Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 122: Heading towards Golden City

Even though I said that to Lijia, Xie Chen was seriously considering the addition of partners. Speaking of it, it seems that I haven't used the illustrated book for a long time. Thinking of this, just take this opportunity to tidy everything up. It is said that the superpowers of Golden City are extremely difficult for the owner of the gymnasium.

"But probably no one is more difficult to deal with than Chi this guy?" Xie Chen couldn't help but chuckle. Pikachu followed and nodded pretentiously.

The break time was advanced and extended. Xie Chen found a tree that was comfortable to lean against as usual, and then released all the Pokémons.

"Hayoke, Pikachu, Flying Mantis, Guisi." So it seems that there are only four partners, according to common sense, you should bring six. However, Xie Chen felt that these four partners were already strong enough.

However, considering the reasons for crossing the waterway, it is also a good choice to conquer a water system.

No, you should first consider how to deal with the master of the gym in Golden City, who is said to be difficult!

Xie Chen sighed deeply. In terms of Pokémon, his knowledge is really not enough. Most of the time is like Xiaozhi in the animation, just with a passion and excitement. There are also places that are different from Xiaozhi. Most of his training is done by bullying the Rockets, bullying the Rockets and bullying the Rockets. When training Pokémon with the same seriousness as others... It seems really not.

The most important thing is that each of your Pokémons is too individual. If you really want to exercise them, it might not work. It would be better to let them grow freely. Xie Chen is also happy to be free. A more inclined free lifestyle.

Simply inquiring about their characteristics and current tricks using the illustrated book, Xie Chen discovered that under such cultivation, the abilities of this group of partners did not disappoint. At least at this stage, Xie Chen is very satisfied. Although the characteristics are still a bit confused.

Speaking of which, although they have become strong enough, Xie Chen's knowledge as a trainer is not enough. For this reason, Xie Chen also intends to learn something-let them gain new strength.

When talking about new power, Xie Chen thought of evolution|——that is one of the ways Pokémon became stronger. Until now, it is unknown that Xie Chen has not deliberately paid attention to the advancement of this inevitable path that seems to be natural development. The only Pokémon that has evolved now is Hayok. The other three are in a state of slow evolution. Fortunately, Guisi said, what is the matter with Flying Mantis and Pikachu?

Is it possible that not all Pokémon can evolve naturally?

It suddenly broke the theory that Xie Chen previously believed that "evolution is natural selection". In this case, it is the responsibility of the trainer.

Speaking of which everyone is groping for knowledge on the journey, I vaguely remember that there is a Pokémon school, but I have not seen a few, and there are very few people who go to class. It is still better than class I want to be wild outside, not all children think so.

Even Xie Chen hates sitting at the desk and studying.

But if you don’t remember the so-called knowledge, the drawbacks are obvious. It’s like Xie Chen doesn’t understand the characteristics of Pokémon, nor does he understand how various items are used in conjunction with the characteristics of Pokémon, even theirs. I don't even understand the way of evolution.

Xie Chen scratched his head in distress."Ahahaha...Or just ask the old man Xia Damu...Ahahaha"

Pokémon is not only the possibility of natural evolution, but also because of this, it is difficult to predict some powerful Pokémon in the wild. Like Ibrahimovic's evolutionary type, this is how Xie Chen still knows that Ibrahimovic's evolution requires stones.

I don't know what Chi that kid will make his Ibrahimovic evolve into, anyway, he will also evolve into a difficult guy at that time, it is difficult enough to say when I was still Ibrahimovic.

There is also the question of adding new partners that Li Jia said-in the future, we must also take the waterway. It is somewhat inconvenient for the current partners. It is better to get a water system. I don't know if I think I went back to think about this problem.

For the Pokémon of the water system, Xie Chen immediately thought of Xiaoxia's gem sea star, a very troublesome guy. Since it is a little shadow on him, I shouldn't do it like this...but it's not good to catch it deliberately.

He once said to Lijia that it depends on fate, but this sentence did not lie.

After all, there was a gopher that Xie Chen got to play in the Electrical Department Gymnasium by Dr. Damu. Even so, he did not appear, and he did not have any bonds with Xie Chen. It was recovered. The gopher was also for Xie Chen. But just a combat tool. In that case, it is better to release the life.

So-to subdue depends on fate and the role of fate. Xie Chen nodded philosophically, and handed Pikachus a piece of bread on his shoulder.

If this is the case, then think about the future things later, anyway, there is no need to cross the waterway at this time, right? These partners around now are enough.

Hayok, who was initially disobedient and subdued by Miss Joey, brought the bad-character Pikachu from the Pokémon Club, and the Flying Mantis, who was once abused by the Rockets, helped his ghost in the Pokémon Tower.

Now everyone has gathered together for various reasons, becoming partners and comrades-in-arms.

The so-called fate and destiny are like this, right? Bonds are things that grow slowly during the journey.

Now everyone has become stronger and stronger.

So as their trainer, as their partner, Xie Chen had to cheer and not lose.

The lunch time is almost over. Pack up a little and set off again, heading towards Golden City.

The closer you get to the city, the more and more black shadows become obstructive.

It looks like something is in trouble again. ..


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