Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 115: Li Jia

So... that's it. Now Xie Chen sat at the house of that cute and beautiful kimono sister named Li Jia.

Speaking of home, it would be more appropriate to call it a flower shop. Her room should be in the inner room-in fact, Xie Chen was also entertained by her into the innermost room.

From near here to the inside, there is a faint floral fragrance. The smell is not very strong, and it does not make people smell uncomfortable. On the contrary, the smell of nature is refreshing.

Xie Chen is sitting on Lijia’s bed. This seems to be the first time he has been sitting on a girl’s bed. It feels so subtle, or in other words, does Lijia as a woman feel so defenseless? point.

In any case, he is also an adult male... Xie Chen automatically ignored his age and now it looks like he is just over ten years old.

Pikachu didn't care at all and rolled onto the bed, but he was not so presumptuous. Xie Chen could still see that he had retained that little reserved restraint, because Pikachu's current rolling posture is very cute, in short It's the cute rolling method, and didn't deliberately rub the dirt on the bedsheets.

It can be concluded that Pikachu's impression of Rica is quite good. Xie Chen's impression of Li Jia is also quite good.

Soon Li Jia got her medicine kit from the top of the bookcase, saying it was a bookcase, but not all books were kept.

Most of the dividers are filled with different kinds of flowers, but there are only two or three books, and they all seem to be related to plants. Xie Chen couldn't make out what it was, but the display was pretty.

Li Jia's voice was also very gentle, she told Xie Chen to bring her face closer, and then took a wet towel and put it on Xie Chen's face.

In addition to the smell of water vapor, Xie Chen also smelled a little scent from her fingers

. Ah, no matter what level, Lijia is such a girl who can't help but love and care.

After applying some anti-swelling medicine after the cold compress, Li Jia put away the medicine box, the speed was quite fast. Finally, she pulled away the chair by the table and sat there to talk face to face with Xie Chen.

The series of actions just now did not mess up her hair, and the clothes were the same. It can be seen that she is also very accustomed to wearing inconvenient kimono.

"You and your Pikachu have a great relationship."

Rica said this again. Hearing the mention of his name, Pikachu immediately raised his ears and got up, snorted and lay down on Xie Chen’s lap, then rolled over lazily, dangling his long ears up and down, squinting his eyes and looking at Lijia's direction— —Of course I did not forget to tick my mouth into a standard cat mouth.

Ahhh here again. If you dismantle the station now, you will definitely be scorched and tender. Xie Chen sighed silently in his heart. Pikachu's performance outside is really impeccable.

"Well, it's a good relationship." Usually at this time, the cute girl will ask Xie Chen if she can touch Pikachu. At this time, there is no other option other than promise. Then Pikachu will take it for granted. Rolling into the girl's arms, and finally capturing the beautiful girl's heart, he attracted all their attention to himself, leaving his master aside. Pikachu has done this more than once.

Originally, Xie Chen simulated the situation in his mind, but Li Jia did not make the first step that Xie Chen envisioned in his mind. This is surprising and pleasant. It shows that Li Jia is a cute attack that can resist Pikachu. Sane woman!

As if turning a blind eye to the seemingly intimate interaction of the main pet in front of him, Li Jia smiled lightly and said something that made Xie Chen a little bit unable to laugh.

"Pikachu used his method to comfort the lost you before, right?" Not only Xie Chen, but Pikachu's body is stiff.

"Ah... that's it."

Then Xie Chen showed a helpless smile. Although I was aware of it before, it was just not so sure. Suddenly being seen by a beautiful girl who had only seen one side, this kind of relationship really couldn't be more subtle.

Xie Chen tried to touch Pikachu but was still slapped away by his paw. At this moment Pikachu stopped betraying him and ran to the other side of the bed to stay.

Sure enough, he hates being exposed.

"Are you and each of your Pokémon like this?"

"It's not...probably only Pikachu can do this, so...noise?"

Xie Chen subconsciously lowered his voice when talking about the tumult, and was a little afraid of being heard by Pikachu. After all, he heard it but he was angry again.

"The little girl thinks that you are a very good trainer."

Li Jia quickly gave Xie Chen a decision, which made Xie Chen feel inexplicable. Suddenly appeared in front of him, suddenly brought people home and suddenly said strange things, perhaps after being cute and gentle, he still had to follow another inexplicable? Was Rika turned out to be such a person?

"It's refreshing to see you and Pikachu. Then please, please go with the little girl to Rainbow Gym."

"But the Rainbow Gymnasium is not closed... Wait, maybe you are!?"

Xie Chen stood up abruptly.

Yes, yes, how come I haven't found it, it's so obvious!

"Yes, the owner of the Rainbow Gymnasium is a little girl, Lijia."

Sure enough, he is indeed the master of the gymnasium who makes good use of grass. I also live in a flower shop, and my fingertips are often surrounded by the smell of unknown flowers. Even the bookshelves in the bedroom are full of flowers, so gentle, and the person who speaks so politely and softly is really in line with Xie Chen's guess about the master of the Cao Xi Daoguan.

And Li Jia who fits all of this is also the owner of the museum.

It seems that going out with Pikachu is not a wrong choice. I just wanted to respond like this but choked up before speaking, unable to speak with my mouth open.

But my Pokémon was not by my side, just a few hours ago because of all my hustle and bustle lying in the Pokémon Center and still waiting for a reply, I can't respond to Rika's invitation now.

Xie Chen had to take a strong breath, and then gently rejected her.

"Excuse me, I can't do it now."


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