Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 90: Unable to convey the mood

Weiwei, who has always been cultivated as the next monarch, and who loves her motherland so much, will choose which one in the end. In fact, the answer is certain.

She will stay for the country that was overthrown by sand crocodiles and stepped on the ground, and become a wise queen to do her best to make him stand up quickly and restore the peace and prosperity of the past.

And on the other hand, she would not want this country and her father to bear the consequences of her becoming an evil party.

If it is not one of the Seven Martial Seas, it has not been recognized by the navy and even the world government for legitimacy, and as a royal family as a pirate, for such a country of sand that actually has no strength and scarce resources, it is hated by other countries and by the navy. Watching, being made things difficult by the government, these are all reasonable guesses, and Weiwei may even encounter such threats:

Is it for your country or your partner.

In the Straw Hat Pirates group, people like Xie Chen who appeared out of thin air are not going to say. Other people are not like Weiwei. The whole country will be implicated. If the navy wants to start disintegrating from the Straw Hat Pirates group, Weiwei would be the first candidate for no other reason, except that she is most likely to betray the rest of her partners for her own sake.

Although I am not saying that the people that others care about are not important, but that is a country after all.

It’s not that the government has never done anything like this, but if you think about it, it would be a good business to destroy a pirate group that poses a threat to the world government in a country that is not originally important.

At that time, the navy government has been extremely afraid that they are far away in the new world. Far water can't save the near fire. The land of sand is controlled with unreasonable charges. What will Weiwei do when she faces a choice?

Watching this own country be slaughtered?

Even if she told everyone what happened, everyone decided to save them, but can they continue to be protected as pirates?

The land of the sand is in the first half of the great route within the navy's sphere of influence. It is useless to leave only a flag, and worry about being a trap on the way.

These things, with Weiwei's political mind, it is impossible to think of it when she calms down.

That's why he said that no matter how troubled she was, the final answer was already out.

If Weiwei really gets on the boat at the end, he will naturally welcome him like everyone else, but he will also secretly guard against her at the same time. No one knows when the things he guessed will happen. That is outside the plot. unknown.

"Yeah... the answer has already come out." Weiwei raised her head and looked into his eyes, tears were already welling up, sad and reluctant, but she just forcibly resisted letting it fall. "But... but why do you want to say it?"

Why did you choose to tell the cruel facts so simply?

Even if you know why... why don’t you even give her the opportunity to deceive yourself

"Why do you want to say it..." Let her fool herself into thinking that she has a choice and not give her a chance!

Weiwei grabbed Xie Chen's collar clothes, buried her face helplessly in his arms, and repeatedly asked the same question in a muffled voice, tears still falling from her eyes, moistening his clothes.

"Why...not like comforting Nami..." Can you comfort me?

Xie Chen was silent for a while, and finally he hugged her gently with his hands, tenderly, as if holding his lover in her arms, and said softly in her ear: "If you need..."

Weiwei's body was stiff and relaxed for a moment. Except for a low sob, she didn't say a word. About five minutes later, Weiwei pulled away from Xie Chen's arms, wiped away the remaining tears in her eyes, and changed back. She still seems a bit naive and naive, but she always smiles gently and considers others.

"Thank you, Xie Chen, I'm fine already." Weiwei said.

"Really? That's good." Xie Chen rubbed her hair at last, noticed her red **** ears, and deliberately said, "My princess is crying, do you want to talk to everyone? ."

"Please... please don't talk to Nami."

"That's it, I know." Xie Chen raised his hand and drew a cross in front of his mouth with his index finger, indicating that he would never say anything. "But Weiwei, you have to help me keep a secret. If your matter is known, your father and subordinates are afraid they will pack me to the navy headquarters."

This kind of statement made Weiwei couldn't help laughing. "No way."

"No, no, I think it's too possible." Xie Chen said and touched his chin. "You are their most important treasure."

Weiwei was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "That Xie Chen's treasure is Nami, right?"

After reacting to what she had asked, Weiwei looked at Xie Chen, who just smiled and did not answer, smiled bitterly, and finally did not say what was hidden in her heart.

Human mouths can say a lot, but in the end, what is really true is not just what can be said?

"I'm going to see everyone..." Weiwei ran away without looking back, and returned to the original room, the doctor and his assistants were startled by the strong closing sound.

"Princess Vivi, what's the matter with you in such a panic?"

"No, it's nothing, it's just... a little sleepy."

"Are you going to sleep here? But there are still two people...may disturb the princess to rest."

"Please don't care about me." Weiwei walked to Nami's side and lay down. In fact, there is an empty bed beside it, but Xie Chen should have prepared it for herself.

Right next to Nami...Yes.

Is it better to just say it? There will be no chance again in the future. Although I know that even if I say it, there will be no result, but at least I say to him once: I really like you...

I don’t remember the reason anymore. I seem to have been watching him unknowingly from when I didn’t know. I also found that when I saw the two cuddling each other, I was faintly envious, envious of being carefully scolded for loving Nami .

This kind of mood, at least I least I want to pass it on to him, once. ..


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