Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 101: Night talk

Robin stared at him silently for a few seconds, then turned to a charming smile, saying that he was really a good man, took a sip of hot tea, and sighed softly: "A little bit envious."

"Are you saying that I'm not gentle with Miss Robin? So sad." Xie Chen deliberately cooperated, showing that his heart has been hurt by large movements at this time, and both hands firmly grasped himself. The expression of the clothes in the heart also became painful, the other party chuckled, and Xie Chen blinked at her, "Ahhhhh, why are you still laughing, Miss Robin? I feel my heart is breaking."

"Ah, it's really bad in this case," Robin held his face full of interest and got his answer, "Then what do I need to do?"

"Tell me something, whatever you want to say is fine, chatting with beautiful women is also a kind of healing for the soul." Xie Chen smiled and looked directly into each other's eyes. There was a little concern in the dark and deep eyes. And tenderness, this undoubtedly increases the attractiveness of it, if you don't pay attention, you will willingly drown in it.

Robin was stunned for a moment. "For example?"

"Are there any things that go wrong these days? Just joined, there are many places where you are uncomfortable?" Xie Chen asked.

"It's kind of, but it's all things I've anticipated, whether it's suspicion or rejection, so there is nothing that is unpleasant. But Miss Voyager's hostility can be regarded as a disaster." Luo Bin shrugged and looked at him, "Although the reason can be guessed, it is of course my rival? Isn't it a imaginative lady?"

"Hey, don't you think such a little thief cat is also cute?" Xie Chen smiled and squinted, and made the expression of the man in love thinking of his lovely girlfriend.

"Is it okay? Don't explain it clearly."

"Well, I personally don't think there is anything that needs special explanation." Xie Chen seemed to think about it for a while, and asked the other party deliberately, "Where do you think it needs to be explained?"

"Then it's gone."

"How about you explain something to me?"

"Excuse me."

"Do you... do you consider us your true partners?"


"Then if you are in danger, would you ask us for help?" Xie Chen paused when he said, and then said, "It was like when you were eight years old when O'Hara was obliterated by the Demon Slayer Order. It’s dangerous."

"...You really know a lot." When talking about something that seemed to her like the beginning of a nightmare, Robin's face suddenly changed, and the expression in his eyes suddenly became complicated. "How do you know? These."

"If you want to know, you can always understand a little bit." Of course Xie Chen wouldn't really answer her, "Yes, also, didn't you ask me before? Do you think it is good for you to live, then do you think Do you think it’s not good for you to live? Do you really want to live?"

"Are the answers to these questions important? And, what does this have to do with the thing you just mentioned?"

"Of course it's important! And it matters a lot! Although I talked to you about trading at the beginning, you are already a partner, so I want to know if you have the determination to pull us in together when facing those. "Xie Chen suddenly raised her hand and turned her face to her. With some strength in her hand, the other party could not break away. "We will not let our partners die. As long as you say you want to live, then I can promise that no matter what danger you encounter in the future, we will save you back!"

"..." Robin was silent. "Tell me, do you want to live?"

"..." There was still no answer.

Xie Chen let go of her, and put away the tough tone that had just been said, "Maybe I asked too early, but you can think about it, and answer me when you think about it."

"...Will you come to save me? Huh...You guys haven't considered me a partner yet." Robin got up to leave, apparently he didn't want to talk anymore, "I'm a little sleepy, good night."

"It's just a matter of time. As long as you are sincere, this pirate group will not let you down," Xie Chen didn't stop him, but just continued to say, "And at least I will save you."

"……is it?"

Neither of them mentioned anything about that night, and they both acted like the last unhappy conversation. It has never happened, but what happened will not disappear.

What ripples will it cause?

"Did you sleep well yesterday?" Xie Chen kissed her eyes after breakfast. The shadow there was still there, but most of it had faded, and her expression was a lot more relaxed. "Look at your look, last night Like having a good dream?"

Nami seemed to have broken the secret, her face was flushed, but her mouth was still hard, "No!"

"No, it's a pity." Xie Chen smiled and bit her ear, talking about a whisper that two people could only hear, "I had a good dream yesterday, how about it, do you want to know?"

"...Let's listen." Nami finally raised her ears.

"That..." Xie Chen pretended to be mysterious, and clicked on his face. After getting a good morning kiss, he said with satisfaction, "Nami in the wedding dress is really beautiful."

"You...what did you dream of! Stupid!"

"What I said is true."

"No! Are you not a vigil? How can you sleep when you are vigil!" Nami caught the loophole in his words. If it were Xie Chen's vigil, he would definitely not sleep for a second.

"...Ah, an accident was discovered!" Xie Chen patted his forehead, very regretful.

"Xie Chen!"

Robin watched the pair playing around as usual. Xie Chen was chased and beaten without fighting back and could only beg for mercy, while Nami tugged his ears and blushed and taught, but she didn't. One sentence is the key point. It is just shy to put it bluntly. She can laugh at it before, but this time, she feels she can't laugh anymore.

Tell me, do you want to live?

At least I will save you. ..


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