. a bit. ..


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