Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 136: The Battle of Justice Island begins

In addition to the bad weather, there were all kinds of "obstacles" along the way. Xie Chen, who was in a bad mood, directly killed them. For him, these things were too much in the way. The only thing left was one. The frog that only tried to attack the train.

Because under his escort, he will meet with Sanji and the deceiving cloth who is now the incarnation of the Sniper King. For the deceiving cloth to join their team in this form, Xie Chen will naturally not break it, and it is not a bad thing anyway Compared to him, Xie Chen is now more worried about the Meili.

That child has committed another bad crime now, and he doesn't know what happened.

"Asshole Robin!!!" Luffy made a loud noise, and was hit in the back of the head by Nami. "I'm not wrong, why doesn't she want us to save her."

When Nami remembered that Robin was doing this for their safety, she was very uncomfortable, "Robin is worried that we will be in danger after she is rescued!"

"I don't care so much. If we don't go, she will be killed, but she won't want to die, so we must save her!!!" Luffy's idea is always to hit a straight ball, see It seems simple and rude, but no one dared to say that he was wrong, "I will fly all the enemies, I still want to try new tricks!"

Sauron told Nami to stop talking, because the thing to do will not change, that is to save Robin.

"Xie Chen! The leopard let me solve it!" Lu Fei found Xie Chen, who didn't speak much after getting on the sea train. "If you always solve it, my captain is really useless! To protect my crew!"

"I know, I won't go to those few combat power shots for this action." Xie Chen promised very simply, but the fighting intent in his eyes did not fade away, "But I am not very happy now, Robin. This choice of sacrificing herself is also saying that she does not believe in our strength, and..."

Treat the promise he said as air...

"So, Captain, I will probably vent on that island, okay?" Xie Chen's questioning will naturally not be rejected. He laughed. Xie Chen himself is a long and extremely outstanding person. This smile makes All the women present blushed and there is no age limit. Chimney blushed and said directly that he wanted to marry him when he grew up.

Seeing that the other party was a cute girl, Xie Chen softened his expression and knelt down, looking at the little girl in front of him, teasing her, "Want to marry me? Why?"

Chimney answered him innocently, "Of course it's because your big brother looks good! The first time I saw such a good-looking big brother!"

"Well, Chimney, you have to grow up to be a big beauty. I don't want to marry you. Have you seen the big sister with orange hair? And the big sister with black hair before, at least that way. "Xie Chen just finished speaking, and Nami pinched her waist, probably warning him not to talk to a kid. "Like the big sisters? Chimney knows! Then when Chimney grows up, big brother, you will come and marry me as a wife!"

Xie Chen only said that it was Tong Yan Wuji, and nodded. At this time, he was very close to the Judicial Island. Barry also began to talk to them about the topography of Judicial Island and discuss countermeasures with others. China repairs the track, has been there, can provide a simple situation.

However, when they really saw the gate of justice, they were still surprised by the huge gate. It is estimated that it was made by the giants, and ordinary craftsmen did not have this craft.

How huge is it?

When escorting the prisoner in, it only opened a very small gap for that door.

According to the original plan they negotiated, the two or three thousand naval guards in front will be dealt with by the Frankie family, while Luffy and the others only need to concentrate on dealing with CP9. At that time, Luffy agreed to it easily, but it is estimated that it will be nothing. Without listening, after he got close, he jumped in with his own ability.

"I really like messing around." Xie Chen watched Luffy go in, and moved her muscles a little bit. He looked at Nami, who was a little worried, and printed a kiss on her forehead, "Don't worry, if you have Just call me what happened, and I will come out to protect you, although my little thief cat is now a powerful character."

"Then...then be careful." The rare jealousy in Nami's heart also disappeared. Although Xie Chen likes Robin now, her rare anger is for her, but he still has her in his heart!


Xie Chen is not worried about his own affairs. No one is his opponent here. All he has to do now is to be patient. He has promised that Luffy will not be able to move CP9, so in addition to removing a few short eyes, he hits the gun. Yes, he has nothing to do here.

It’s not bad to see Robin, but she’s a dead brain now, and she probably only tells him to leave when she sees him. Xie Chen is watching from the huge gate of justice, just like she did on the sky island before. , Letting out his domineering look and hearing, covering the entire island, there were only a few people on the island, and felt a feeling of being peeped.

But it was only a moment, after Xie Chen put away his breath perfectly, as if there was no such person in the world, and the sense of peeping just now was just their illusion.

This little-known Judicial Island has gradually become a chaotic battlefield. It is still peaceful only at CP9, who is reunited at this time. Pensdam is proud to see Robin and Frankie, "You can It’s really a miracle to survive the accident eight years ago, Katy Flam! And you, a world-class dangerous man, Nicole Robin we’ve been hunting for a long time! The world certainly doesn’t know what we are doing today. What a great and noble work!"

He talked eloquently, and there was already a morbid enthusiasm in his eyes, "They will not know until a few years later. In my opinion, the old men of the world government are too weak and incompetent. To achieve their goals, they must sacrifice. We are fighting for the peace of all mankind!"..


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