Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 16: lets go

Pikachu is still recovering, and just wandered around the city a few times.

Xie Chen didn't want to go out anymore, so he took Little York's pokeball and found a position by the window to sit and rest.

Little York...Naturally can't let it go, but will it be too boring if it is closed in the ball?

After thinking for a long time, Xie Chen put the ball on the table.

Fortunately, Pikachu only suffered a bit of skin trauma. Xie Chen didn't wait long, and soon he appeared in front of Xie Chen's desk full of energy.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Chen used his spare poke ball to collect him in the goal. Now that's all right, he can finally continue to drive to Zhenxin Town. Although it had been all morning, Xie Chen was still very energetic.

Xie Chen picked up the map to check where he was, and after determining where to go, he picked up his heavy luggage to bid farewell to Dead Leaf City. Said it is luggage, it is actually just two little pokeballs.

Xie Chen put the poke ball on the belt around his waist like any trainer who can be forced to get it.

It is said that the design of the belt or the ball in this world is very fascinating, but it is really convenient. It is easy to buckle directly on the belt and it is really convenient.

According to the urinary nature of the cartoon, the distance between each city must be long and far. It is obvious that the cities are so developed but they refuse to make the roads taller and easier to drive.

Maybe it's because people here are accustomed to living together with Pokémon, so a part of the original ecological environment is preserved everywhere. There is no way to take a taxi. If you want to go to another city, you can only choose to walk or bike.

Perhaps many tall Pokémon such as Wind Speed ​​Dog can already be directly used as a means of transportation.

Oh, there is a flying technique in this world, as long as there is a flying Pokémon, it is said to go wherever it goes.

Although it is not without a car, at least from Xie Chen's view, it seems to be quite few.

He hasn’t watched a few episodes of animation, but he still vaguely remembers that there were cars in the animation. Most of them were doctors from the research institute or Miss Junsha’s police cars. Oh, yes, there are also Pokémon Centers but they are rare. A rare ambulance.

Sure enough, the world is really biased towards the original ecology. Even with that technology, things like cars are not very popular. On the contrary, there are more people using folding bicycles.

Xie Chen would not admit that he thought of the three bikes that the first three protagonists of Pokémon were damaged by Xiaozhi's Pikachu.

Maybe I should get a bicycle or catch a convenient Pokémon to use.

Xie Chen couldn't help but think of Cherian's Yorkshire, which was the evolution of Little York.

Qie Lian's impression of Xie Chen is probably quite deep. His polite and decent conversation and gentle personality must be a good teacher, and the eye-catching dull hair on his head makes Xie Chen even hard to forget.

Hezhong and Kanto are very different in terms of regional style and humanistic customs. Kanto’s technology is much behind that there, but after all, Xie Chen is more accustomed to life here. In Kanto, he is very fast. I just blended into this land as if I was born here.

After Little York has evolved, he can use it as a modern step tool, but before that, there is still a very serious problem that is how to make Xiao Yue overcome his anger and listen to his own words. This is a very serious problem before him. Xie Chen thought deeply about whether to catch another Pokémon or to train little York to be obedient.

As the saying goes, there are no weak Pokémon but only weak trainers-well, this is just the "slang" of this world.

Xie Chen never thought that he was weak, even though he was deprived of most of his abilities, he was definitely still the strongest person, but he couldn't use his strength. Rather than catching Pokémon to escape the disobedient reality of Little York, Xie Chen chose to face Little York.

There is a road in the south of Dead Leaf City. From there, you can take the underground passage and take a shortcut to Hualan City. No matter how Xie Chen doesn’t watch TV and doesn’t understand Pokémon, he still has an impression of Hualan City. That is Pokémon first. The hometown of the heroine Xiaoxia, which also means that as long as you take a shortcut to Hualan City, you will not be far from Zhenxin Town.

In addition, this road outside the city has another meaning for Xie Chen.

According to this world, you can receive the **** of Pokémon on a trip at the age of ten. There will definitely be many people like the insect-catching boy and the straw hat boy who will challenge people to send experience. Of course, Xie Chen will not let this go. Opportunity to level up.

After a certain distance from Dead Leaf City, Xie Chen took off the two Elf Balls from his waist and threw it upwards, turning his body to his side with one hand in his pocket.

Two Pokémon of the same size appeared in front of him.

Pikachu, who still has plasters on his body, and Little York, who still looks dissatisfied.

Although it was still a strange environment and someone who didn't want to listen to him at all, but because he was in the wild, Little York was more at ease.

Regardless of whether it is a developed or underdeveloped place, even if the terrain is bad and the environment is bad, the wild is almost the same. The difference is that the wild in Kanto is more simple.

For Pokémon with a sensitive nose, the smell is also a little bit.

But to put it bluntly, the world that is not reinforced concrete still makes Little York feel a little relieved.

Next to him was Pikachu, and Pikachu only glanced at Xie Chen, still turning around as if he didn't want to pay much attention to him.

Pikachu hadn't seen little York, and felt a little strange and tilted his head.

Little York had never seen a Pokémon like Pikachu. When he noticed that there was another Pokémon besides Xie Chen, he also tilted his head to look at Pikachu.

Although the races are different, they all belong to the subject of Pokémon. Although they are completely unfamiliar, they do not have the kind of strangeness and hostility to humans.

Xie Chen didn't expect Pikachu's existence to make York not hostile to him, but this kind of scene was unexpected. ..


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