Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 138: Little warm up

"You still don't talk the same way. I don't know how your injury is recovering just by nodding." Xie Chen opened his hands with a helpless expression, feeling that he had been helpless today a little too much.

But it seems to know that Chi is actually not a big problem, it's just that some skin injuries have not healed. As for his Pokémon, they also recovered very quickly. Although he was doing rehabilitation training here, his fire-breathing dragon and Giant Bird seemed to have fully recovered.


"Well, it looks like you don't know what to say, forget it." Xie Chen leaned back, took a deep breath and looked at the gloomy sky above. "Would you like to play against me? Just as a warm-up. Now it's time for the two of us to challenge the gym in Golden City?"

As Xie Chen said this, his raised head slowly fell, his gaze shifted from the sky to Chi's face. Chi maintained the natural standing posture of Xie Chen when he came in, no matter from the posture, the expression, or the tone (rather than saying that he didn't do anything at all), he couldn't see any changes, just like everything. Didn't listen.

But what Xie Chen knew was that he actually listened to people well, even though he was acting like air.

Xie Chen could feel it, because Chi's aura had also changed a little. The most obvious change is the slight fluctuation in the aura that can be felt when Xie Chen asked whether to come to the game or not.

I really want to fight, right, Xie Chen quickly understood what he meant, and then took out the elf ball. In fact, he and Chi have never needed much words. Most of the time Xie Chen can understand the meaning of Chi well, although Xie Chen doesn't know if this is good or bad, will he be too used to Chi.

Because Chi has become more silent and unable to communicate with others, Xiaoye also said that Chi refused to meet her.

This is not necessarily my fault, right? Xie Chen thought angrily. During this period of time, Chi also took out the poke ball.

"Wait a minute, I can't fight here! Ask Miss Joey to take us to the battlefield. So are you, change clothes first!"

Xie Chen insisted on letting him change his clothes first. Now that there are so many people here, the possibility of being watched is quite high, not to mention that Chi and Xie Chen are both topical figures now.

After hearing this, I probably felt that Xie Chen's words were reasonable. Chi nodded, turned and walked towards his room. Xie Chen was relieved and had to explain to Miss Joey. Originally Miss Joey was called bare foot training. Fighting must have violated Miss Joey's wishes, but if she didn't do this, Chi would definitely be so depressed.

To say why Xie Chen could see that Chi was depressed, it was probably the sixth sense of the other party's mood that he had been getting along with for a long time. Speaking of fantasy, in fact Xie Chen got it right every time.

When you are unhappy, angry, happy, or depressed, because you don't like words and expressions, the emotions that ordinary people often can't see Xie Chen can easily figure out his current situation.

Perhaps this is one of the talents, Xie Chen shrugged, found Miss Joey, and asked her to lend a battlefield to them to warm up.

Although Miss Joey looked unwilling to let the wounded fight, she still borrowed a small venue for them when Xie Chen repeatedly promised to just warm up, and told them not to fight too much. Excessive, just a warm-up rather than a real battle.

"Pokémon is only allowed to use two."

There are such additional conditions. But this is fine, at least no matter how you hit it, you won’t be too handy. After a while, I have to challenge the Golden Gymnasium, and it won’t be good if I suffer serious injuries.

The Giant Pincer Mantis has been seriously injured and hasn't recovered so it can't play now. The two chosen by Xie Chen are Hayok and Chenglong. The main purpose is to test the power of these two.

Now Xie Chen's team only has these two and their strength is not clear.

Which two did Chi choose?

"Go, Shaggy!"


Chi also threw the poke ball out when the long-haired dog ran onto the court.

It's Ibrahimovic.

"Long time no see, Ibrahimovic, it's been a long time since I fought with you." It's obviously a cute and petite body, but it's also one of the fighting powers that can't be ignored. Besides, he can be regarded as Xie Chen's old friends.

"I won't be merciful. Long-haired dog, don't be soft and bite just because you are an old friend!"

The old friend's greeting ended in one sentence. When Xie Chen's conversation turned, Shaggy dog ​​was already tensed and ready for battle, and rushed to Ibrahimovic at the moment of the command exit.

"..." Chi still didn't say a word, but Ibrahimovic knew what Chi meant like Xie Chen, Chi only slightly pressed the brim of the hat, the light from above was blocked by the brim, and the shadow once again covered most of his face. Only the light of the eyes is looming.

Ibrahimovic started acting at the moment Hayok rushed towards him. Because of the difference in size, he naturally couldn't just face the long-haired dog and ran into him like that. He flashed to the side, as if disappeared for a moment and then He appeared behind Shaggy Dog.

"Did the lightning flash... Long-haired dog, behind him! Use destruction to die!"

Ibrahimovic's advantage is that the small body is easy to confuse the enemy. After the flash of light was used to dodge, there was no intention to continue attacking. In this case, the possibility of continuing to avoid the destruction and death light was a bit high, but Xie Chen still asked Shaggy to do so.

Ibrahimovic's defensive power was extremely low, as long as he was hit by the destruction and death shot, he would be unable to fight. Xie Chen also looked at this point and tried to quickly resolve the battle.

Chi still didn't say anything. The black ball that Ibrahimovic gathered in the dog's mouth was shot out in a columnar shape, and his hind legs touched the ground for an instant, and when he pressed it slightly, he bounced off forcefully and quickly, just like a rabbit.

The ending is naturally to avoid this devastating death that digs a hole in the land, but Ibrahimovic no longer continues to escape, but lightly turned around and rushed to the Shaggy Dog.

What Xie Chen didn't expect was that such a cute creature as Ibrahimovic would show such a terrifying face to bite his opponent. ..


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