Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 71: On the eve of destruction

Xie Chen stood beside him in a black suit. This time he didn't put on a mask, nor did he use the face of the school teacher. Instead, he used his own face to face Akise or say hello: "Akize-kun, long time no see."

"Teacher Xie Chen..." Qiu Lai was a little surprised, but immediately showed a somewhat relieved smile, "Sure enough, I saw you here."

Xie Chen laughed: "Have you guessed it?"

Akise may lower her eyes, smiling eyes curled: "Yuriu Miyin guessed it, how could I not guess it?"

"But..." He paused, then looked at Xie Chen before continuing, "You look a little different from what I thought."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "Really? It seems that my disguise is quite successful."

If Xie Chen looked a little better than ordinary people before, it would be more noticeable when walking on the road. So now Xie Chen, who has recovered his original excellent appearance, and his whole body is not restrained, is a luminous body, no matter where he goes, he will be the focus of everyone's attention.

The difference between this is only a little change, the biggest reason is the change of temperament.

"Aki Se, do you know the reason for calling you this time?" Xie Chen glanced at Deus, and said to Qiu Se or somewhat complicatedly.

"Whatever the reason, please tell me." Akize may still be calm, looking at Deus with a smile on his face, "What is the reason you want to see me?"

"You were originally an existence created by Deus, and all your actions were from the will of God. Now, it's time for you to return." Xie Chen said quietly.

Deus had reached the eve of destruction, and it was time to recycle what was originally created.

"It's time for you to return to the universal record, Akise or." Deus said. His body is already breaking down, and it doesn't seem to last long.

In the original plot, he will exist for a bit longer time, but this time he first gave half of his energy to Xie Chen, and later spent too much effort on the changing causality that was too impermanent, which led to the current situation. As a result, his collapse only occurred overnight.

"It doesn't matter if I was created by you or not, but since I already exist, I am me. It's not what you said about the cosmic record." Akase might obviously not accept Deus's statement.

Xie Chen smiled while standing, watching silently without speaking. He knew Akise might not just succumb to his fate.

"You said you exist, but do you really exist?" Deus remained unmoved. "Your every move is based on your own will. Are your thoughts that you think are really your thoughts?"

Akise may look serious, he looked at Deus with a firm voice: "I do exist."

"As long as you can prove your existence, then I will give you the right to continue to exist." Deus' head turned slightly, he bowed his head and looked at Akose or, staring at him with inorganic eyes, "But if If you cannot prove your existence, you will obediently return to the universe record."

With the light wave of Deus's hand, starting from the feet of Akose or his body began to split. Become a string of data-like existences, flying and whirling in the sky, just as Deus said, returning to the cosmic record.

Akise's eyes opened wide, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. Xie Chenxuan hugged his arms in the air watching Qiu Lai or struggling, silently.

Deus turned his head to look at him: "Do you really think he can continue to exist?"

"This time, it's okay." Xie Chen's mouth evoked an inexplicable smile. This time it was okay, but after a while, this young man who tried to prove his existence and survived will die by another girl, no, it should be said that it was under the hands of another god.

However, the current plot has long been in a mess. I wonder if this time, Akose may escape his original fate?

After a while, Xie Chen's eyes showed a satisfied smile: "He did it."

At this point, Akize might have become the holder of the subdiary by his own will and returned to the real world.

"Congratulations." Xie Chen said lightly.

After Qiuze or left, Xie Chen stretched out his hand and squeezed the bridge of his nose and looked up at Deus: "Deus, he is alive. I wonder how long you can exist?"

"Destroy is here." Deus didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation about his own destruction. "After I am destroyed, the matter will be left to you. Don't let me down."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "I am very satisfied with your reward, and will not disappoint you."

"I hope you can do it." Deus turned his head, and the energy in his hand slowly condensed, forming a cluster of purple light. As the light cluster was condensed, several pieces of bone fell off his body, and the cracks spread rapidly. Deus' entire body can only barely be maintained.

Deus lightly raised his hand, and the ball of light floated up and came to Xie Chen.

Although this light group is only the size of Deus's palm, his body is huge. For Xie Chen, this light group is as long as his arm.

Xie Chen stretched out his hand and placed it on the light ball. With his movements, the light ball quickly became smaller and the color gradually darkened. Finally, it formed a half-fist-sized ball, which finally disappeared from his brow.

Deus' eyes were deep, Xie Chen raised his head to meet his eyes, frowning and smiling as if he was a little helpless: "The last question, did you really choose the 1st? Does he really have the qualifications to be a **** to dominate a world? ?"

"The established destiny cannot be changed even if the law of causality changes." Deus replied.

"Is that so?" Xie Chen looked down, "I don't believe in fate very much."

"But since you chose Amano Xuehui, then I will help him become a god. But it doesn't matter what happens in it." Xie Chen gave Deus a brilliant smile. This smile is full of this deep meaning.

"As long as the result is answered, the process is not important." This means that he doesn't care about what happens in it. In fact, he can't control it anymore, his body is about to collapse, and the time in this world is like the little sand left in the end of an hourglass, which is losing rapidly.

Xie Chen left, leaving Deus alone from high above the sky watching the world that was on the verge of collapse.

The world is about to be destroyed, everyone who is still alive, what will you do? ..


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