Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 142: Muramasa Alienation

"That guy gave his all for Xianghe."

Kuchaki Rukia said in a gentle tone: "I have surpassed my limit. It should be the support of my spiritual power that I can live to this day."

At this time, the spiritual pressure around Cunzheng's body has gradually changed from purple to blood red, and the density of the spiritual pressure is constantly increasing, like a virtual flash, blooming in the air, and the sky is full of emptiness. Splitting from the spiritual pressure, he rushed towards Xie Chen and the others.


"It's awful." Kuchiki Rukia hurriedly said, "It seems that there is something that is attracted by Muramasa's Reiki again."

Xie Chen snorted coldly and said lightly: "In this case, only one will wipe them all out."

"There are too many." Kuchiki Rukia said blankly.

Xie Chen didn't care, raised the Soul Slashing Blade, and pointed the blade towards the sky.

The black **** fire entangled on the blade, and spread and stretched over Xie Chen's head like black silk.

Kuchaki Rukia has seen Xie Chen's death-like black flame more than once, but every time she stares, she can feel the pressure that the black flame brings to herself, and a sense of fear arises in her heart.

Although she knew that Xie Chen was on her side, and that black flame would not hurt her, but she was unstoppable fear, as if her heart was pressed against a big stone.

"Evil King Yan kills the burn."

The black flame on the blade seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and the momentum became so great that it could not be stopped, spreading to the location of the big virtual group.

Just after contact, the empty stool that rushed in front was instantly burned.

Looking at this **** fire with amazing damage, Da Xu couldn't help but stop.

The remaining dozen Daxu just stopped shocking Xie Chen and the others, and the few Kilianyou standing on the right sent out a few scarlet flashes in their mouths, hitting where Xie Chen was standing. go with.

Xie Chen sneered, and the black flame spread again, the virtual flash rushed into the black flame, and then it was melted.

And this time on the other side.

The lake water was soared into the sky by a strong impact, and then it was frozen into ice.

After Kuchiki Byakuya collided with Kuchiki Xianghe, the figures staggered, and the cherry blossoms were scattered beside Kuchiki Byakuza.

Kuchiki Byakuya was about to stand unsteadily, and when he fell down, the tangible Sakura Sakura appeared, supporting his body.

"Could it be that……"

A stream of blood erupted from the chest of Rotten Wood Xianghe, and then he slowly poured onto the ice.

"It's not over yet, I still have..."

Before he landed on the ground, Kuchuki Xianghe supported his body with the broken halberd, and raised his hand to stretch forward.

"Come on, Muramasa, what's wrong, Muramasa."

There was no response to his call. Kuchuki Xianghe supported his body with a halberd, panting continuously.

"Why don't you respond to me, I'm calling you, Murata."

After speaking the last sentence, the body fell directly into the lake water before the ice surface and sank directly to the bottom of the lake.

After watching him fall to the bottom of the lake, Kuchiki Byakuya let go of the Sakura that supported his body and walked forward slowly.

"I'm fine."

"Xianghe." Qianbenzakura gazed at the surface of the lake where the Kuchiki Xianghe had fallen, and said softly: "If he didn't possess such a powerful power, he wouldn't have to devour those boring fantasies."

Kuchiki Byakuya closed his eyes and said, "To be swallowed by power and dominated by power. This is the end of a man with a weak heart."

Senbonzakura looked at Kuchiki Byakuya and said, "It's two extremes with you who don't hesitate to bear the stigma of a traitor and carry out your beliefs, so you can finally return to your original position."

"You talk too much, Senbonzakura."

In the sky above the most central part of the forest, the spiritual pressure of Mura Masa's body gradually formed a purple-red light ball, like a whirlwind, absorbing all the surrounding Daxu.

"What is that?" Ishida Yulong asked aloud.

Kuchiki Rukia looked at the scene in front of her and replied, "Is it absorbing the void?"

After the Da Xu around him was completely absorbed, Kylian also gradually rose, and was also absorbed by the purple-red light ball.

After absorbing Kilian, the light ball suddenly expanded, and there were lines of lightning around it, mixed with blue and purple-red spiritual pressure, rising from the lake surface.

After the spiritual pressure disappeared, the village with a virtual mask appeared in the sky above.

"Is that...Mura Masa."

"It's like a shame."

Kuchaki Rukia spoke again at this time: "The Soul Slasher and the Reaper as the master are one and the same. By connecting with the master's soul, they coexist in the world."

Ishida Yulong said: "That is to say, in order to maintain the entity, it is necessary to replace the energy source of the **** of death as the master."

"I'm afraid he is trying to absorb the imaginary for this."

Inoue Orihime suddenly remembered the power that bounced away when he was treating Muramasa, and said, "Then what bounced my power away was..."

"It shows how deep his longing for Xianghe and his attachments are, and the result turned out to be like this."

After hundreds of years of longing and hundreds of years of hard work, Muramasa finally succeeded in unlocking the seal of his master Kuchiki Xianghe, but he was almost beheaded by Kuchiki Xianghe himself.

"You guy is just getting in the way now. Even if you don't use an unstable knife like yours, my strength alone is enough. The Soul Slasher is just a prop."

The unfeeling words of Kuchiki Xianghe at that time are still echoing in the ears of Kuchiki Rukia and others.

At this moment, the village Masa burst out with an astonishing roar, and the impact of powerful Reiki instantly pressed on everyone's heart.

Kuchiki Rukia hurriedly looked at Xie Chen standing next to him and said: "Captain Xie Chen, if you leave it alone, this guy's Reiatsu may cover the entire Kuza Town, and you must stop him before that.."


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