Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 57: The glory of the giant, shocking debut!

Nami sighed discouragedly, spread her hands, and said helplessly: "There is no way, he is already excited to this level."

"I'll go too." Weiwei blurted out: "I'll be thinking about it when I stay here."

"Why are you so courageous!" Nami looked at Weiwei with shame and followed Luffy into the forest, "You have to come back soon."

"Then, I'll go for a walk, too." Sauron jumped down.

"What!" Nami grabbed the railing and said with a trembling voice: "Sauron, do you want to go too?"


Sanji rushed out of the kitchen and shouted at Sauron, "Wait, Sauron, the ingredients are not enough, if you come across good ingredients, remember to hunt and bring them back!"

"Hmm, I will hunt for the ingredients you can't hunt, hell." Sauron provocatively said without turning his head.

"What did you say!" Sanji immediately caught fire in his eyes!

This direction is almost beyond doubt.

"That's the case." Xie Chen looked at Sanji, then at Sauron, was about to say something but was hugged by Nami, tearful, pleading: "Xie Chen, do you want to go to the island? Keep someone to watch the boat."

Lierenbu immediately kept Xie Chen with Nami, and kept saying: "It's okay to stay here. You can sit on the boat and take a nap, watch the scenery, and go fishing!"

Xie Chen scratched his cheek, "Okay."

And Sauron and Sanji had already rushed into the forest one by one, but I didn't know if Sauron, the road idiot, could find his way back.

Xie Chen turned around and looked at Nami with a smile, "Take a nap with me."

Nami: "Hi."

"They don't matter, right." Lie Busser shivered.

"Prime Island, some dinosaurs, there should be no problem at the beginning, as long as they don't touch humans." Xie Chen pointed to the dinosaur with his head and neck exposed in the distance. The herbivorous dinosaur looked very beautiful, and It's huge.



"Speaking." Xie Chen squeezed his chin and turned to look at the already moving forest, and said with interest: "Dinosaur meat and dinosaur eggs I don't know what it's like, I look forward to it."

Nami and Lierenbu looked at the heights tremblingly, "Xie Chen, look!"

A huge behemoth with a length of several tens of meters approached the Golden Meri, destroying all the surrounding trees and approaching it little by little.

"That's, that's..." Liar Bu and Nami were about to cry.

"Oh, it's a giant." Xie Chen smiled calmly. After the giant's full picture appeared in front of them, Nami and Liaringbu quickly hid behind Xie Chen and shrank into a ball.

"Hahaha!" The giant's laughter was high in decibels.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows.

"It's great to have you at this time." Liar cloth grabbed Xie Chen's clothes, "Quickly, quickly, let's go, I remember you can fly."

Nami also shivered, "Giants can eat people, right."

"It's not necessarily." Xie Chen responded sincerely, "and it's not easy to leave the Meili."

"How is it?" The giant lowered his head, one head is as big as five or six people, "Is there any good wine to drink!"

"There seems to be a little bit more, it should only be enough for you to drink." Xie Chen thoughtfully responded: "Wait, you have something behind."

"En?" The giant turned around, and a huge ferocious dinosaur was rushing towards him. He immediately picked up the big knife in his hand and chopped off the dragon's head with ease, "Okay, I have the meat too. Great Warrior Broki invites you!"

"But the cook is not here." Xie Chen hugged Nami who was about to collapse in fright, and said helplessly: "Can you sit down first?"

"Of course you can." The giant sat down lazily, cross-legged, and began to prepare the fire. "It has been a long time since no guests have come. Come to us for a banquet. I can barbecue by myself!"

The dinosaur meat quickly stained and smelled.

"Idiot, that's a giant." Nami grabbed Xie Chen's hand and whispered: "Why are you as nervous as Luffy, we will be eaten!"

"Don't worry, we don't have enough to stuff his teeth." Xie Chen was funny, and pulled her off the boat. "Liar Bu remembers to get the drink. It's okay anyway. It's a lucky thing to meet a giant."

There are not only dinosaurs on this island, but also many fierce and terrifying beasts, but they all live happily here.

"It really feels like the Garden of Eden." Xie Chen looked at the large piece of dinosaur meat that was bigger than a human shape in front of him. "If Sanji was here, he would be very excited."

"He wants to feed us fat and eat it!" Nami said madly: "Don't be fooled!"

"En?" Xie Chen, who had already torn off a piece of dinosaur meat and put it in his mouth, looked back at her. After thinking about it, he tore off another piece and stuffed it into Nami's mouth. "Taste it, although giants are not common on the Great Channel , But there are many, they are very friendly."

"Say it soon!"

Nami ate the dinosaur meat with tears. I have to say that the dinosaur meat is very chewy and delicious.

Lirenbu finally put down his guard and began to fill his stomach.

"It's delicious, delicious, how about it? Guests?" The giant laughed.

Suddenly, the sound of a volcano burst out.

"En." The giant turned his head and watched the volcano erupting in the distance.

Xie Chen put down the dinosaur meat and looked up at the volcano, his eyes thoughtful and admiring.

"Going to fight, for the glory of a hundred years!" The giant stood up and ran wildly with the ancient weapons, "See you later."

"What? Fight? Why fight?"

"The reason, I have forgotten it long ago!" The giant rushing over from the other side of the jungle also took a weapon. The two giants madly collided together, and the resulting huge shock wave shook the entire island.


"What kind of hatred is there? It takes a hundred years to fight for so long!" Nami stood up and watched in amazement as the two giants in the distance kept colliding together, then separated, and then collided again.

"That is the glory of giants." ..


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