Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 15: Sanji joins the team

A faint glance at Hawkeye Mihawk's knife in front of him, Xie Chen smiled, "It seems that I won."

Xie Chen won?

Xie Chen won!

A man who does not know the origin of his identity or whether he is strong or not, but in such a weak sea area of ​​the East China Sea, there is actually a man who can stand against the real superpower of the great channel. Who is he?

Zhuofu's heart was filled with surprise and uncertainty.

But Luffy's group in Straw Hat has different looks. Luffy and Deception cloth are naturally pure joys. The two slapped the boat happily, almost not breaking Bharati’s wooden railing, and Nami’s There was still a trance in his eyes, obviously there was something I couldn't figure out.

As for Sauron, who had just lost to Hawkeye Mihawk, the flames of war in his heart never wanted to lose again.

But the benchmark in my heart was beaten by another person in an instant. It's hard to describe how it feels like this.

"Ah. You are very strong. I didn't expect that there is such a strong person as you in the world. As expected, I used to be the frog in the bottom of the well. I thought there was only a strong person like Whitebeard in the world." Hawkeye Mihawk stood up and said His black sword was put back again, he looked at Xie Chen, full of emotion, "I have seen most of the strong men in the world, although some are better than me, but you can beat me with a sword, but you are the number one. ."

Xie Chen smiled slightly, and the Elegy of the Great Sword Disaster was returned to the panel space by him.

The panel system also immediately comes with a reward for completing the task-a stand-in puppet.

What is this stuff for? Xie Chen muttered in his heart, but the Hawkeye Mihawk in front of him continued: "Xie Chen, right? I remember your name! I will definitely come to you in the future. I will definitely not lose!"

"Ah, I'm looking forward to it."

Xie Chen nodded.

Hawkeye Mihawk still has a lot of room for growth, and it is not his peak yet. Although he only used the Elegy of Disaster, this man has already made him feel a little strenuous. I don’t know how much the people with the white beard will have. The powerful combat effectiveness of, thinking about it makes people feel excited.

The sea, the killing ground for men's dreams!

"It's nice to meet you, but I'm going to take a nap now." Hawkeye Mihawk turned around, his eyes fell on Sauron, who looked ugly, and said coldly: "I have many opponents in my life and can beat me. Absolutely more than ten fingers, swordsman, only with the mentality of killing everything, can he become the strongest, and the opponent will always be just the sharpening stone on this road."

Sauron looked up at him blankly.

"Know yourself, know the world, you have to become stronger, Rorono, no matter how many years it takes, I will be waiting for you, trying to surpass any sword that lies across your neck and surpass them! Rorono Ya!"

Having said this, Hawkeye Mihawk returned to his boat, and left with his legs tilted up.

"This world is really exciting." Luffy watched Hawkeye Mihawk leave, flexing his hands, shouting: "I must become the One Piece in the future, and my name will be known by everyone!"

"Where is Nami?"

Xie Chen, who suddenly appeared beside Lu Fei, asked lightly.

"Nami? Wasn't it still here just now?" Luffy was taken aback, turned around to look for Nami's trail, but saw the Golden Meri, which was slowly driving to the distance, and his chin immediately fell on the deck.

"The Golden Meri, the Golden Meri! It moved on its own!"

"Idiot! Someone stole our ship!" Liar Bu could not help giving Lu Fei a roll of eyes. He stared at the Golden Meri, "Wait, it's Nami!"

"Why did Nami drive our boat?" Luffy held down her straw hat blankly, looked at Xie Chen, who was expressionless and silent, his eyes full of desire for knowledge.

Xie Chen ignored him. He looked to the other side. Although there was an episode of Hawkeye Mihawk, the pirate leader Klick had not been resolved. They launched an aggression with Bharati after Hawkeye left. In the battle with the guards, Sanji was quickly drenched in blood in this battle.

"Let's help them solve this problem first."

Xie Chen said lightly.

"Well, I'll leave this Klick to me!" Luffy nodded and grinned at the old man Zhuofu, "Hey, old man, when I solve them, can you not continue to work?"


Zhuofu moved his prosthetic leg and shot a pirate flying. Although the leg was gone, the heart to fight was still there. He was still the fearsome red-footed Zhuofu.

The arduous process as in the original book was much better because of Xie Chen's careless addition. Sanji, who had been injured and comprehend at home, was not close to death, but passed out in a heavy faint.

When Sanji woke up, what still could not dissipate in his mind was the memory of the past. Zhuo Fu lost an important leg for himself, left everything to him, and ate his right foot by himself, everything.


His dream.

The blue sky in front of me was suddenly occupied by Luffy's huge splendid face, "Oh, my chef, you are awake! How is it, is it okay?"

"Oh." Sanji sat up.

Sanji was very depressed why it was not an elegant and beautiful lady who woke him up.

"Hey, go out to sea with us!" Luffy patted Sanji's shoulder vigorously, and happily pointed to the distant sea.

Sanji looked up at him for a while, then twitched his mouth, "If I remember correctly, your boat would have been driven away by the lovely Miss Nami."

Seems to have discovered this too, Lu Fei froze, his face full of grievances.

"Xie Chen said that he knows where Nami's house is. We can go to her. The Golden Meri is sponsored by Miss Keya. We must not give up!"

Hearing this, Sanji couldn't help looking at Xie Chen who was standing in a messy sea restaurant, his eyes were deeply impressed.

This man is stronger than the men in memory...

On the far away Golden Meri, Nami looked at the sea with big beautiful eyes. She held the murloc and evil dragon's bounty in her hand, her lips tightly closed, she didn't know what she was thinking about. ..


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