Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 31: Ablis and the Battleship Island

The little girl accepted these big brothers and sisters who are terrible pirates by profession, and under Xie Chen's intentional or unintentional questioning, she said her name and where she came from, but she just refused to say why she became like this from a small boat.

Nami and others looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that the little girl must be unspeakable.

They didn't ask much. After eating overnight, Nami sent the little girl back to her original residence, and the others went back to rest.

It was dawn the next day.

After such a long period of travel, the members of the Golden Meri have been grouped together. Nami checked the sailing route, Sauron and Luffy went to pull up the anchor, Sanji and Lirenbu set up the sail, Xie Chen was in While watching from the observation deck, he fed the finely minced meat in his hand to the snow-white seabirds who had fed him a circle.

The sound of thunder and clank in the kitchen was actually very obvious, but every member of the Straw Hat Pirates group ignored this very tacitly, until the kitchen door was opened and a terrible black smoke floated out.

It's true that Lori is soft and soft, but she is also a cooking idiot. This kind of setting is really hard to break.

Xie Chen's eyes twitched slightly, and turned around pretending to be nonchalant, wanting to ignore today's breakfast.

"It's dinner!" The little girl's crisp voice spread across the Golden Meri.

"Hey, I'll be here soon." The gentle and considerate Sanji responded immediately, then turned his head to deceive Bu and Xie Chen and said: "She should be cooking for the first time, and you are not allowed to waste food. "

Xie Chen looked at him speechlessly, how to eat that kind of food.

But when everyone walked to the door of the kitchen and looked at the ashes on the little girl's white face, there was a feeling of distress and pity, even Sauron softened his expression.

However, looking at the black scorched meal divided into seven...

"Is this food really edible?" Sauron twitched.

"Fried rice with very personality." Lirenbu worked hard and smiled happily, but couldn't help peeking at it, trying to see how everyone reacted.

"Well, try it." Nami grinned reluctantly. The younger girl was standing beside her. She tentatively picked up the spoon and took a spoonful. The smell was too complicated, and she didn't dare to determine whether she could eat it.

Little girl Ablis looked at them expectantly.

"Although it looks average, the taste should be pretty good. It will be like this the first time you cook. Okay, everyone can't waste food." Sanji tried his best to ignore the messy kitchen and the indecent cooking utensils that were burned. He scooped the spoon and put it in his mouth, his expression immediately distorted.

"What's the matter, this is delicious." A vague voice came from the dining table abruptly, and Luffy had already eaten a dozen bites.

Is this guy's sense of taste a decoration?

Xie Chen watched Luffy stay silent for a moment, holding the idea that everyone shared the joys and sorrows, and took a bite, but the moment he put it in his mouth, his expression instantly froze.

"It's spicy!" Cheating cloth pinched his throat, his face flushed. Nami’s tears were almost hot, and Sauron’s face turned green. Only Sanji managed to remain normal after all battles. Everyone poured boiled water into their throats immediately. Irrigation.

"Eh, isn't it delicious?" Ablis watched everyone's reactions nervously, and saw that no one came to pay attention to her, so she reached out and grabbed a small piece of fried rice and stuffed it into her mouth.

She immediately covered her mouth, "Ah, why is it so spicy? I put the wrong flavoring agent!"

The little girl had a sad expression with the sky falling down.

"Actually, it's not bad. After all, you are still very young, so you don't need to worry about cooking." Xie Chenqing coughed twice. He only scooped a little bit just now, and the impact was not big.

Abliss said anxiously: "I'm not good at cooking, but I want to help everyone! Everyone saved me, and I will try my best in the days to come."

Xie Chen rubbed her head with a smile, "Needless to say, you are still a little girl, just be happy by yourself, as for the others, don't worry too much, we will send you where you want to go."

"Speaking of, Ablis, you haven't said how you met Shanghai so rarely, and where are you from an islander?" Sanji answered.

Ablis stared at them blankly, her eyes reddening quickly, "I...I belong to Gunkanjima, I was taken care of by the navy, and the storm made me escape three days ago."

"Storm, this is too dangerous!" Nami looked at her disapprovingly.

Sauron said impatiently on the side: "Pay attention to the point! She has to escape. How can the navy imprison a little girl casually, unless it is a gangster, like us pirates, will get these treatments. "

"I, that's because..." Abis didn't want to tell the Thousand-Year Dragon thing, it was too important.

Luffy sighed in a state of absence, "Ah, so you are a big badass."

"No! How could I do bad things!" Abliss was angry and stared at Luffy angrily, "I just really can't say it!"

"I don't want to say it." Xie Chen picked up the nautical chart that Nami had put aside, and pointed to the upper one. "For Gunkanjima, this is it, not far away."

Ablis grabbed her skirt and whispered, "It doesn't matter if you don't send me back. I find a ship that can go to the west...I will find a way to let them send me, no It's troublesome for you."

Lie Bu said: "How can pirates approach ordinary ships casually, Gunkanjima is not far from our target."

Nami nodded, "Yes, it's very close to the Great Channel."

Hearing what she said, Xie Chen smiled and looked at Luffy. The latter also showed a big smile, "Okay, then let's go to Gunkanjima! But why is it called Gunkanjima?"

Seeing Luffy's curious expression close to her, Ablis subconsciously explained: "Because its shape resembles a warship, so everyone calls it that."

"Haha, it looks funny!" Luffy laughed happily, then he turned to look at Sanji, clutching his stomach, "Hey, Sanji, let's eat barbecue next time. I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Sanji said helplessly: "You really are not happy without meat."..


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