Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 2: Where is here

Just smile at this time, yes, smile. Xie Chen smiled stiffly. To be honest, don’t say whether he wants it or not. He is not even able to deal with the little beast in front of him. No matter what, he is a master who can discharge high voltage. Even if he can beat that boy, he is unlikely to be able to. Beat him.

After that, peace is the most important thing. Don’t just fight and kill at every turn. What are you doing with such a mad anger? Xie Chen felt that his face was going to be stiff. He kept this stiff face and didn't know if he was laughing at the face he was skeptical, and waved at the kid.

"Little brother, don't be so excited, I just came to ask for directions."

He always said that his head is still dizzy, and there is no impression of where it is now. After all, what you see with your own eyes is nothing like animations or games. What's more, I haven't watched a few episodes of cartoons that trick children into playing.

What's so good about one person and one beast? That stupid male protagonist is really stupid like a transliterated stupid thing. There is a girl who has to stay and fly with a Pikachu.

I don’t know if people in this world generally think that this kind of thing called Pokemon, Pokémon, or Pokemon is more important than sister. Boy, you deserve to have no girlfriend like this, let me tell you.

Fortunately, the child's alertness was not too great, and he had been questioning it seriously before, and now he quickly put away his talents. To be honest, this guy looked pretty handsome when he got serious to fight. Of course, this is all secondary. After all, I don't know whether this is a BUFF that lowers IQ or a BUFF that lowers fashion value. I always feel that his fighting state and normal state are basically two people.

However, it was just a fate, at best, it was fate that allowed Xie Chen to watch a battle for free. He couldn't comment on the young man in front of him like that. All in all, in short, first figure out where you are right now. If it is near Zhenxin Town, it would be great to get a taste of Xiaozhi's hometown—at least that is the only city name he knows.

Inexplicably, he was thrown to this place again, and Xie Chen was also dizzy. This time he didn't even know what task he had, so he had to catch someone who seemed to be reliable and asked.

The young Pikachu also accepted the hostility and ran back to the young boy's feet. The two ears that were still upright were folded down and stayed in his sophistry.

These little things seem to have a personality, just like this guy's Pikachu, which is different from Xiaozhi's Pikachu.

The boy took a few steps forward and Pikachu followed, and now he looked much more kind. However, even though Xie Chen was thrown here, his appearance has not changed much. He found a place with water before and took a photo of it. In other words, his appearance is better than that of this teenager. Big.

"Are you a newcomer?"

There was some doubt in his tone.

So can't they be ordinary travelers? Why do they have to be trainers? Do people in this world think that all school-age children should be trainers? ! I have to buckle a newcomer in front and feel like it's low. Doesn't it feel like I am an old house thrown out of my parents by my parents.

Well, this little boy can't be blamed. After all, this is like Xie Chen is familiar with. When he sees a person who is about the same grade, he asks "What grade are you in?" This kind of question is of a nature. Under this worldview education, it seems that everyone is advancing with the trainer as the goal.

So everyone was included in this option as if there was no other choice. Now Xie Chen really has no other choice. After all, he only knows this occupation now|——All the people in the hospital are Joey, and the people in the police station are all Jun Sha, so men are going to be trainers. These places have to be given to women... No, the point is that he can't use these two professions to prevaricate.

So Xie Chen had to rub the back of his head, um, vaguely agreed. So how come you are a kid who talks so much and has an old-fashioned tone... Can you tell me honestly where is this place|?

"That city just now is considered a wooden town."

Xie Chen was stunned.

What? What? ? Where is Suanmu Town? ? Shouldn't the standard configuration be a real new town? ? Is it possible that it is far away from Zhenxin Town? Ah, ah, I don’t know it at all. I always ask first. I can’t just be petrified, otherwise this guy will have to get someone to ask if he runs away.

"Ah... Then, may I ask where is Zhenxin Town."

This time it was the little kid, with an expression on his face that was distorted by feeling extremely incredible. "Are you lost?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes..."

"Then tell me, how did you get lost across the ocean from Kanto to Hezhong."

He almost looked at Xie Chen sympathetically, and Pikachu made the same expression like his master. There is always a feeling of being underestimated, but there is no alternative.

In fact, Xie Chen didn't want it either. It wasn't his Lu Chi, because this situation was really wrong, and he couldn't understand it in a short while. There are too many troublesome things, and he must digest one thing one by one.

So what is Kanto and what is Hezhong! ! ! !

"Then what, I want to go to Zhenxin Town, how can I get there?"

In any case, you have to ask about the mode of transportation first. Besides, now he is solitary and has nothing but a wallet, and he can't be like a hot-blooded boy who takes out a bug net and drills into the grass and starts to play around. A little beast...Bah, the elf is with him, the most important thing is that he needs to go to a familiar place and walk the process well.

I can say or say that I should be the protagonist, and it's a lot of face to go through the process honestly, right?

Fortunately, the child didn't ask much, and soon gave Xie Chen a plan.

"You go to Feiyun first, where you can go to Kanto by boat."..


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