Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 102: Pokémon Flute

Marina has been obediently standing next to Xie Chen without making any noise, and she doesn't seem to want to play with other children, even though Xie Chen told her that she can go in and play if she feels bored, but she still doesn't move. , As if not caring about whether he could play with other children.

The more withdrawn feeling, but this is not bad.

Xie Chen likes a quiet child like Marina more than those noisy children, at least it is easier to manage.

After saying that sentence, the old man turned around and took what he said-it was a flute that had been placed on the bedside table on a special shelf.

When it was put in Xie Chen's hands, Xie Chen felt the weight from his hand, which seemed to be heavier than the ordinary flute. Perhaps it was because of the Pokémon ball added to it. Xie Chen looked carefully. This flute, it does not look very new, the bright yellow shell has peeled off the paint, revealing a little bit of wood.

The Pokémon Ball part is not so lucky. However, although it looked a little broken, Xie Chen knew that he was well preserved. These paint-off wounds were not caused by bumps but were traces of long-term use.

Although it is an old thing, it seems to be well kept. Although Xie Chen doesn't understand the usefulness of this kind of thing, and doesn't think it is a valuable thing, it should be quite important to the elderly Fuji. Something out.

Xie Chen didn't feel that he had done anything worthwhile for the old man to donate important things, so he has not accepted the flute for a long time.

Seeing Xie Chenchu's slow motion in the same place, the old man of Fuji was not anxious, bending his eyes and laughing.

"Just accept it. I've settled in Shion Town now. I don't have much use for holding the Pokémon Flute. It's better to give this thing to a young guy to play its role."

"...What is the purpose of the Pokémon Flute?"

Xie Chen was a little moved by what the old man Fuji said, but to be honest, he did not understand the function of this flute and what does it have to do with him as a trainer. Because no matter how you think about the flute and travel, there is nothing to do, maybe it can relieve boredom?

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, people will lose their memory when they are old, look at what I have forgotten. The flute of the Pokémon Flute is something that can awaken sleeping Pokémon, I think you will need this on the way." Fuji The old man stroked his white beard and slowly explained to Xie Chen.

Although Xie Chen still didn't feel much about it, it might still be useful.

Thinking about that, Xie Chen nodded and put the flute into the backpack of different dimensions. When he put it in, he suddenly remembered something. He stretched out his hand and put it in the messy backpack and found the thick bone he had picked up earlier.

If it is the old man of Fuji, he should know where this bone should be placed in the end. Xie Chen has no habit of taking other people's relics with him, so he handed the bone to the old man of Fuji.

"By the way, please accept this. This is what I got in the Pokémon Tower. I think you should know who it is and where it should be placed."

"..." Looking at the bone, the old man Fuji fell into a little silence, one of his squinted eyes opened, and the eyes of the bone revealed a little bit of sadness.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I can see her again." The old man Fuji dropped the crutches, and tremblingly stretched out his hands to take the bone, and big tears slid out of his eye sockets and fell on the bone .

Click, click.

Xie Chen couldn't help feeling quite embarrassed.

The old man Fuji repeatedly stroked the bones with his hands, constantly, as if he was touching some important treasure, as if he was touching someone's head. It took him a long time to calm down, and after wiping away the tears, he looked at Xie Chen again.

"This is a quack, quack. Thank you for bringing her out."

"Well... a little effort."

"This gala gala... is the mother of a Caracalla, killed by the Rockets." The old man Fuji seemed a little angry when he said this, but the mood soon calmed down. Perhaps he had been filled with righteous indignation once before, and now that everything is over, he has gradually calmed down. This is a good thing, otherwise it would be bad for the elderly to get angry.

After talking about this, the old man Fuji took the thick bone and walked into the room, not even the crutches.

Xie Chen quickly picked up the walking stick and followed the old man Fuji inside. But he didn't help him. He knew that the old man Fuji was definitely not willing to help him. He was struggling to walk without crutches, and he was very slow.

So Xie Chen followed behind him at a slower pace, and Marina did the same. She hadn't interrupted a word from the beginning, perhaps because she knew that she was not allowed to interrupt now, and she seemed very well-behaved.

Finally, the old man Fuji walked to his bed, sat on the bed, and placed the bone in front of a caracalla.

—— Xie Chen found out that there was only Caracalla on the bed, but he was alone in the corner and out of character with others, so Xie Chen somehow ignored him, and only now discovered his existence.

Xie Chen understood what the old man Fuji said.

This Karakala is probably the kid of Garakala.

It looks like a child, so pitiful.

Thinking about this, Xie Chen silently watched the old man Fuji reach out and touched Caracalla's head.

"I'm so sorry, Caracalla."

Caracalla picked up the rough bone and hugged it very, very hard. Xie Chen noticed that he closed his eyes and let the old man Fuji touch his head, holding the bone tightly as if he was hugging something. After a while, tears appeared in the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, it is not time to bother. Thinking about this, Xie Chen gently placed the crutches by the bed and quietly took Marina away. ..


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