Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 94: Forever partner

Everyone washed away the dirt and was full of food and drink. Everyone sat refreshingly on their bed to rest, or talked about the enjoyment they just enjoyed.

Xie Chen sat alone by the window, tilted his head and looked at the small starry sky that was blocked by the high wall, thinking that it was indeed a good day to hurry.

"That..." Weiwei leaned over, pulling the corner of his clothes, "Nami, she actually..."

Xie Chen raised her eyebrows clearly, thinking that she was worried about this during this period of time.

"Weiwei, don't worry too much. The affairs of the country are enough to make you worry about your hair. How beautiful is your hair? Are you willing? You are willing, your father, courtiers and people are reluctant to bear it!" She was joking, but Weiwei still had the same expression, "I have nothing to worry about with Nami. Really."


There was no chance for her to finish speaking. The soldier sent a phone worm on standby, which was called by an unexpected person.

"Who is the little pot?"

The soldier was also confused, and replied: "But... but he said it was your friend."

That's enough to make them whisper. On the one hand, they think it might be a trap, and it's better to ignore it, and on the other hand, it doesn't hurt to listen.

After thinking about it, Sanji still felt that he should hear who it was first, so he picked it up first.

"Hey! Hey! Wow haha-it's a slave!"

Sanji directly hung up the phone with regret, but within three seconds, the phone worm struggled to make a noise. This time it was Luffy.

"Hey! Are you a demon? What's up with us!" Judging from Lu Fei's tone, because he was fooled by this former friend, he scored very low on that demon.

But the other party didn't care at all, and the tone was still cheerful and wanted to get a punch, "Ah! Isn't this the voice of the straw hat boy? You are very powerful, it sounds nothing wrong, the slave family is about to cry happily." !!! By the way, by the way, don't call the slave house Mr.2, if it is intercepted by the navy, it will be a big deal!"

"Obviously you don't confess yourself anymore..." Xie Chen rubbed his forehead. He had a headache when he heard the sound, "I don't want to talk about the main point, but I hang up!"

"Hey, the talking brother, you are too anxious, don't hang up, listen to the slave's finish!" The other party's voice became sharp, Xie Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, wishing to use the space to jump over and seal him with tape Q. "By the way, your ship, the slave family has already driven away!"

Everyone was stunned for half a second, and shouted in unison: "What are you kidding me!!!" Sanji immediately snatched the microphone from Luffy, "You bastard, what are you kidding? Hey! Where are you now?!!!"

"Of course it's on your boat!" The phone worm imitated the appearance of the person on the other side, smiled arrogantly and felt his hands itchy when he saw it, "Why is this expression! The slave family helped you say! Now in Santo Upstream of the river, you guys with straw hats come on!"

The phone worm calmed down, and Xie Chen didn't need to rub his forehead any more, and the headache became someone else.

Believe or not believe.

The simple one-of-two question is really not so easy to answer. It’s just fortunate and unfortunate at the same time that their ship was driven away. To put it bluntly, no matter which one you chose, They all have to go and see.

If it is a trap, you have to jump down. The big deal is to beat someone down and climb out of it.

"I think I can believe it..." Xie Chen said. Although he is still somewhat unacceptable to the ladyboy, he is now one size fits all. "Now the Navy should almost do something, most likely it has already The sea line is blocked. He is in the same situation as us now. Maybe he wants to take a ride."

"It is indeed possible...then let's pack up and show up!" Sanji was the first to get up and start to pack up, but most of the previous ones have already been set up, and it doesn't take much time, followed by Sauron and Luffy, and Chopper...

"...Weiwei, do you want to go with us?" Nami finally couldn't help but ask. She knew that the other party was reluctant to bear them and liked to travel with them, but Weiwei was too calm during this time Even when she was in the shower, she told her that she planned to leave tonight, but she was only surprised and calmed down and said: After you go, I will feel lonely.


"Yeah! Weiwei! How about going together?" Luffy had already regarded her as a partner, and of course he was so warmly invited, as well as Sanji who likes beautiful women and simple Chopper.

Weiwei thought for a while, glanced at Xie Chen and didn't speak, but looked at her with a smile, and finally shook her head in relief, "I won't go anymore because I love my country so much, and now I need strength. when……"

"Hey?! Let's go together..." Xie Chen stopped Luffy halfway and motioned him to listen to Weiwei.

"It’s really fun to be with everyone, and I think it’s good to continue, but the country I can’t let go of, if it’s because of this in the end," Weiwei stopped abruptly, and then went on after a while, "don’t say This is...Everyone, although a little greedy, if we meet in the future, would you still call me a partner?"

Everyone did not answer, but looked at each other in silence. When Weiwei was disappointed and about to cry, Xie Chen first took out the pen and handed it to Luffy as the captain. Luffy repainted on his arm. After putting on the symbol of partner, it was passed to the next, and finally passed back to Xie Chen's hands. He did the same thing.

After Xie Chen finished painting, he handed the pen to Weiwei who couldn't believe it, "Everyone has answered, right? It's your turn, our princess."

Weiwei wiped away the tears she didn't know when she slid, smiled and took it, and drew it seriously for herself and Karoo, "Thank you everyone!"

Everyone stretched out their hands in a circle, with black crosses painted on the same positions. This won't be the last time. ..


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