Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 98: Memories

"The same with you." Gui Dengwan faintly glowed red on his chest, "Thanks to you, I am finally awake."

Guidengmaru took out another giant axe from nowhere, and raised it above his head. The axe has a red dragon pattern on its body. When the dragon pattern on the axe reaches the red color, the power will become maximum. At this time, the giant axe in Guidengmaru's hand, and the dragon pattern had all turned red.

Madame chuckled lightly and put the other section of the spear on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

The corner of Madarame took a step forward, crossed the half-length spear, and said: "This is the end. I won't retreat to this line, Ghost Light Maru, I will catch all your power, and then return it to you!"

Guidengmaru held the giant axe with the red dragon pattern, and said with great confidence: "All the dragon patterns dyed in red are a tricky one."

"I can't ask for it, come on, Ghost Light Maru."

Guidengmaru held the giant axe in his hand and rotated it, releasing red spiritual pressure on his body, and once again, at the same time, the red spiritual pressure rose on the corner of Madame.

After the spiritual pressure was condensed, Gui Deng Maru directly slashed towards the corner of Madara with his axe. The axe collided with the spear blade on the corner of Madara. Dao red spiritual pressure is condensed together.

Madara's muscles were tense, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his whole body creaked. It seemed that even his bones and nerves were moaning, and his heels had touched the spear body on the ground behind him.

"I'm the third seat of the Zengmu team, the corner of Madarame!"

He let out a shout, but the sound was no longer in his ears.

This was the last blog he took to block his life. The previous events appeared in front of him like a fast movie, and it was vivid.

At that time, he had not joined the thirteenth division of the guard, and was wandering in the soul world with Ayase Kawakami, constantly looking for opponents.

"Is it still the same? One corner." Ayasegawa Yuki who followed behind said at this moment.

I don't know when, they have already walked together.

"Then go to the nearby area."

Ayasegawa Yumi looked at Madarame's corner, smiled, and said, "Wipe your face, it's not pretty."

Madarame is not someone who cares about this kind of thing, but after hearing Yumaki Ayasegawa say this, he wiped it symbolically...

"Impatient, urgent, and irritating. At that time, I was filled with these. The corpse soul world is not my place to live, and I have nowhere to stay."

Knocked down the enemy again and again, so that the enemy was pressed to the ground and beaten violently.

"Fighting and pain, only these two points are truly visible to me."

That should be the last time to wander, Madarame Ichikaku and Ayasegawa Yuki walked in the most desolate part of the corpse soul world, Karagi district.

"Are there any good guys, I want to fight!"

Here, there are people who can't hold their heads up because of hunger, so Madarame shouted along the long street for a long time without answering.

"Don't you even have one or two guys who want to die?" Seeing no one answered, Madame curled his mouth, preparing to walk to the next area.

At this moment, a little girl's laughter suddenly came from a distance.

"Who is it!" Madaramo ran towards the source of the voice.

At the entrance of that alley, a little girl with pink hair was drawing something on the ground with chalk. "It's better for you to go back." The little girl suddenly said, "Because Xiaojian is in a good mood, you will definitely be killed."

The little girl in front of her seemed to be at the age of a baby, and it was inevitable to say something funny at this moment.

Madarame carried a sword in the corner and smiled disapprovingly: "Because he is in a good mood? I will be killed? I don't understand what you mean."

"You are so stupid." The little girl looked at the corner of Madara's eyes, as if she was a lesson, and said: "If you are in a good mood, you won't be merciful and you will enjoy the battle."

"What are you talking about!" When taught by such a little girl, Madarame was obviously a little angry.

"Wait." At this moment, a man sitting deep in the alley said suddenly.


"Don't touch her." The man stood up, tall, with a visible scar across the eyes on his face, staring at the corner of the eyes and said: "Aren't you running away?"

Feeling the pressure on his body, Madara swallowed a corner of his mouth, and sweat was oozing out on his face. He knew that this was the most powerful guy he had ever encountered. If he did not leave, he might die. Here, he still smiled reluctantly.

"Unfortunately." Madarame took a step back, pulled away, and said, "I am in the right mood."

Ayasegawa Yuumi who was standing behind the corner of Madarame said at this moment, "Does it matter?"

"No help."

"I know."

Madame drew a long knife from a corner and smiled at the tall man and said, "You look very strong."


"I am also very strong!"

"Then I have to look forward to it." The tall man said, "Go on."

Then the blades fought, and Madame was obviously suppressed.

With just one blow, Madarame felt the man's power in the corner.

"Good weight……"

The man was hacking in an unruly manner, but Madaramo didn't have the ability to fight back.

"What's the matter with this guy... not only is it heavy, but it's a mess."

Once again, he avoided the random blade, and a corner of Madarame jumped a few meters back, licked his forehead and left Lai's blood on his forehead, saying, "This is the first time."


"It's the first time I'm so excited to be here!" Then he leaped up and slashed down.

The man stopped without trouble, "That's great."

Then the two struggled together.

Ayasegawa Yumi bit her nails while watching the battle, frowning her brows, "What's going on, it seems that there is no way of saber."

"Little Sword is laughing." The little girl was sitting next to Yuki Ayasegawa at this moment, saying: "But it's a pity, it will end soon."..


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