Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 124: Agreement

Xie Chen waited until the evening before seeing Luffy and the others come back on the Merley. Without even thinking about it, they agreed to the overtime proposed by Fox, but they won.

Xie Chen watched Meili hurriedly and hurriedly turned around in place for several times before remembering that he was a spirit body and could disappear, "Well...Xie Chen, you can't tell everyone about this."

Xie Chen touched his head and naturally agreed, "Okay, I won't tell you, this is our secret."

"Hehe! My secret to Xie Chen." Meli happily touched his forehead, as if he had received a gift he liked, and laughed happily, but he hurriedly heard Luffy and their voices getting closer. Disappeared, there was no small figure on the splint, and it quieted down.

Xie Chen got up to greet them, "Welcome back to... Luffy? You are badly injured, what's the matter?"

Listening to them, it seems that the fierce one-on-one duel between the two captains in the final round of the DavyBackFight playoff finally came to a climax. Originally, Foxy’s dull light subdued Luffy and caused Luffy to receive continuous heavy blows. The spirit of saving his partner, Lu Fei, who did not admit defeat, brought back the situation and turned defeat into victory.

Xie Chen squeezed the bridge of his nose with a headache, "So... didn't we win two games when I left? Why on earth did you push yourself like this?"

"It's not Luffy..." Nami wanted to complain, but Luffy finally worked hard for them, so she swallowed it back, "Didn't Xie Chen come back to sleep? Why do I think you look more tired Up!"

Because he talked with Meli for a while, if he wants Meli to remain physical, he must always transmit power to the other party, otherwise Meli will only rely on his own words, which will only increase Meli's burden.

But he had promised Meli and made this a secret that only belonged to the two of them for the time being, so even Nami couldn't talk about it.

"I didn't sleep, so I went to practice." Xie Chen nodded her forehead. In that game, Nami's offer, Shang Foxy agreed to bet 500 people, which is really a gambler. "Thanks for your hard work today, hurry up and sleep. Well, today I will watch the night."

Nami also had no objection. After eating, she went back to sleep. As night fell, Xie Chen sat on the observation deck wearing a blanket. It was Robin who came to accompany him in the middle of the night, "Is it okay? You are tired today, too." ."

"Well, occasionally I want to be alone with you." Robin sat down beside him and naturally leaned his head on his shoulder. The rare little woman's gesture made Xie Chen unexpectedly raise his eyebrows. "what happened?"

"It's just a little unexpected." Xie Chen answered truthfully, but he didn't hate it. "Usually Robin, you don't rely on me like this. Robin, you are a very strong woman. Unlike Nami, what she shows is People who need to give her a sense of security at all times."

"me too……"

"I know." Xie Chen kissed the top of her hair. "You don't have to worry about those things anymore. I won't let them move you again. As long as you say you need me, I will appear by your side."

Robin made an unexpected move at this time, actually hugging him directly, Xie Chen naturally took her into his arms and let her lean on his chest.

"I can trust you, right?"

"Of course, my Miss Robin." Xie Chen raised his hand and stroked her back, as if she was just shunting the hair, as if to relax her, "Trust me, Robin."

"Thank you."

"You don't need to say this to me." The atmosphere was good. Xie Chen lifted the opponent's chin. With the moonlight, he could see the opponent looking at him intently, his face flushed slightly, "You are so beautiful, Robin."

Robin has a charming sense of alienation and an unnoticeable charm, but in front of him, she will become a little childish and show some desires that she would not normally have. Like now, she is hoping for his company and intimacy. His actions, these he did a lot to Nami, not much to Robin.

He hopes to make the other party show his desire in this respect, not just his unilateral request.

Following the atmosphere, he kissed slowly, not fast, as if giving her time to repent, but the other party had obediently closed his eyes and waited for the kiss to come, so he had any reason to stop Down?

Xie Chen looked at it as if it could be done, but he still took a deep breath and stopped.

"Today you are too tired, go to bed early." Xie Chen took the already confused but clear-eyed Robin into his arms and put the blanket on her intimately, "I am here. , Go to sleep."

Robin did not speak, looked up at him with those eyes, but determined that he was serious, smiled relieved, grabbed his clothes with both hands, and fell asleep after a while.

The night passed like this. Xie Chen noticed someone approaching, and directly killed the malicious subject with one blow. Now he would not let anyone disturb his robin and the little cat resting.

Little did he know that with such a hand, a story about the Straw Hat Pirates group died in the cradle before it even started.

If Xie Chen knew, he would definitely sneer, but there was a seahorse, but his whimsical desire to become a thousand-year-old dragon, and he wanted to achieve his goal by absorbing everyone's memory.

Xie Chen looked at the starry sky, thinking of Robin's unusually active behavior this time, guessing that she thought she should establish some more practical relationship with him to make her feel more at ease.

It's no wonder that this robin encountered that kind of thing when it was most naive.

"I will be there in the future."


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