Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 30: Blind spot

Xuehui Amano stood inside and stiffened with fright and didn't react for a while. At this moment, the scene seemed to overlap with what he had seen before, making him cold all over.

Kasugano Tsubaki stood there watching all this with cold eyes, the flames around him still burning.

All this has exceeded her expectations, she had been planned well, and now this situation really caught her off guard.

It’s just that Kasuga Ye Tsubaki thought she could use the people here to achieve her goals, but she forgot that there is a saying called "Mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind." People who think they can deceive everyone will always be deceived by others. .

Isn't it this time?

Looking at the chaotic scene, Amano Xuehui finally realized: "No, I'm going to save Miss Chun!"

My wife Yuno stepped forward and stopped, "No, Axue. You can't go!"

"But Miss Chun is very dangerous now!"

"But isn't this too weird? It looks like a trap!

"I can't die without saving!"

"Since just now, there have been some dangerous things appearing in my Xuehui diary." My wife Yuno stretched out her mobile phone to let Amano Yuuki look.

"Quick, Axue, will you go back with me, okay?" My wife Yuno's voice already seemed to be crying.

"Go back? Then Yuno will you kill me?" Amano Xuehui suddenly jumped out.

My wife Yuno was completely stunned, she didn't think why Axue would say this suddenly.

At this time, Yukie Amano has continued to say: "If I stayed at Yuno's house yesterday, would I still think that way? How can I believe you after seeing such a scene? You, Yuno, are completely crazy. what!"

"Axue..." Yuno froze in place, and Amano Xuehui's words were like a basin of cold water splashing on her head, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cave.

Xie Chen almost laughed out loud when she heard it. Although she knew that Xuehui Amano couldn't be scared after seeing those scenes, the reaction really made her look down.

As a boy, it doesn't matter if he was guarded by a girl all the time, but in the end he even disliked her, Xie Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time, Yukuki Amano ran to Kasugaye Tsubaki, and she was relieved to see her staying there well, and then asked, "Miss Tsubaki, how are you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the fire sprinkler above suddenly opened, and the spilled water extinguished the burning fire. Amano Xuehui took out his mobile phone and took a look. It turned out that the fire sprinkler was damaged by someone before, but it was just repaired by Su Keigo. He breathed a long sigh of relief.

But the people who had killed each other outside hadn't woken up yet. Tsubaki Kasuga yelled angrily, "Come down, idiots!" At this time, her face became a little twisted.

When the people outside heard her voice, they couldn't help but stop, as if they had just awakened from hypnosis, all their eyes were blank.

Tsubaki Kasuga turned his head and said to Yukuki Amano, "You came to save me." Then he smiled lightly.

My wife Yuno stood by and watched the two of them chatting, shrouded in shadows.

Xie Chen looked at her like this and sighed. She and Yuno look exactly the same. Of course this should be the case. After all, the two people are strictly the same person, but if my wife Yuno and Yuno stand together, he can still tell who the two are.

After all, Yuno is just an ordinary girl, although she has the potential to become sick, but now she has never experienced anything. My wife is different. She has experienced the ups and downs of the previous world, and her heart has been filled with darkness.

This kind of experience has led to a different mental journey between the two, which is intuitively reflected on the outside, is the difference in temperament. Of course, there is a simpler way, my wife is higher than Yuno.

My wife Yuno watched Amano Yuki and Kasuga Tsubaki talking, and finally turned black. She stared at Kasuga Ye Tsubaki, with an idea in her heart to kill this person who bewitched Axue.

"This is probably hypnotism. Someone is manipulating these believers." Kasugano Tsubaki turned and said to Amano Yuki, "Do you want to create a blind spot for clairvoyance diary?" She said viciously.

"Blind spot?" Amano Xuehui said unclearly.

Xie Chen had already left here at this time. He didn't care about the believers. After all, they were just hypnotized people pretending to be corpses, so there is no need to save them now. To be fair, he didn't really want to control them. After all, the test to join the Mime Fangjiao was not a good thing to abide by the moral laws.

Xie Chen soon came to the basement under the shrine.

Hirazaka Huangquan was sitting on a stool and was talking to Yuryu Miyin. He suddenly heard something. He immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly and said, "Who is it? Who will be here? The little mouse runs out! "

Xie Chen was slightly startled and condensed his breath. He just simply concealed his body shape just now, but he didn't expect that Huangquan Hirasaka's hearing was already so acute that it was his carelessness.

After condensing his breath, Xie Chen was completely invisible in this space. Although the diary holders have different abilities from ordinary people, it is impossible to discover where Xie Chen is.

After watching Hiraizaka Huangquan for a while, no one was found. Yuliu Miyin couldn't help but laughed and said, "Hey, you are neurotic. Will there be other people in this place?"

Huangquan Hirasaka turned his head and sat back on the stool, and said to Yuryu Miyone with his legs folded, "Huh, how do you feel? 9th." He turned to look at Yuryu Miyone, "No, it should be said that it is Yuryu. Ms. Miyin."

He stood up and said, "It seems that you are recovering well."

Yuliu Miyin sneered: "Treatment? Huh, don't laugh." Her leg was still aching. If it hadn't been for her to endure all kinds of pain since she was a child, she would have died of pain by now. "Although the way that Huangquan Hirasaka treated her was effective, she didn't want to experience the second time...


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