Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 22: Abnormal Tokiwa Forest

"Don't go!" When the boy saw Xie Chen wanting to enter the Changpan Forest, he immediately ran to the exit and opened his arms to stop him.

He was more than a head shorter than Xie Chen, stubbornly blocking the door and staring at Xie Chen with extremely firm eyes.

Obviously he was still a kid, Xie Chen didn't intend to pay attention to him, but when he just wanted to go around, he continued to stop in the direction of Xie Chen's movement.

Do you rely on this little devil to fight with people?

Xie Chen wanted to walk from the other side with a black face, and of course he was stopped.

I'm kidding, I've even walked through the cave, and I'm still afraid of what this little forest is like! Xie Chen suffocated his stomach and turned to look at Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Pikachu, power him." However, Pikachu didn't give him face to call the kid with the insect net, his head turned and went on strike.

Seeing that Pikachu was reluctant to obey again like a mystery, Xie Chenxin also became more constrained.

But even Pikachu cannot attack people. This is the "rules of battle" in this world.

Therefore, even if Xie Chen is upset, he can't beat the kid now. After all, no matter what the rules of the world, beating a kid must be sent to the police station to receive strict criticism and education from Miss Junsha.

So Xie Chen had to bend over slightly, with a smile on his face, and asked in a very, very gentle tone.

"Little brother, why can't you go?"

According to Xie Chen’s understanding of the world, people in this world are quite unprepared to outsiders and give trust to the least bit of doubt, so even if Xie Chen had just ordered Pikachu to attack him in front of him, he would switch mode to Xie Chen’s vaccine. There is no suspicion.

That little ghost opened his eyes like all ordinary and cute children. Xie Chen could see a little grievance from those round black eyes. This may be the blessing of animation effect. After all, Xie Chen has never I think I will be a character that can tell by looking at others' eyes.

"There has always been a lot of fog in the Tokiwa Forest recently. I don't know why, but the visibility is too low and too dangerous! I think you should not go in, big brother."

I can't tell, but this kid is quite talking. At least Xie Chen won't be upset after listening.

After listening to this little devil’s narration, Xie Chen slapped his head with one hand, and the little devil trembled abruptly as if he had been electrocuted. He trembled and looked up at Xie Chen’s eyes as if a little scared. Chen also smiled at the corners of her lips.

"Don't underestimate the big brother, I'm a famous trainer, if there is anything really going on, I will solve it for you."

After that, Xie Chen let go of the little child, bypassing the person who was frightened by his handsome speech, turned and waved at Little York. "You have to keep up, ah, you don't have to, the kids just stay in a safe place."

After that, Xie Chen laughed again, this time as if to reassure the child.

Soon his figure disappeared in the Tokiwa Forest.

-Changpan Forest.

Xie Chen's impression of this place was nothing more than that there were more green caterpillars and unicorns. He remembered that Xiao Xia in TV was particularly afraid of the insect Pokémon, and was frightened by the green caterpillar that Xiao Zhi conquered.

This is a picture that impressed Xie Chen very deeply, so he still has a little impression of this forest. This is not a terrible forest, on the contrary, it should be quite mild.

To say it, it feels like an ordinary natural park.

Not sure what really happened, Xie Chen decided to investigate before returning to Zhenxin Town.

Because it is not far from Zhenxin Town, Xie Chen's mood to go to Zhenxin Town is not so strong.

What's more, if there is anything inside, it is impossible to reach it safely.

What's more, the protagonist style is the only way to solve the problem by appearing handsomely.

Although Xie Chen didn't say anything, the smart Pikachu on his shoulder had a foreboding. He showed a contemptuous expression, but Xie Chen, who was immersed in his own thoughts, did not even notice Pikachu's expression.

Little York obediently followed Xie Chen's feet.

There is indeed an abnormal fog in the forest.

Although it occasionally starts to fog in the early morning, it is only mist. Such a heavy fog is really quite rare.

However, whether this is foggy remains to be ascertained.

"Sa, next is the time for the handsome protagonist to solve the problem." Xie Chen rolled up his sleeves and exhaled forcefully.

Ah, by the way, since I'm not sure if this is really mist, I can't inhale too much.

"You two go back to the poke ball first, it's too dangerous outside."

Xie Chen took down the Elf Ball hanging on his waist, and gestured to them with both of them in his palms. Pikachu nodded obediently, and little York just looked up at Xie Chen.

First, Pikachu took back the ball. Xie Chen felt a lot more relaxed after losing at least six kilograms of weight on his shoulders. He twisted his sore shoulders and squatted down and placed the ball in front of York.

Knowing that this guy didn't like himself very much, Xie Chen also tried to keep a distance from him and not as close as Pikachu.

That kind of closeness may have counterproductive effects, just like the situation on a ship heading for dead leaves, but that is what Xie Chen didn't want to see.

"I won't force you in. You don't like pokeball, do you?" Xie Chen looked at him seriously.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to go in, but if you don't, you may **** in something bad."

If you say that, it would be nice for Little York to understand. Even if you don't understand, you can only carry him on like this, otherwise you can only let him stay outside.

But there is no reason for Pokémon not to be around. If possible, Xie Chen still hopes that his partner can stay by his side.

And Little York did not live up to Xie Chen's expectations.

After meeting his eyes for a few seconds, he lowered his head and pressed his wet nose against the switch of the wizard ball. ..


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