Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 49: awkward

There was nothing for a night. Both Xie Chen and Kana slept well this night, but Kana woke up early the next morning and saw this embarrassing sleeping position. He obviously couldn't accept it...


Xie Chen was awakened by a terrible cry like a pig. When he woke up, he saw Kana, who was opposite, looking directly at Xie Chen with an extremely embarrassing expression.

Xie Chen sniffed. He didn't ask what he said. He only heard a few slight knocks outside the door, and then a small childlike voice came.

"Sister Kana, what's wrong with you? Sister Kana?"

Hearing the voice should be the little girl of Hina Yue, I saw Kana waited for Xie Chen fiercely. The sharp eye knife made Xie Chen no doubt that if the look in his eyes could kill people, he had definitely been given a thousand knives by that guy Kana. Wan cut it.

Xie Chen sniffed his nose indifferently, and Kana rolled his eyes as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"No... it's okay, I just saw a cockroach, it's really nasty."

Xie Chen curled his mouth when he was talking about cockroaches. When Kana said the word cockroaches, he not only bit the sound, but also didn't forget to look back at Xie Chen. The metaphor was not too obvious.

Xie Chen froze for a moment, and immediately raised his hand and rubbed Kana’s head, but Kana didn’t dare to yell because Hina Yue was still outside the door, and Xie Chen was still injured. Staring at Xie Chen.

The little eyes are extremely resentful...

"Oh, sister Nagana, come out quickly, breakfast is ready~" Hina Yue Nuo Nuo's voice came from outside the door, and after hearing that Kana hurriedly replied, she was coming soon, and then heard the footsteps of Hina Yue outside the door. Coming farther and farther.

"you you you you you……"

Not long after Hina Yue walked away, Kana patted Xie Chen's hand on her shoulder, and then pointed Xie Chen's nose at you for a long time. Xie Chen gave her an angry look, "What are you, you? What are you talking about together this morning?"

"You are ashamed to say!"

Kanai had an expression of seeing a ghost. He raised his hand to give Xie Chen a slap, but after seeing Xie Chen's bandage, the raised hand did not fall, and he held Xie Chen angrily for a long time. Then San San put his hand back again.

"You, you, what did you do to me yesterday!"

Kana looked at her disheveled appearance and suddenly felt like crying without tears. How could she be so miserable, she saved a person with good intentions, unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

This is really a true portrayal of the farmer and the snake...

"Bah, what's wrong with you, I'm like a mummy in you, what can I do with you, funny."

Xie Chen cast a blank look, then lay down straight. After repairing some injuries in the body with magic power last night, he still had to sleep for at least 15 hours to resume normal activities, so he is simply lazy now. Bird Kana.

"Hey, get me up!" Kana rode directly on Xie Chen, reached out to touch Xie Chen’s head, and suddenly jumped, ", why your head is so hot, don't scare me ,you!"

Kana suddenly completed the transformation of the Virgin Mary from the form of the tigress just now, and Xie Chen couldn't help but feel that this is really faster than turning a book.

"I'm fine, just sleep." Looking at Kana's expression that became extremely nervous, Xie Chen was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head with relief.

In fact, Xie Chen didn't really have a fever, it was just that the temperature of his body surface rose normally after using magic power to recover his injuries.

"How could it be okay to burn it like this..." Kana was anxiously walking back and forth on the ground.

"No, you must look for medicine. Aspirin, you must find anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics."

Although Kana wanted to look for medicine, but now to look for that kind of thing there, you must know that now even a compressed can is a precious material, and the aspirin is even more scarce.

Xie Chen didn't think that there were such advanced things in this refuge, and if there were none in the refuge, then Kanai would definitely go out and look outside.

Xie Chen didn't worry about Kana going out, and Xie Chen didn't think she could find that kind of thing as a little girl. She had such good luck that she could not be eaten by the gods outside and was already lucky for Kana's Sansheng.

"come back!"

Seeing Kana spinning around like a headless fly, Xie Chen couldn't help but speak. Hearing Xie Chen's shouts, Kanai quickly turned around, and Xie Chen was a little at a loss with a concerned look.

Kana is really a kind woman.

"I'm really okay. Even if you go outside, you won't find the medicine like aspirin. Anyway, where are you here? Is it a temporary shelter?"

Xie Chen is inspiring Kana, and he is afraid that this woman will do something stupid if she can’t think of it, so he is changing the law to remind Kana that there is also Amamiya gentian here, if you ask for help, aspirin. A conventional medicine should not be difficult to obtain.

Sure enough, after listening to Xie Chen's words, his eyes suddenly brightened, "Yes, Lord Gentian, I can also go to Lord Gentian! If you find Lord Gentian, there will be a way, yes. !"

After saying that, Kana didn't stay, and ran out quickly. After watching the figure of Kana going out, Xie Chen sighed helplessly, then slowly fell asleep and continued his recovery.

The other Xie Chen no longer worried, because when Xie Chen knew that Kana was going to find Amamiya Gentian, he was completely relieved.

At least until he found Amemiya Gentian, Kana shouldn’t do anything stupid, and Amemiya Gentian is still at the far east branch. Even if he wants to take care of the situation here, he can’t come too in time, at least. It takes more than a week to come here once.

And with this recovery of more than a week, Xie Chen estimated that he had already recovered and left this ghost place, and there would be nothing to worry about.

After Xie Chen fell asleep, Kana, who was out at this moment, seemed a little uneasy.

"Hey, what's wrong with you Sister Kana?" Hinayue asked innocently, looking at Kana, who was looking sad.

"No, it's okay." Kana shook his head indifferently, "By the way, Hinayue, do you know when Lord Gentian will come over?"..


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