Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 132: Take a nap

Well, but this thing is now in Xie Chen's hands anyway.

"Although it probably didn't work for me, but I accepted it." If you put it on yourself, it may cause a lot of trouble. In that case, the chances of asking the Rockets' true purpose will greatly increase. .

Although it will be a little troublesome, it does no harm.

"By the way, Siruff Company was made like this|... Doesn't it need compensation?" Xie Chen asked in a low voice.

Even if it is to defeat the Rockets to make this kind of posture is quite terrible, although it is not as scary as the demolition, but it is half demolished...

When asked this question, the boss of Siruff Company laughed instead—"Hahaha, don’t use it. I helped me defeat the Rockets. I’m grateful that it’s too late. Although the repair is a big project, it won’t be called. You bother."

Xie Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he should go too.

Hastily said goodbye to the boss of Siruf Company, Xie Chen waved again to call out the ghosts that had been hidden in the wall.

This is his only partner who hasn't been injured yet. Xie Chen hid him as a hidden trump card, but thanks to the evolved Hayok and Fire Dinosaurs, his presence is not needed anymore.

At this moment, he slowly ran out of the hiding place and landed on Xie Chen's shoulders.

"Thanks, you can rest well after going back to the Pokémon Center..."

I'm afraid that the gymnasium in Golden City will have to postpone the itinerary. In addition, the red and green are here, so if you have to challenge, you have to give the gymnasium owner a break? Well, but I don’t know what kind of person the owner of the Golden City Stadium is.

Rika said that it was very relaxed, probably not a stern person. Although Lijia said that she was not very familiar and was not a friend, she told Xie Chen with a smile, "You will know when you go."

I don't know why I always feel that Li Jia has a feeling of watching the excitement.

As soon as he returned to the wizard center, he saw Green sitting on the sofa in the waiting area, and now he fell asleep on the table. I wanted to wake him up and ask about the situation.

Without seeing Chi's figure, she ran to ask Miss Joey to find that Chi was sent to the ward and lay down.

"There is nothing wrong with my body, but it may be because I was too nervous that I suddenly fell down. I am asleep now." Miss Joey also said, "Don't disturb the person who brought him here. He also needs to rest."

Xie Chen couldn't help but laughed out loud, and pointed his finger at the bruise on his arm. "Do you see if I have to rest for a while."

So Miss Joey was also amused by him, and called auspicious egg to lead Xie Chen to the seat opposite to Green. In a short while, she came over with the medicine kit.

"I've heard, you drove away the Rockets." After taking out the cotton iodine and other disinfection supplies from the medicine box, Miss Joey let down her voice as if she was afraid of waking Green.

"The news spreads so quickly." Xie Chen sighed and stretched out the injured hand to her.

"After all, there was so much trouble in the Siruff Company, I don't want to know it. Thanks to you, the Rockets quickly withdrew." The cotton dipped in iodine was pressed against the wound, a little painful. Xie Chen endured the pain and narrowed one eye, listening to Miss Joey continue.

"Before you came, the streets of Golden City were full of Rockets. Many people were afraid to go out. Most of them ran to the next town to take refuge."

"No wonder it's so deserted, Golden City should be a big city." "Not as good as Rainbow City."

Ms. Joey gave a good medicine to the bruise with her hands and feet, and asked Xie Chen to stretch out her other hand.

"There are many small wounds."

"Well..." After all, he fought in a place that was almost ruined.

Xie Chen returned his other hand to Joey and scratched his hair a little embarrassed.

"I didn't even notice it."

These unnoticed wounds are all disinfected by Joey, and band-aids are applied to the fingers.

When Joey packed up his things and returned to the front desk, Xie Chen noticed that Green's hand was also putting on several band-aids just like himself.

I can finally relax, and the sleepiness is gradually rising. But Xie Chen didn't want to sleep here unsuspectingly like Lu.

Speaking of it, my friends should have been sent for treatment too, thinking that Xie Chen immediately awoke again, and then ran to the front desk again to ask.

"By the way, when the green came just now, I should have brought my friends with me. It's Pikachu, the long-haired dog, and the giant pincer mantis!"

"Those kids are still receiving treatment in the ward. It's better not to disturb now." Miss Joey gave a reassuring smile, and Xie Chen was also relieved.

"Then I want a room too, and I want to sleep when I relax." Xie Chen yawned.

When I got the room key, I went to the room immediately, hung the bag and rushed to the soft bed-there is always the illusion that I haven't slept in the bed for a long time.

While he was rolling on the bed, he suddenly felt a hard object against his waist.

Pokeball, two.

Xie Chen immediately turned over and sat up.

"Guisi and...Chenglong...! By the way, there is also Chenglong!!"

Completely, forgot the existence of this little guy.

Xie Chen took out the red and white ball with Chenglong with a sorry expression. The child still looks very weak. When I was in the Siruf Company, I wanted to come out and observe the situation of this guy. As a result, what happened later was really out of the control of Xie Chen. As soon as I focused on fighting, I would forget it all at once. .

If it hadn't been for the poke ball just because of all kinds of tumbling, he would have been forgotten if he was not sure. Fortunately, I remembered that there was still Chenglong.

"...You have worked hard too."

When taking away Chenglong, the girl said that Chenglong was a child who was rescued by luck.

But before that, the Rockets must have done a lot of excessive things. Like the giant pincer mantis, he is a poor child.

"Don't be afraid anymore." ..


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