Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 42: Thousand Years of Dragon

"Luffy, you can send me and Sanji over." Sauron looked at Xie Chen, "I can separate faster, and I don't want to hold you back."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, "I look forward to the fruits of your growth."

"Rubber—" Luffy stretched his arm to grab the warship ahead, "Build a bridge!"

Sauron and Sanji looked at each other, and the two immediately jumped up, stepping on Luffy's arm and ran all the way towards the warship.

"In this case, I'll see you in a while." Xie Chenchong smiled soothingly with Nami, who was a little worried. After that, she jumped into space and easily jumped onto the opposite warship. The huge black sword stared at her navy in surprise. The soldier shook, "Then, let's start the game."

The black giant sword easily harvested hundreds of lives of navy soldiers.

Xie Chen stood on the thick black iron chain, Jian Feng gestured to the chain, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Sauron's movement already, "Ah, it seems a little behind."

"Magic power increase."

"Elegy of disaster-the kiss of death."

The crystal clear giant sword instantly smashed several black iron chains in front of him. Xie Chen moved quickly to fix the surrounding black iron chains, jumped to the observation platform of the warship, put away the giant sword, and pointed towards Nami. Nodded.

Because there was no spoiler in the original Eric, they broke such a chain formation very smoothly.

The Golden Meri was fast in the front, and a large group of naval ships followed in the rear. At this speed, it seemed that it could not be thrown away. Everything was chaotic. Thousand-year dragon lay tiredly on the pallet. Hooped her own tail into Ablis, carefully protecting her.

The ugly admiral ordered: "Damn it, instead of letting them run away with the Millennium Dragon, it's better to kill it directly! Don't worry about it, hurry up and shoot!"

Although the process is different, Abis was accidentally affected. She is a Devil Fruit capable person, and will become tired and weak when encountering sea water, or even die.

The Millennium Dragon stood up for the first time, held the drenched Abis with her mouth, put her unconscious on the cart, then raised her head, spread her wings, and screamed at the sky.

Although not in the style of painting, Xie Chen, who has always used the Chinese dragon as the standard, only feels that he saw a huge blue eagle bird that resembles a phoenix. His strong sound wave shook the entire area. This super-doubled sound wave made everyone I feel the eardrum tingling.

"Long Lord, you can move!" Ablis woke up and looked at the Millennium Dragon, and said excitedly: "You want to fly? Yes, Long Lord, you can definitely fly!"

"Long Ye, come on!" Luffy grabbed onto the ship's side and cheered on Qianlong Dragon.

The Thousand-Year Dragon waved its wings, its huge claws retracted, and its entire huge body rose up into the sky. It rushed towards the fat admiral, just for Abis.

"Long Lord, no, don't go over there!" Ablis cried, the cannon fodder over there roared, and the Thousand-Year Dragon couldn't support it for long.

Xie Chen frowned slightly.

"Nami, you are optimistic about her." He finished speaking to Nami, and vacated again, but this time the goal was to be by the side of the Millennium Dragon, in order to protect this stubborn and somewhat demented Millennium Dragon. The Elegy of the Great Sword Disaster is less than a thousand years old. The dragon is one wing big, but Xie Chen stands there out of thin air holding it, but it makes people feel a chill of awe, flying, which is what mankind has always yearned to break Direction.

"Cannonball attack!"

It doesn't matter that the opponent's dog jumps the wall quickly.

Xie Chen squinted his eyes, calmly, and took a virtual step slowly, circles of strange ripples radiated around him, and his giant sword was also swung out, as if it was swung down at the air, but it cut off this piece directly. The space, let those flying shells suddenly turn into powder.

"Go if you want."

Standing next to the Millennium Dragon, he glanced at its golden eyes and smiled slightly, "Abis is protected by you now, and in the future, she will grow because of these."

Thousand-year dragon once again uttered a dragon chant. This was a terrifyingly direct attack on the navy's main ship. His huge body easily crashed the ship, carrying the dragon's fury, and slammed the fat admiral into flight. Get out.

"How did he cultivate?" Sauron had a panoramic view of the situation there, and Luffy had already pulled Abis on the cart up.

"Long Ye..." Abliss eyes were full of tears. Nami took Ablis from Luffy and touched her hair comfortingly, "You protect Long Ye, and Long Ye wants to protect you, too. You must be happy, because Lord Long is getting better? Don't worry, Xie Chen will protect him."

Thousand-year dragon lay on the warship, drooping down his eyes tiredly, and its life was already near the end.

"Good job, Xie Chen!" Luffy stretched his arms and jumped over, standing on the thousand-year-old dragon, cherishingly said: "We succeeded. Now, we will set off to the Dragon's Den.

"No need." Xie Chen turned his head slightly to look at the sea, "Longxue, right here."

"Huh!" Luffy looked around, then at the Millennium Dragon, "Really? The Dragon's Den is here?"

Just when everything slowly returned to calm, a roar that shocked the world suddenly resounded through this sea area. This was the sound of an undersea volcano erupting. This sea area also shook violently, and the sea water surged.

"Long Ye, buddy?" Lu Fei looked at Millennium Dragon in amazement, "Is that so? The Dragon's Den is under us, it's about to rise?"

Xie Chen raised his head and looked at the sky.

Thousand-year dragon suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar.

"What's the matter? What is Long Ye yelling at?" Liar Bu and Nami looked at each other.

Abliss, who had the fruit of whispering, suddenly said: "It's a call. Lord Long is calling for thousand-year dragons from all over the world. It is saying that the time has come, the time has come!"

"The time has come?" Nami repeated, surprised: "What do you mean!"

"Hey, everyone, look!"

To the east, there are hundreds of thousand-year-old dragons that can cover the entire sky and fly toward this side. Their special feathers exude a gray-blue color in the sun, and their golden eyes calmly and peacefully look at the sea below. , This is where they live and where they die. ..


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