Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 62: Be our partner Chopper

There was noisy outside, Weiwei sighed and looked at Nami's side, "It should be asleep. She raised a pot of porridge cooked by Xie Chen and scooped a bowl for everyone, and tasted it first. not bad,

The old woman over there still followed Sanji and Luffy reluctantly.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Lirenbu held the bowl and looked at Xie Chen, "How about Nami? Is she ill?"

Sauron also replied: "Yes, can you go now?"

"Not yet, Weiwei." Xie Chen explained: "Nami is very ill and needs to rest for a while, about three days."

When the old woman stopped panting, Luffy quickly found a new joy, that is Chopper, he played with Chopper full of fun, full of interest in this reindeer that ate everyone's fruits.

"Would you like to be my partner? I love you so much. Be a pirate!" Luffy looked at Chopper with a big smile, harassing Chopper with energy.

"No, I don't want to be your partner!"

Chopper jumped away quickly and flexibly, rushing towards the old woman with eyes wide open. "Doctor Dolier, help me!" The two circulated around the old woman's legs for a long time.

After they left, the old woman sighed and went into the house to see Nami's situation.

"Will Chopper be our companion?" Nami was also full of expectations.

"The meaning of partner to it is not so simple." The old woman said indifferently: "It has always been alone, and only one person has opened his heart to him. It is a quack named Kuruluk, but he helped Chopper named him. Think of it as a godson's quack."

Since you are a quack, you will naturally get into trouble. Since you are not with Chopper now, it must be...

"A quack who wants to help others?" Nami listened to the narration of the old woman, feeling inexplicably in her heart, squeezing her tired forehead, but said with confidence: "No problem, Luffy will definitely be able to persuade it. It is also the most important for us."

In fact, Luffy also succeeded in moving Chopper with his unyielding, even stupid, natural character. He could sing, dance, and bet on his own life to meet various powerful pirates. Once my foster father's favorite occupation.

Before he left, the king of this island found the only doctor in the country, Doctor Dolier, but now that Xie Chen and the others were there, it was natural that the king was settled after some battle.

After watching this romantic and beautiful scene of the East Island melting ice and full of pink snow, the Golden Meri gradually sailed out of Drum Island to the next destination.

"so beautiful."


Liaring Bo looked at Chopper, who was standing at the front with a dull expression, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Is that guy okay."

"Let him be quiet." Nami looked at Chopper gently.

Sanji took down the cigarette butt. "He is experiencing the moment when he embarks on a journey as a man."

Xie Chen smiled slightly.

A snow-watching banquet was held for the new partners. Luffy, the unstoppable guy, made the crew laugh.

"Chopper." Nami rescued Chopper who was being poured by Luffy.

Xie Chen also helped Weiwei rescue Karu from the river. The frozen platypus squeezed into his owner’s arms with a sad expression. Chopper looked at it curiously and helped Karu translate: "He said before A man named Sauron was swimming in the river, but suddenly disappeared, so he jumped out of the river, and he was frozen in the river." Soron laughed.

"You can talk to animals." Xie Chen looked at Chopper and squinted. "Are reptiles and insects okay? Or is it a sea king?"

"Eh." Chopper froze, "No, I haven't tried it, it should not work!"

Nami clapped her hands happily, "Awesome, Chopper, I didn't expect you to have this ability besides art!"

Qiao Ba suddenly turned into a twitch, "Idiot, even if you praise me, I won't be happy anymore! I hate it!"

Luffy poked Chopper aside, "But you look very happy."

The dreamy cherry blossom night is very pleasant.

"Let us toast our new partner!"



The Golden Meri was advancing over the vast ocean, and the sun was not as cold as it was a few days ago, but full of temperature.

Chopper looked forward to his eyes shining, "It's great, the ocean is so big!"

"Of course, the pirate is going to venture on such a big ocean." Lu Fei, who was sitting in the special seat, responded happily.

"Really? The Pirate is really amazing!" Chopper smiled stupidly.

Suddenly a huge eagle flew over his head, which was twice as big as the Golden Meri. Luffy waved happily and shouted, "Hey, seagull!"

"Don't talk cold words!" Nami was full of vitality again, and turned to look at Xie Chen, "It's almost Alabastan. Be careful about everything."

And the eagle probably understood Luffy's words, it immediately turned around and rushed towards the Golden Meri, and took Luffy away with its mouth.

Chopper, who had never experienced this, immediately panicked and said incoherently to Xie Chen: "What to do? What to do? Luffy is going to be eaten! Save him now."

Xie Chen leaned down and pressed Chopper’s shoulder, "Don’t worry, Chopper, Luffy’s devil fruit ability is rubber man, that bird doesn’t have the ability to shred him, and you didn’t see Luffy playing happy?"

"Probably dinner is over." Nami looked up at the sky.

Chopper also stared blankly, just in time to see Luffy using his own ability to turn the eagle off the deck of the Golden Meri, just hitting the head of the Sanji, Liar and Sauron trio who played cards.

"What's wrong, are you sleeping?"



"Why it's you again! It's you!"

Chopper said blankly: "The pirate is really amazing!" There was a strong light in his eyes, and he would definitely be attracted by such a crowd. ..


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