Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 18: courage

It is also extremely terrifying in a sense to hear his voice before seeing him.

Xie Chen couldn't tell which way he could walk by just using his voice. It was dangerous in all directions, and there was a possibility of being attacked no matter where he was.

Ah, this is a life-threatening situation.

Such a stalemate is not a problem, and it must be a matter of minutes for the group of big needle bees to attack. Xie Chen will not tolerate Xie Chen to think about it.

Xie Chen swallowed.

Took a deep breath.

Three, two, one, run!

But instead of running away, it was thrown at Little York.

If he left that guy here alone, he might be dead when Xie Chen comes back.

Even if it hasn't been long since accepting this status, Xie Chen is also a trainer, so you can't do too bad things.

Even if the guy refused to admit it, he was Xie Chen's partner now.

Little York, who was very sensitive to the surrounding environment but was too scared to move for a while because of the buzzing sound of big needles, was picked up by Xie Chen and carried him into his arms.

At that moment, Xie Chen turned his toe to the direction he had turned and continued to run wildly. The two heavyweight sandbags on his body made him run very hard.

At this moment, the buzzing sound of Big Needle Bees suddenly widened in his ears and Xie Chen shook his hands and thought that the group of guys were sticking to his ears.

It's going to be dead if you want to be so scary or not! !

The naturally optimistic character made Xie Chen not fall into despair so quickly.

But that voice made Xie Chen dare not look back, and if such a terrible big guy was behind him, he couldn't guarantee that he would weaken his legs and lose his fighting ability.

The road chosen in desperation seemed to be the right choice-no big needle bee emerged from the front, perhaps Xie Chen's excellent intuition played a role.

Although deprived of many special abilities, there seems to be something left in the body, such as enhanced senses and intuition, but these still remain.

I don't know if it was missed, anyway, if I can use it now, I can use it calmly and carefully display the remaining power of my body.

Of course Xie Chen wouldn't be stupid enough to let the world consciousness discover what was wrong.

Little York finally reacted, but he was not at all worrying about struggling in Xie Chen's arms, not only screaming, but also kicking his legs to make Xie Chen almost fall down due to an unstable balance.

I don't know if it is psychological or something else. I always feel that the buzzing sound is getting louder and getting closer and closer, and I can even feel that there is something behind it.

This kind of creepy situation is the most terrifying, just like the feeling of being in a horror movie.

Xie Chen felt the hairs on his body stand up and his scalp numb.

Although there is no particular disgusting feeling for bugs, think about a hornet that has been magnified so many times, or a swarm of hornet chasing after you.

Isn't it scary?

Dare to look back?

No matter whether others dare or not, Xie Chen didn't dare anyway, but he didn't do nothing except running. After all, Little York's struggling strength was playing with him.

Although he doesn't have sharp claws like a cat, it is painful to kick him with enough strength.

Xie Chen couldn't stop gasping.

"Pi, Pikachu, you, you, you must use one hundred thousand volts on the back!"

In order to suppress Little York, he must have both hands, and Pikachu lay on his shoulders again, which is really not good for balance.

Xie Chen panted in pain and gave orders to Pikachu, if possible, it would make them slower.

The most terrible thing is that Xie Chen can't let go of the little York in his arms now. A frightened Pokémon will definitely get lost as soon as he lets go. In this environment, Xie Chen doesn't think that little York can be used in the survival skills of the group. Keep on living.

It is necessary to take into account the situation of Little York so that he can't show the courage to face the crisis like a man. It is too dangerous and too uncertain, or even his own life will be involved.

Xie Chen felt that he was not afraid of death, but it would be too early to die here.

And it's too bad.

As the protagonist, of course, you have to die with the villain vigorously. What is it to die under the side of the roadside monsters?

Pikachu's response to the command was still several beats slower. Although they were subdued, they still didn't have the tacit understanding that a partner should have.

Xie Chen could understand this, so he also knew that Pikachu didn't make his own orders accurately, and he didn't have any irritating stance. Besides, the situation is so urgent and there is no time to fault.

Last second, he was still buried in Xie Chen's shoulder, motionless, and Pikachu naturally took a long time to process the information in his head after hearing that he needed to do something.


Of course, Pikachu may only now realize that he is not without the ability to resist, perhaps because of the weak situation of Xie Chen running for a second.

He also thought that he was also a weak person without the power to bind the chicken, until Xie Chen gasped and said the name of the skill he was familiar with.

The lightning-like golden light burst out in all directions. Although Pikachu has not fully recovered, the power of the skill is still worthy of guarantee. The one-time output of high-power current simply powers up the whole piece of big needle bee chasing behind.

But when Pikachu uses one hundred thousand volts, the electric current will cover his whole body.

No one noticed before that because Pikachu usually stood on the ground or was at a distance from people when using skills.

And now Xie Chen, who was stepped on by Pikachu as the floor, was undoubtedly also electric by Pikachu.

The advancing scenery suddenly stagnated, but he didn't notice because he was focused on attacking. When Pikachu stopped releasing the electric power, Xie Chen under his feet was unable to stand firm and swayed. In the end, he would inevitably fall face to face and a dog chewing on the mud.

And of course, Pikachu, who is agile, quickly rushed back to the ground when he was shaking to avoid the tragic situation of being brought down together. ..


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