Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 171: Beautiful words

""What's the matter, Kira. "

At this time, Tezaemon, the shooting range that was still running towards Ruukun Street in the forest, asked Kira Izuru who was running ahead.

"That's Hisagi's Soul Slashing Blade, right?"

Madarameichi also asked at this time: "Has that guy fallen into the companion of the sword beast."

"No, it's not." Izuru Kira replied in a calm tone: "Big Brother Hisagi's Soul Slashing Sword died in the wind. After Muramasa's case was settled, he continued to act alone, unlike other Soul Slashing Swords. Wind Death is a soul-slashing knife that splits and kills lives. As long as it is the target, even the master will keep on holding it until the final victory, Big Brother Hisagi said."

Tezaemon, the shooting field, said, "It means fighting for your life and killing people."

"Really." Madarame looked ahead and said, "Hisaki also seems to have a very tricky Soul Slasher."


However, at this time, on the other side, after the previous fight, Hisagi Shubing hid in the shadow of a tree and watched the death of the wind.

"It's still the same." Feng died standing high and said in a frantic tone: "You will only avoid my sharp edge."

Standing in the shadow of the branches, Hisagi Shuhei said unwillingly, "You are still the same as you continue to fight in hiding your figure. Every time you attack others while you are not prepared, I really can't understand your approach. ."

"I care about you so much! My purpose is to cut your life. It is simply meaningless to talk about methods for this purpose."

The next moment, a sickle hit the branch above Hisagi's head.

Hisagi Shubing jumped forward and found Feng Die who had been hiding his figure.

"Sixty-two of binding the road, hundred-step railing."

Hisagi Shuhei released multiple beams of light from his palm and nailed the sickle in Fengsei's hand to the branch.

After Feng died, he said in a low voice, "You fellow, I was waiting for this opportunity from the beginning."

"That's hard to say." Hisagi Xiubing still maintained his usual calmness, "Anyway, as long as you don't come forward and make moves, I don't plan to fight you."

"Really." Feng said fiercely, "It's really unpleasant to say such beautiful things."

"We really fell in love with each other. Didn't I also say that, I also can't understand your way of fighting."

After speaking, Hisagi Shubing rushed out to the other side.

Liuhun Street is the first place that all ordinary souls arrive after they leave the world, guided by the **** of death, or after soul burial. The souls who come to the corpse soul world will be issued "finishing coupons", which are allocated to 80 regions in the southeast, northwest and northwest according to the order of death.

The public security and living environment in the first district are ideal, and the food is plentiful. In the 80th district, there is no grass and famine. Everyone’s souls kill each other to determine who gets the right to survive. By analogy, as the number of area codes increases, the public security and living conditions in each district will decline and become worse.

After the soul came to Liuhun Street, most of them were separated from their relatives and never saw each other again. Due to the large number of people who died almost at the same time, most people who left the world at the same time and place would be separated.

However, each soul can choose to gather together, form a new family, and live together. The temporal and spatial and historical backgrounds of each other may be different, but all of them can communicate, contact, and get close to each other, and they can get married. Many children born here become gods of death.

Basically, there is no major difference between each person's life and that in the present world, as if they have accidentally prolonged their lives for a lifetime. The difference is that the soul does not need solid food, only needs to take in the spirits in the atmosphere, and water to survive.

And because souls without spiritual power don't feel hungry, there is nothing to eat in most areas of Liuhun Street.

Souls with high spiritual power sometimes cannot survive even if they take in the spiritual souls in the atmosphere, and they may suffer from physical exhaustion due to excessive hunger, or even death. Starting from the 78th district, there was a serious shortage of fresh water and became one of the targets of theft and looting. Some people even sell drinking water as goods for profit.

At the 28th place on Dongliuhun Street, the formerly prosperous place is now destroyed by sword beasts, collapsed houses, mutilated walls, and crowds of people falling to the ground due to overwork can be seen everywhere.

After Hisagi Shuhei came here, he directly found Kira Izuru and others by relying on Reliance induction.

"I'm late."

"Ah, Hisagi." Tezaemon nodded at him and asked, "Is it okay with you."

"Well, that's it." Hisagi Xiubing looked around and said, "So what's the situation?"

A corner of Madame came up from the side and said, "No, when we arrived, those guys had disappeared. Before the loss worsened, we had to set off to chase them."

At this moment, on a cliff in the distance, Feng Death stood alone here.

"Have you attacked the owner again." The gray cat walked up from the other side and said behind him: "It's really troublesome. You always act like this, and the gods of death started talking about us again. It’s not like doing something bad again."

Guidengmaru and Wabisuke also came with the gray cat.

At this time, Onitou Maru also asked him: "Why are you so obsessed with taking your master's life? Muramasa's hint has been solved."

Feng Death just turned his head and glanced at them, then said: "This has nothing to do with you."

"It's none of our business?" The gray cat pinched his waist and said: "What you want to do is your freedom, but please don't throw the black pot on us."

Guidengmaru also continued: "We are Soul Slasher. If you pursue isolation, no one will stop you, but we won't help you either."

"This is really hard to ask for." Feng Death waved his hand back, and said indifferently: "I don't even care about your thoughts at all."

As soon as the voice fell, his figure flashed, and he jumped off the cliff. ..


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