Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 49: Gambling in progress

"So it deserves to be Akose or Ah." Xie Chen seemed to say with emotion.

Yuno asked with some doubts: "Is that Akose or something special? It sounds like Brother Xie Chen has an unusual opinion of him."

Xie Chen nodded: "Forget it, he is a bit more special compared to the others present. Even if he is just looking at his performance just now, it is clear that he is not the diary holder but successfully defeated the indifferent diary in his hand. Hino Hyuga, this is enough to make people feel emotional."

"Um... that's right." Yuno stretched out a finger on her lips and lightly said.

And below, the people who listened to Akose or said the sentence were shocked, especially Hino Hyuga, who lost his hand injury. She couldn't accept this result at all, and was defeated by an ordinary Ran! how can that be? !

"You unexpectedly..." Hino Hyuga's eyes flashed with obscurity, and his eyes flashed in the end as if he had decided something. He stared at Akose or said, "You are not the diary holder." I remembered that I wanted to print his. The reason was that Hino's heart was in chaos, and she never thought about what to do in such a situation.

At this time, Akase might have a faint smile, and then said: "Since you want to play a game, it's better for us to play it once. This time, I will use Amano Yukuke-kun to make a bet." His finger pointed to Amano Yukuke. .

My wife Yuno's face sank, she stared at Akose or sullenly, and said coldly, "I will not allow you to use Axue as a bet!"

Akise may whisper to her: "I don't want to let Yukie-kun Amano receive any harm. I feel the same as you."

My wife Yuno looked at him with deep suspicion in her eyes: "Will I believe you if you say this?"

Akise turned her eyes, and said a few words to my wife Yuno in a low voice. After hearing this, my wife Yuno showed a hesitant look on her face: "In this case, there is indeed a possibility of winning, but using Axue's safety as a bet, I still..."

She was interrupted by Akise before she finished saying: "My wife, classmate, my feelings for Amano-kun are not ordinary classmates." After finishing speaking, he turned and walked forward.

My wife Yuno stood there and almost stunned. Two seconds later, she realized what Akose or words meant, her eyes widened, and immediately turned around to ask Akose or what did she mean: "Hey, what you just said. What does it mean? Explain it to me quickly, hello!"

But Akise might not pay attention to what she said, and started chatting with Hino and the others.

My wife Yuno frowned and walked to the side. At this point, she could only temporarily put this matter aside, and then silently raised Akose or's defense level to the highest level in her heart.

Xie Chen looked at the poorly assembled telescope and installed the last part in his hand. With a "click", the part was perfectly embedded.

"It's done, now you can see the stars." Xie Chen said with a smile while waiting for Yuno. "Ah, it's done. I really look forward to seeing something in a while, Brother Xie Chen, do you know the constellation?"

"Know some." Xie Chen said, touching his chin. He did a little homework before he came. He had already memorized the basic constellation patterns.

"That's great, I don't know what I can tell." Yuno said with eyes curving.

"Let's see what you can see first?" Xie Chen looked up, "The weather is pretty good today, and you should be able to see a lot."

"Okay~" Yuno nodded, and then moved his eyes to the front of the telescope. After adjustment, the whole starry sky came into view. Yuno almost indulged in, she looked at Congkong excitedly, turned her head and said to Xie Chen, "Brother Xie Chen, I see so many stars!"

Xie Chen touched her head: "Come on and see if you can find some constellations."

"Yeah!" Yuno turned her head back, with excitement in her voice, while slowly adjusting the telescope.

And Xie Chen stood by Yuno's side, while also paying attention to the situation downstairs.

Now the gambling game between Hino Hyuga and Akise or has started again. During the gambling game, my wife Yuno walked up to Amano Yukue and began to attract his attention, so Amano Yukue didn't see who was the winner, and could only listen to the final result.

"Ah, I lost this round." Aki Se or said, the loud voice was directly transmitted to Yukuki Amano.

Yuki Amano opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then looked nervous: "Ah? I lost! What can I do!" As he was talking, my wife Yuno punched him on the body, and suddenly lost consciousness.

At the same time, his indifferent diary has also changed. Hino Hinata looked at the diary in his hand in shock. The future written on it is the ending of Akose or has already lost, but this sentence may clearly win. .

In other words, the things recorded in this indifferent diary have no effect on her. "How could this happen." Hino Hyuga's face was ugly.

Akise or with a relaxed smile on his face: "Even if this indifferent diary is in your hands, the future formed on it is based on what Yukuke-kun Amano has realized. In other words, if If Yukie-kun Amano thinks I have already lost, then the diary can only show that kind of future. So now the diary in your hand has no effect. How? Now that our conditions are equal Now, go ahead?"

Hino Hyuga's face was not at all as relaxed as Akize or, she frowned. On one side, Mao Nonosaka also started to have something wrong.

Xie Chen stood at the top and stared at the bottom. There was no expression on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking. Then he lowered his head and saw a red dot on the map opened in front of him and started to move, gradually approaching another red. Where the point is.

"Has it started? It seems that this is the third..." Xie Chen whispered to himself. ..


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