Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 92: Ghost chaos

"Ghost, ghost, it's me—"

The girl walked up to Xie Chen, but she was still stopped by Pikachu. This is a safer position, so Xie Chen did not stop her from moving. If it was a Pokémon that the girl knew, maybe she could avoid a fight. So Xie Chen didn't stop her action.

"It's me—I'm Marina!"

The girl kept calling, and Xie Chen also learned the girl's name from the calling. It turns out that her name is Marina, although it is a very normal name, but this normal name probably cannot be the protagonist under the world view of the Pokémon World.

Marina's call is not without effect, as can be seen from the fact that the ghosts have not attacked. Xie Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was indeed Marina's friend. After hearing her name her, Guisi became calm.

Hells had lost his danger, and Pikachu no longer showed such a ferocious expression.

But he hasn't relaxed his tight nerves yet, which is the same as Xie Chen. Should I say that it's really like the shape of the owner?

All in all, he can't be fully trusted yet.

But Marina was different. She immediately relaxed her vigilance towards her former friend, and then asked concerned about it. Guisi let out a few low groans and lowered the flying altitude to a height where she could look at Marina, lest the little girl would stand on tiptoe and talk to him with her head up.

"Guisi, what's wrong with Miko? What's wrong with this tower?"

When the girl is outside the Pokémon Tower, her voice is always light and furious.

Rather, it has always been like this, since Xie Chen spoke to him, and Xie Chen thinks this is her unique way of speaking.

And she is now speaking in a loud voice that Xie Chen has never heard before. Perhaps she was in a hurry, every word of her became sonorous and powerful, and it felt like the ghost that had been erratic all the time had an entity and became a living person.

Guisi frowned as if retreating, if the two black lines on his purple and black face were considered eyebrows. That fierce face with little tiger teeth didn't look so terrible.

The witch suddenly appeared from behind him-rather than the scariest one now, it was the witch.

Guisi was obviously taken aback by his suddenly acting master, and he sprinted into the aperture-he was drawn into the aperture, and the blue light gently wrapped him, but the witch did not enter the aperture again. It's just that Xie Chen and the others are stubbornly held out of the aperture, a bit infiltrating.

"So it turns out..."

Seeing this situation, Xie Chen also understood more or less. In this case, this aperture is an insurmountable place for the ghosts, the place where the witches once established. In other words, it is safe here.

Looking at this situation, I’m afraid it’s already dangerous enough for Xie Chen to run around with Marina, who doesn’t have any self-protection ability. Just leave her in a safe place. In case of danger, she will be involved. That would be bad.

Because of the sudden situation just now, Guisi has not answered Marina's question, so she insisted on asking again, this time her voice became light and fluttering again. On the contrary, this made Xie Chen more used to it.

Xie Chen couldn't understand the words of Guisi, so she could only wait for her to finish talking with Guisi, but Pikachu stayed beside Marina seriously with a serious look as if he understood. Xie Chen listened to her and the ghosts kept making um, I know, and so on. Finally, she turned to Xie Chen and seriously told Xie all the information she had received. Morning listening: "Guisi said, people in black clothes came here...killed Pokémon, everyone was angry."

Although this narrative sounds strange, Xie Chen can understand it. It's because she's used to Marina's way of speaking.

"Marina, it's dangerous outside, please stay here if you can."

However, Xie Chen needs to communicate with Marina, who is close to the ghost Pokémon, to avoid danger. Xie Chen frowned and thought for a while and continued to say to Marina: "Can the ghost follow me? Let him be right. His partner explain, don't you want us?"


"In exchange, I let Hayok stay here with you. It's too dangerous outside and I don't want to involve you. But the big brother promises that he will help you with everything. How about this?"

Xie Chen squatted down and stared at Marina, the Pokémon ball in his hand was gently thrown out, and Hayock emerged from it. Xie Chen's leg was rubbed affectionately.

Marina frowned and seemed to be still tangled, so Xie Chen touched her head, trying to relax her.

"It's okay, it's safe here, and I will definitely come back, leave it to me, okay?"

Xie Chen deliberately slowed down.

Marina frowned, pinched the corners of her clothes in her hands and looked at Xie Chen timidly. After a long silence, she nodded as if she was awakened. Then she looked at the ghost in midair and nodded at him. "Ghost, trouble you."

Xie Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

In this case, there is no need to put this child in danger.

"Thank you, Marina. Hayok, you have to protect this child. You must protect her."

Xie Chen also seriously warned Hayok, and got his affirmative answer before standing up. Pikachu also reacted quickly and leaned back on Xie Chen’s shoulder, while Guisi fell on the other side of Xie Chen’s shoulder. Beside, temporarily joined the team.

"Then we are leaving, you must not leave the circle!"

"Yeah! Big brother must come back too."

Xie Chenxin glanced at the ferocious maiden, swallowed and then suddenly walked out of the aperture.

"Hey, Miss Miko, I'm out now—"

Xie Chen used his skills to provoke him.

Sure enough, the witch immediately gave up entering the aperture and walked towards Xie Chen, swaying her steps, completely without lethality.

Fortunately, there is no lethality. ..


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