Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 73: Panicked

It seems that there is still a long, long way to communicate with Chi.

I don't know if I can communicate with Chi well before I leave this world. Xie Chen sighed and followed quickly.

Zhenghui's house was just crossing the bridge, and after turning right, he walked straight to the end.

Living in a place slightly away from the city is also fun, but this place is not very far from the city, it is quite convenient to go shopping and so on.

Moreover, this beautiful place is sometimes passed by, and it is not very lonely, but it is far away from the noise of the city.

Zhenghui is also a master who can choose places.

No house number is needed. There is only one house in this place anyway.

Xie Chen stepped forward and knocked on the door, but no one responded.

"It shouldn't be home at this time." As he said, Xie Chen knocked on the door again and tried to twist the door handle. Unexpectedly, it didn't lock and opened with a push.

Xie Chen walked in without embarrassment, but turned his head to look at Chi, who was actually looking at Xie Chen with the expression that I had misunderstood you for breaking into the house privately. It was definitely better than before. One hundred times richer without mouth, to describe it is the peasy eyes that often appear in animated characters, super fun.

If it were not for the lack of a mobile phone, Xie Chen would definitely fix this scene for a few months before showing him.

"Someone should be at home."

Xie Chen was a little embarrassed to go straight in and just stood at the door and glanced inside.

The light in the room without the lights is dim, but the natural light is enough for Xie Chen to see the room. There are this weird machine, a computer, and Pippi with a strange hairstyle standing in the middle of the room.

The person named Zhenghui didn't even see the shadow.

Xie Chen didn't want to go in rashly because he was naked by his side. For some reason, he always felt **** by his naked side.

Maybe it's because a person is used to it.

"This shouldn't be considered a private entry into a private house?" So Xie Chen asked Chi, and Chi just gave him a nod in response.

Just as they were still dawdling at the door, that Pippi stomped anxiously, and then shouted, "Hey, the two guys over there—"

Chi and Xie Chen were both startled when they heard the sound of the Pippi. They were obviously frozen, and they had not been able to accept the display that Pippi could speak for a while.

The first thing Xie Chen thought of was the Meow Meow of the Rockets in the animation. There are no Pokémon that can speak human words in that way. Is this a special case?

When Xie Chen and Chi were freezing and thinking about not making the next move, Pippi was anxious again. He stomped again and stomped the wooden floor, but it didn’t help, so he cleared. He cleared his throat and shouted at the two standing at the door again.

"Ha! I am a Pokémon...No, I am not! I am Zhenghui, I am a real Pokémon maniac, hey!

Why put on a skeptical look?

Boy, I didn't joking with you! I failed the experiment and got together with a Pokémon!

So what do you think? Help me get back to the original state. "

Xie Chen and Chi indeed looked at him with doubts.

Is it true that people become Pokémon?

And that Pippi, maybe he should be called Zhenghui now, his attitude is really unpleasant. But even so, he is also the great man who invented the transmission system.

In short, it's not that there is no one at home, Zhenghui is there, so it's not a private break into the house, Xie Chen also walked into the house, Chi followed in, and looked at Zhenghui.

There are very few things that interest Chi, and it is quite interesting to see Chi showing a rare expression that can be called curiosity.

Xie Chen thought about turning to look at Zhenghui's computer, which was still on, showing some data he couldn't understand.

As far as the conclusion is concerned, it seems that no one intends to help him get back to his original state first. Who makes him and Chi not particularly enthusiastic.

Soon, Zhenghui chopped his feet again because there was no one to help him. Xie Chen wondered whether his feet hurt or not. Now he doesn't have shoes.

"No!? You can't be so indifferent! Please, you must help me who is in big-big trouble! Why, handsome guy? Okay?"

"Okay, okay, we will help you, first you have to tell us how can we help you?"

Xie Chen turned his eyes on Pippi's face with interest from the computer screen he couldn't understand. That Pippi is indeed different from ordinary Pippi, such as the very interesting hair on his forehead. .

Xie Chen's bad cautious thinking came out at this time, trying to tease and tease people, but for Chizai's sake, he suppressed this inexplicable impulse.

"All right? All right? Great! Please wait for me to enter the conveyor. After I enter, go to my computer to run the cell separation system."

As soon as he heard that he was going to help him, Zhenghui immediately raised his eyebrows and happily explained to Xie Chen. The appearance of this Pippi is quite cute. Xie Chen smiled and watched him finish the gesture, solemnly nodded nod. "Okay, okay, I understand you go in."

Hearing Xie Chen's words, he bent his eyes contentedly with his hips akimbo, but he looked back at Xie Chen before entering, as if he was a little worried. However, Xie Chen waved his hand to him and asked him to enter quickly.

Chi closed the door for him, and Xie Chen saw that the computer flashing data he couldn't understand was running at high speed, and the data began to flow quickly, but anyway, Xie Chen only needs to manipulate a very simple step, that is, the cell separation option Hit enter, he can't do this wrong.

After a while, the machine made a rumbling noise, but it was not very loud, like the sound of a tractor starting. The transmission pipes installed above two iron cans of the same size flashed, and after a while it stopped sounding like a tool for stopping the engine, the light went out, and a white smoke burst out of the huge instrument. Zhenghui walked out of the white smoke. ..


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