Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 112: v Lambda, Athena 4

"Hehehe, don't forget me, poisonous smoke!"

"It's this kind of tricks...!" Xie Chen felt unhappy.

The Arbo monster who just rushed towards the Flying Mantis had no chance to tie the Flying Mantis with his long and resilient body. The air blade cut a deep wound on his body, but at this time the poisonous mist also spread to make the Kaby beast. He Feitian Mantis inevitably falls into a poisoned state.

"Don't talk about mischief, only the winner is qualified to speak justice." Lambda touched his chin and let out an unpleasant laugh again, and Athena gently closed the fan and moved to the empty hand. Tap. "The fun should be over."

"Don't underestimate people." Chi, who had not said a word, suddenly said a sentence that was complete for him and there was a tone at the end of the sentence-Xie Chen was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

But that was indeed Chi's voice, although his expression did not change a bit, it was the same as usual.

Kabimon moved slowly, and scratched his belly by the way. It seemed that he didn't see the battle in front of him at all. In the fast-paced battle, he became a strange existence, but this existence was still...very bright. eye. After all, it is too big.

"Sleep." After that, Chi returned to a state where he did not speak except for commands. Kabymon's squinted eyes gently bend down, presumably a sign of being asleep.

Xie Chen was ashamed of this.

However, Kabymon does have to use this tactic-sleeping can not only restore physical strength, even if he has not been harmed now, it is also a good choice, after all, Kabymon also has skills that can only be used after falling asleep.

The situation is turning a little bit. At first, I just thought it would be fine to solve it quickly, but Athena and Lambda are also surprisingly capable. Although Lambda has not shown obvious aggressiveness so far, his occasional auxiliary harassment is enough. I have a headache.

Now they will choose how to deal with Xie Chen, also very curious.

Suddenly, Athena closed the fan and pointed at Flying Mantis, and the colleague spit out the next command from the brightly colored lips with lipstick.

"Snake stares!"


Why is it a flying mantis? ! ! ! Xie Chen shook suddenly. Do you still want to abolish the speed of Flying Mantis at this time? How is this naive idea possible. But Aboguai's eyes had already seen oozing blue light. In the place cut by the air blade, the uncoagulated blood keeps falling down and it hurts.

"Big explosion."

Lambda followed Athena's footsteps and let the double bomb gas use skills.

Seeing that the gathered energy became dazzling, Xie Chen suddenly understood the meaning of the big snake's stare just now-it was to make the Flying Mantis immobile, so that it would not be able to stop the big explosion.

"Damn it, do you do this to defeat Kabymon!?"

Since it was a big bang, the Aber will naturally be attacked, and it is absolutely impossible for the Aber to eat another big bang.

A loud bang blasted Xie Chen's head completely white, making him completely unable to think for a moment and could only wait for the explosion to end.

When all the smoke and dust dissipated and the light returned to normal lighting, the court was of course completely extinguished.

Xie Chen frowned and rubbed his sore eyes, and took the Flying Mantis back into the Pokémon ball.

Pikachu is with Miss Joey, and now there is only one ghost left in her hand.

Lambda and Athena didn't seem to care about the Arbor monster and the double-bomb gas that were sacrificed in the explosion just now. They both took them back into the Pokémon ball with a natural expression.

Xie Chen didn't know how much pain the Pokémon would suffer from the big bang, but he knew that it would be painful to beat them until they lose the ability to fight.

The Rockets are really a bad organization. Xie Chen held the Pokémon ball tightly, and his palm was slightly hot.

Chi also took back his Kabymon. Chi seemed to feel a little frustrated, perhaps because he didn't expect the other party to use such cruel and despicable tricks. He looked at Kabymon's Pokémon Ball for a long time, and finally buckled it on his belt. Chi closed his brown eyes, took a deep breath, and drew out another Pokémon ball.

"Fire dinosaur."

The red figure stood on the court. At this time, Lambda and Athena also released their last Pokémon, Overlord Flower and Gas Bullet.

Now Xie Chen can be sure that Lambda likes to play a family with gas, and Athena's Overlord Flower... At the moment he saw it, Xie Chen immediately wanted to withdraw his previous evaluation of Athena.

This overlord flower feels more like Athena than Arbor. The pressure that is ready to come out, the arrogant eyes, like a queen.

She stretched her petals and raised her head slightly, just like Athena despised the ghosts and the fire dinosaurs just like Athena despised herself and Chi. Although she was a grass controlled by the fire dinosaurs, she was fearless.

It should be said that it really deserves to be Athena, although Xie Chen has only been an hour or two since seeing Athena, but through fighting, he is enough to understand his current opponents, what types of Lambda and Athena are. Guys. Perhaps the trainer will show his personality in the Pokémon battle.

"This is troublesome, Chi, I'll leave it to you to solve the end."

Xie Chen swallowed. Guisi doesn't have any very powerful tricks. It is more difficult to rely on him to forcefully defeat the opponent, but the fire dinosaur is a good offensive player.

It should be said that fortunately, the two opposite should not be good at attacking either. But the Overlord Flower... is a very troublesome existence.

Xie Chen's judgment became reality in the next second.

"Overlord flower, hypnotic powder."

"Gas bomb, black mist."

The powder-like objects and the smoke were scattered and mixed together. Perhaps the smoke could also spread with hypnotic powder. In short, it expanded to the venue and became a troublesome situation.

"...It's really bad." Xie Chen muttered to himself. ..


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