Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 12: another me"

When they all left, Xie Chen looked at Yuno, who was sitting on the sofa, and smiled. Sit over and say: "What's the matter? Don't speak."

Yuno smiled and said, "The environment here is really good."

"Yes, I came here because of the environment here." A good environment and lots of greenery means that cultivation is easier. He touched his chin and squinted with satisfaction. Among a large number of houses, he picked this place at a glance because of the environment. The price is next.

But because it was a bit far from the city center and his school, he bought another car for transportation.

Thinking of this, he stood up and said to Yuno: "Come on, I should point to the room."

"Yeah, good." Yuno hurriedly stood up, step by step behind Xie Chen.

Xie Chen went up to the second floor, and after walking a few steps, he pointed to a room and said to her: "This is your room. It's decorated, so I basically didn't move. If you like, buy it later and change it yourself." He opened the door and walked in, letting Yuno in.

The main color inside is not conspicuous, and the light pastoral style looks very comfortable.

"I like it very much, thank you, Brother Chen." Yuno finished smiling. Although the style here is not particularly in line with her preferences, she felt very comfortable when she first saw it. I won't change, she said silently in her heart.

Xie Chen pointed to the room next to him, "This is a study room with a computer in it. There are no books or anything for the time being. This room can be used at will."

"Brother Xie Chen, where do you live?" Yuno asked curiously.

"I live there." Xie Chen pointed in another direction and said, "You also have a bathroom in your room, and there is also downstairs. There is also a kitchen downstairs. After sleeping, what kind of fitness room is there? Just take a look."

"Okay." She looked up at Xie Chen and replied with a smile.

Xie Chen raised his eyes and glanced at the watch hanging on the wall: "It's too early now. Let me take you out for a meal. There is nothing here."

"Can you?" Yuno asked.

Xie Chen knew what she was worrying about, and it would be a big problem if she went out to meet my wife Yuno at this time.

Xie Chen smiled soothingly: "Don't worry, it's okay."

Yuno, who was still worried, was strangely relieved when he saw Xie Chen's expression. Yes, Brother Xie Chen is not an ordinary person. He said that it was all right.

Xie Chen didn't know that Yuno had a tendency to develop into his own brain fans, so he went out with Yuno directly.

The reason why he is so relieved is that the direction of his area and my wife's Yuno and Amano Yukuke’s home can be said to be very different. Generally speaking, if there is no accident, the two of them would not appear here, and there is another reason. It is because he has a cheat device, a map, if he does meet him, he can avoid it early, and there is no need to worry about two people meeting him.

However, Xie Chen's luck seemed a bit unusual today. I don't know if it was good or bad. When he was approaching the restaurant, he met my wife Yuno.

His brow raised: "It's such a coincidence."

"What?" Yuno, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked without hearing what Xie Chen was saying.

Xie Chen shook his head: "It's nothing, there seem to be a lot of people today."

"Well, it's a lot." She hasn't gone out for several days. Although there is nothing wrong with staying at home, she is still very happy to be able to come out.

Although I ran into my wife Yuno, Xie Chen didn't mean to evade, because they were in the car now, and the glass had been specially processed to make it impossible to see who was inside.

Wait, although you can't see it from the side, the previous words...Xie Chen touched his chin, and didn't even think of this.

He turned his head and said to Yuno, "How about you sit back first?"

"Huh?" Yuno opened his eyes, with questions inside. Then she quickly thought of something, looked at the front glass, smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

Because she was on the road, she didn't get out of the car. She ran directly from the middle of the seat to the back.

After sitting down for a while, Yuno inadvertently raised her eyes, and saw a woman walking on the sidewalk from the gap between the two seats.

The pink hair was combed into two braids and placed in the back. There were two small red bows on the long sideburns in front. The girl seemed very happy. She looked at the phone in her hand and smiled from time to time. And the person not far in front of her, Yuno, was also very familiar, and it was Yukuki Amano.

Yuno was shocked and hid aside. She watched the person who looked exactly like her walk by, and her gaze followed her until the red light changed to green light and the car moved slowly.

She retracted her gaze, lowered her head, and said for a long time, "Is that her?"

Xie Chen glanced at her from the rearview mirror and said, "Well, it's her."

"Sure enough... it's exactly the same." Her voice was still low, and she smiled reluctantly, with a trace of shock and disbelief remaining in her eyes. Although she believed Xie Chen's statement, she still didn't fully believe some words, but Xie Chen saved her. And she hadn't seen any news of missing persons for so many days, and her heart began to shake.

Until just now, she saw the person Xie Chen said with her own eyes. That scene was like a sharp awl piercing the fantasy in her heart.

"So I was really replaced. Yeah, after all, who would have thought that there would be such a thing? Brother Xie Chen, would they like her more?" Yuno leaned against the car window and muttered with eyes open. Said.

"You are you, she is her." Xie Chen only said this sentence.

"I am me, she is her." Yuno repeated these words, and gradually smiled on his face. She looked at Xie Chen and said, "You should be the only one who knows that I exist in this world, Brother Xie Chen."

Xie Chen looked at her and didn't know what to say. It was the first time he met this situation, and he didn't know how to comfort him. Finally, I could only smile at her and said: "Don't think too much."..


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