Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 51: Pleasant and chaotic night

"Three fools." Nami walked to the mayor with her arms akimbo, adding a record pointer on your wrist and raising it, "Hey, that, how long does it take to record this island?"

Seeing this, Xie Chen, who had been watching quietly, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Record, don't worry about such a hard thing, go and relax first." The mayor said, and wanted to push Nami out.

"What activities are we going to do, you don't have to worry about it." Xie Chen patted the other person's hand that he wanted to put on Nami's shoulder, glanced at him with a smile, and took Nami's hand. "This island Not too big, it shouldn't take long."

The mayor didn't care either, just raised his arms and appealed to the people here: "Start the banquet, for the great adventurer!"

The moon is clear.

The lights were turned off in the ordinary houses, everyone gathered in one place, bringing good wine and meat, and entertaining happily here. Music, wine, and food are indeed the things that pirates enjoy most. But when it comes to people's worship and liking, it's another feeling.

Pirates, and adventurers.

"Don't be polite, try to drink."

Xie Chen sat lazily on the sofa, with Sauron sitting next to him, and Nami in his hands. The three of them looked at the seven or eight small barrels of wine brought by the mayor.

Nami immediately waved her hands again and again, "No, I'm not happy, I don't drink."

The mayor said: "Don't worry, this is a special drink made from the finest grapes used to make fine wines. The flavor is the same as wine, but there is no alcohol at all."

This kind of introduction and recommendation is really hard to give up the opportunity to taste.

Nami couldn't help taking a sip, then smiled openly: "Really, it's delicious."

The mayor smiled and raised his arms again, "Because this year's grapes are particularly good, come on, let us have a toast, and have a regular toast to celebrate the harvest!"

Nami, who didn't want to drink at first, immediately changed her face when she heard that the 100,000 Bailey that the mayor had brought out was approaching, "Participate, participate! Sauron, Xie Chen come together."

Of course, there is no meaning to refuse good wine.

Xie Chen lazily maintained a slow or fast speed, but he pulled Nami and asked her to drink less, and Sauron, who was drunk to his heart's content, had already had his tenth cup in these few minutes.

"You drink quickly, come on!" Nami looked at Xie Chen with beaming eyes.

"Hi." Xie Chen shrugged helplessly.

Standing next to a group of booing guys, Luffy had already eaten a meal for 20 people over there, and Sanji and Lirenbu drank glass after glass in the eyes of admirers.

"No, I can't drink anymore, I'm going to sleep." Sauron put down the barrel, knocked his head directly on the table, and fell asleep.

"This elder brother finally pours his thirteenth cup!" "Wow, this gentleman is already in the twentieth cup."

Everyone’s focus was placed on Xie Chen, and suddenly a nun stood out from the crowd, facing Nami who hadn’t drank much, and said with a smile: “Their men are having such a fun, we women How about the children to compare their drinks? This is a rare event!"

"This..." Although she didn't drink much, Nami was also a little drunk.

And Xie Chen, who had been drinking, was calculating the number of members of the Golden Meri who had fallen, and suddenly he wrapped Nami's waist with one hand, and he hugged her and slept on the sofa, completely ignoring the nun.

"This eldest brother finally fell after 22 cups!"

"Hey, Xie Chen, hey, let me go, I still have to get a bonus." Nami, who was dizzy and wanted to push Xie Chen away, did not have the strength to push him away. She was tired after tossing for a while. It's choking, and I closed my eyelids tiredly, and fell asleep, "...I...Bonus..."

After they fainted, all the people also left here.

Only a few people should stay here as guards. Xie Chen opened his eyes and looked lazily at Sauron who was also sober.

"Oh, you were not deceived either." Sauron easily resolved the guards and shrugged, "These idiots have all been put in, it's really troublesome, there is no vigilance at all."

"It's okay." Xie Chen stood up holding Nami Ruanxiang's body, "A bunch of clowns, let them rest."

He put Nami on the sofa and covered her with a blanket. To say tired, Nami who commanded her because of the dangerous sea during the day was absolutely extremely tired.

"Guess what happened to them, they actually brought so many things. The previous MR.9 and the woman were the ones who used conspiracies for whale meat." Sauron asked.

"You'll know if you go out and have a look." Xie Chen said lightly.

"Well, you always like to let others do hard work." Sauron shook his head and stood up swayingly with three swords on his back.

"Why... what?" Nami asked in a daze.

"It's okay, sleep well, everyone has gone back to rest." Xie Chen kissed Nami's forehead.

After a while, there was a crackling bullet scattering sound outside. It would be a bit troublesome for Sauron to solve so many people alone. Should he go out to help, Xie Chen thought lazily.

Just a hundred bounty hunters.

Thinking of Sauron's militant warfare, Xie Chen comfortably hugged Nami and stole another sweet kiss, holding wine in his right hand, and happily looking at the bright moonlight from the window above his head.

"Are you not going to help Sauron? So many bounty hunters." The voice outside was still very clear, and Nami couldn't ignore it, but she couldn't bear to look at the crooked friends on the ground. The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Sauron had a hard time fighting for a while." Xie Chen looked at the extremely sober Nami with regret.

"But it's noisy, I can't help it." Nami wanted to push Xie Chen away and stood up, "Go away, dare to hit our attention, and isn't this the hometown of bounty hunters? Maybe there are many. Treasure!"

"Then you must be thinking too much, don't forget that they are people who lack food, and they eat and drink so much all day long." Xie Chen hugged Nami and didn't want to move. "These idiots can't wake up. It’s not good to put them here."..


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