Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 13: Hawkeye Julo Kilmihawk

"Why did he agree? That's the pirate who is going to deal with them." Nami murmured in a puzzled voice, but she didn't do anything. She stood at the door like Xie Chen, just watching the developments inside. Variety.

The chefs had an argument with Klick. Sanji was caught in the middle and became an xenophobe, but when Klick took off his cloak angrily.

Nami's eyes turned into red hearts, "Wow, armor made of gold! And diamonds!"

Xie Chen patted the top of her head.

In the hall, Klick raised his right arm equipped with impact artillery, and shouted sharply: "Don't want to resist me, I said I have to prepare something, you just have to do it obediently, no one is allowed to resist me!"

As soon as his voice fell, a large bag of things half a person tall was placed on the ground by Bharati's chef Zoff.

"There should be a hundred people here, let's use it."

The chefs started talking in astonishment, "How can this be done? If they recover, they will attack our restaurant!"

"Then they have to have the morale to make trouble." The chef turned his head indifferently and glanced at Klick, "The knockout of the Great Channel, right."

But when the chef saw Klick, he also saw Xie Chen and Nami standing outside, and Gu Jing's waveless eyes suddenly flashed.

The breath of this man.

In the lobby category, Klick named the origin of the identity of Zhuofu Redfoot. The one that was once infinitely powerful but has become a wooden prosthetic leg. He mocked Redfoot with the mentality of his own failure and being eliminated and inner resentment. Zhuofu, and was unwilling to ask for the other party's logbook, trying to rewind the Great Channel again.

"My fleet was eliminated in just seven days, but I am still the strongest pirate in the East China Sea, and I will become the strongest pirate king in the future!"

"No!" Lu Fei said suddenly.

He stood up, pointed at Klick, and said seriously and firmly, "Wait, I am the One Piece!"

"Luffy." Nami looked weakly at Luffy who was completely out of form.

"Eh, you are here too." Luffy looked at Nami and Xie Chen with afterthought, cracked the corners of his mouth, and laughed: "Very well, then I'm going to fight him. You stand there and watch. Just fine!"

Klick looked back at Nami and Xie Chen, laughed loudly, and said sarcastically: "Is this your crew? It's really thin"!

"No, I have three more!" Luffy gestured.

Sanji: "Hey, you must count me too!"

"Ah, Sauron and Liar Boo are here!"

"Luffy, don't say it." The deceitful cloth who came in with the Sauron cat stood on the stairway with trembling legs.

"Huh." Klick lifted up the big package of food in front of him, and said coldly: "The most important thing for me now is to feed my subordinates. Wait a while, I will come back to take over the ship."

When Klick left, the chefs were not in the mood to take care of the messy restaurant. Everyone was frightened and worried. These negative emotions were inevitably counted on Sanji's head, but the chef Zofo was vigorously. He beat the ground and said in a deep voice, "Do you know the difference between you and Sanji.""What a terrible thing it is to lose food on the sea, have you ever tasted the fear of starving and dying?"

"What kind of pain is that."

"Forget it, I have time to wander around here, don't hurry up and escape from behind the door."

Zhuofu lowered his eyes, and the memories of the once great waterway in his mind were dispelled. How could he expect these people who lived so peacefully to understand the meaning of a real big pirate, or the meaning of a real chef.

"No, we want to stay and fight!"

"me too!"

Yinzi, who did not leave with the captain, knelt on the ground, and his unbearable guilt overwhelmed him. He looked at Sanji apologetically, and said loudly, "My leader is really amazing. Don’t do this, run away. Right!"

"Hey, silver." Sanji reignited a cigarette, and said calmly and coldly: "I just did my duty as a cook to feed hungry people, but he walked out from here. The predator, no matter who it is, if you want to come back again, I will kill him mercilessly."

"Hey, I just said this guy is good."

"You can get it done before you talk about this." Xie Chen reminded him funny.

"Ana, it will be done." Luffy looked at Xie Chen and Nami happily, then turned to look at Yinzi, "However, you have been to the Great Channel, why did you say that you haven't been before."

"I really don't remember anything. On the seventh day of the Great Channel, I still don't know whether it was a dream or reality. If you are alone, he will wipe out all our 50 ships." Yin Tsai clenched his hands tightly, just a memory, already making him sweat.

"That man, those eyes that make people feel like they will die at the first sight, eagle-like eyes!"

Eagle eye.

The world's most powerful pirate, the world's number one swordsman, Zhuluo Kilmihawk.

Sauron squeezed the three swords tightly, and the battle power rose in his eyes, "It is him, I went to sea for him, then, as long as you go to the Great Channel, you can see him!"

And Luffy also shivered excitedly after hearing the rumors about Hawkeye, "It's really exciting just to listen."

"Man." Nami shook her head with a headache, then looked at Xie Chen. Speaking of which Xie Chen also said that she went to sea to find a strong person who is qualified to challenge, and pouted depressedly, "You all like it so much. Seeking a dead end, likes to challenge danger."

"This is not looking for a dead end." Xie Chen looked up at Sauron, his lips curled up a little happily, "I really look forward to Sauron's victory over Hawkeye and become the new world number one."

Sauron was stunned, then nodded, "Well, I will try to do it!"

At the moment when their voices fell, a huge noise suddenly came from outside the restaurant. After the noise, there was an endless wave of waves, and the impact of the waves made Bharati sway.

"No, Johnny and Joseph are still on the Golden Meri!"

Everyone rushed out and saw a pirate ship that had split in half gradually sinking.

And there was only one small boat left on the sea, on which sat a man with short black hair, short beard, a black top hat with white fluff, a burgundy patterned shirt and a black vest, and The white trousers are exactly the Hawkeye Zhuluo Kilmihawk. ..


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