Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 73: Rain Banquet and Krakdal

Weiwei rushed up to fight with Luffy. She was indeed a princess who grew up with the rebel army as a tomboy. She bet her life just to prevent someone from making sacrifices. He could not forget the son who lived with him. people.

Xie Chen sighed slightly, "Then, let's go to Krakdal directly."

Luffy wiped the dust off his body, regardless of the bruises and swelling on his face, and said seriously: "Tell us where is Clark Dal!"

In the end, they did not go in the original direction, but chose to go to the Alabastan front to directly find Krakdal, which would take a whole day to reach the rain.

"The name sounds very clear." Xie Chen pulled the hood on his head, "Then let's go now."

"Well, because it is a gambling city, the war hasn't affected it, and it's also very cool." Weiwei explained.

After walking for a while, Liebu panted and tried to grab the water that the old man gave to Luffy from Luotuo Mountain, but was immediately blocked by Luffy. The two tossed for a while, but Luffy could not drink it. The water that the old man dug up so hard was also a surprise to everyone.

"Unexpectedly, you can be patient at certain times." Nami looked at Luffy with admiration.

"Of course, don't underestimate my forbearance!" Lu Fei hummed twice, holding the small bucket of water in his arms.

He walked up to Xie Chen crookedly and said weakly, "Xie Chen..."

"It would be better to talk less." Xie Chen shook his head helplessly, took out the water bag and threw it at the cheating cloth, looked back at Chopper, "How about? Chopper, can you bear it?"

Chopper nodded, "Well, I must try my best."

After walking for a whole day, the rainy ground was finally near, and they walked toward the rainy ground.

"By the way, Baroque Jobs should already know that we are in this country, after all, that MR.2 has seen us." Nami analyzed.

Lirenbu followed his analysis, "It seems that our whereabouts may be discovered by them.

"Well, assassination is more suitable for me." Sauron said lightly.

"Ah!" Luffy yelled suddenly, still full of energy, "Krakdal, come out!"

"Luffy Luffy! Didn't you understand it!" The deceitful cloth gave Luffy a burst of jujube, "We must keep quiet now and be careful to be found by the enemy!"

"Always meet." Xie Chen said.

"Let's take a look!" Luffy danced, "No, I want water!"

The rain, the entire city of gambling, is surprisingly luxurious and comfortable. In order to drink the clear water, everyone rushed their feet, especially Luffy and the deceitful cloth, already completely unable to bear to rush into this town.

The rest of the people just stayed out of the city lazily. After all, too many people will let them be discovered, but they will not be idle for long.

"Why is it so slow, will there be problems again?" Nami was worried, Luffy was in too much situation, the captain really made them love and hate, and a headache.

"En." Xie Chen turned his head slightly and looked at the street over there, "They came out, chasing a large group of navy behind!"

"Ah, run! How did this Luffy provoke the navy again!" "Why is there a navy here too!"

Xie Chen thoughtfully said, "It looks like I met Smogg and others again."

"What, that smoke man?" Lirenbu exclaimed.

"Let's go first, they will follow." Nami said anxiously, pulling Weiwei to run forward desperately, another round of fatal rushes.

"It's weird to run on the street like this, not to be discovered!" Lirenbu collapsed and went crazy.

"Forget it, let's go directly to Clark Dal. Many bounty hunters around have found us." Sauron looked around.

Weiwei pointed to the building in front of him, "Is there a building that looks like a crocodile in your place? There is the casino in Krakdal called Yuyan!"

"Okay, then we will meet at that crocodile head then!"

Everyone immediately ran away, Xie Chen grabbed Nami by her waist, jumped across a large building, and then left.

"Vivi!" In midair, Nami looked back worriedly, "How is she now?"

"Don't worry, Sauron is still with her." Xie Chen hugged Nami and easily got rid of the navy, but Luffy and the others should not be so easy.

"Why these navies always have trouble with us." Nami said helplessly. They stopped on a roof and looked around. "Where are we going now? Go directly to Yuyan?"

"Well, it's not bad to go and watch the excitement." Xie Chen touched his chin, and pointed to the scam cloth chased by the bounty hunter. "If you save the scam cloth, go directly to Yuyan."

"Go!" Nami yelled.

Xie Chen **** the deceptive cloth on the street with a light rope and flew towards the crocodile building, and the other members quickly ran over to join him.

"Let's go, let's rush in and beat Clark Dar away!"

The Yuyan was luxurious, but their mood was not relaxed. There were a large group of bounty hunters behind them, but they entered the Yuyan with a group of people, but it was a large gambling house, and everyone was calm and happy playing gambling.

"Come out quickly, Krakdal, we are going to defeat you!" Luffy shouted, but no one paid any attention.

"Do you want the whole store to hate you?" Nami was speechless, "Don't shout."

Xie Chen looked around and touched his chin, "Well, Weiwei, Sanji and Chopper seem to be away."

Behind him, Smogg rushed in again, and Luffy immediately panicked, "How come you are catching up again, hate!"

"This smoke man really loves Luffy!" Sauron said sarcastically, and he was having fun in hardship, haha.

"Come with me." Xie Chen took Nami to give way to Smogg. Anyway, his first target was Luffy. They took a detour and stopped in a corner to avoid the chaos of gambling.

They watched Sauron and Luffy disappear in a blink of an eye. Nami looked around anxiously, but quickly snorted as if to give up and muttered a few words in a low voice.

"Let them run around, ignore the united guys."..


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