Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 31: Hope and celebrate!

If someone passes here at this time, he will definitely be shocked by the scenes inside and outside the city. There are all kinds of strange species crawling, jumping and jumping, and curled up like a ball. There are hundreds of giants who are determined to chase and kill the few humans that are almost invisible in front.

It's just that the speed of these humans is too fast, they can fly, and the two legs that can't fly are as fast as the wheels of a fan, and the legs cannot be seen.

Soon, the two teams asked the giant behind to return to the hole in the city wall. The others rested, and the three of Sha Xia continued to repair the city wall. After all, time was tight and they couldn't allow them to rest. At this time, everyone who was resting on the city wall looked at Xie Chen's eyes completely different from before.

Although I knew that Xie Chen had the power to change the destiny of mankind in the past, that was just knowing, far from the depth of personal experience at this moment.

At this time, Irwin looked at Xie Chen's eyes instead of glowing, but glowing green. Xie Chen looks straight. The smarter the person, the more deeply he knows the terrible or terrifying power of Xie Chen as a representative.

In Irwin's eyes, Xie Chen could control the life and death of human beings with one hand. This is something Irwin had never dared to think of before.

Finally, after everyone had rested for about ten minutes, scattered giants began to appear inside and outside the city wall. This time everyone learned to be obedient and no longer stood by the door. Instead, the giants continued to lead away. go with. Then ran back again.

If everyone did this at the beginning, there would be no serious injuries.

I don't know how many giants have been taken away. Finally, the three of Sha Xia have successfully repaired the wall! Next, just clean up the giants inside the walls of Maria, and that's it!

At the moment when the city wall was repaired, everyone felt incredible, as if they were dreaming. Even the three injured were excited, as if they were not injured but had picked up gold.

This kind of excitement was well understood by Xie Chen after the last Giant War! This is the first complete victory for mankind! No soldier was lost! Without dying a person, just recover the city wall simply!

And Irwin led everyone directly to Xie Chen and delivered the most standard military salute. They knew in their hearts that without this person in front of them, all this would be absolutely impossible!

Xie Chen didn't stop him, just waited for them to finish and looked at the sun that was about to set. There are still countless giants outside the city, but at this time there is no despair in everyone's hearts, full of hope. Hope of life! It is also the hope of mankind!

"Are you kidding, Irvine." Commander Pickers said, looking at Irvine. If Irwin said that this project used Allen and suffered heavy losses, maybe he would believe it. But he said that only with less than three squads of soldiers, he repaired the wall of Maria unscathed, how could he believe it.

"Commander, look at this." Irwin didn't care, if anyone told him that before, he would never believe it.

I saw a tender green sprout appeared in his hand, as if rooted in the heart of Irwin's hand, and then grew slowly with the naked eye, before it became a huge Tenman. This is one of the rules and skills Xie Chen taught them. Irwin is the law of wood, so what grows out is a green vineman.

Commander Pickses just stared at the things in Irwin's hands, without saying a word, seemed to be waiting for Irwin's explanation.

And Irwin didn't buy a lawsuit anymore, and directly talked to Commander Pickers from beginning to end about Xie Chen planting seeds for them to how to repair the wall.

"Only you people know this thing, right?" Commander Picses looked at Irvine and asked.

"Yes, sir. Never exposed to anyone except you." Irvine replied with his head down.

"Okay, okay, but you can't say that you repaired the city wall this time. You know what I mean. I'm really afraid that some people in the royal city will be uncontrollable. This is a jealous thing." In the end, Commander Picses was a little emotional.

"I understand. This action lost hundreds of soldiers, and Allen was the main force." Irvine replied loudly.

"Allen, this matter is very important, you don't need to know the reason, just do as we say, you know." Let Watch Allen persuade.

Alan looked at the Mikasa surrounding him, Armie, Shasha and others suddenly felt a little weird. Although they knew that Maria’s wall had been recovered, they were very happy, but they let themselves admit that they did it themselves. , You know that I have never been out these days.

"Ellen, this thing really can't be said right now, so you just do what everyone says." Ellen may not listen to what others said, but Allen is very convinced by Mikasa's words, but the look in Mikasa's eyes is still Can't help but want to ask.

"Well, that's it, Ellen, come on, let's continue training." Seeing that Xie Chen waved to everyone, he left first.

In these days, everyone is no longer centered on Alan. It is not that Alan is not doing well, but because of the appearance of Xie Chen, mankind has new hope except for Alan.

And this hope seems to be easier to realize than Allen's, at least the thing about Maria Wall is a living example. The giant wall was recovered without dying a single person. You must know that everyone's strength can be continuously improved, and when the strength is higher in the future, wouldn't it be possible to kill the giants.

It's just that everyone's thinking is too simple. Just like Mikasa, he hasn't made any progress since his World Tree grew to nine meters. I don't know when I can break through. In front, Xie Chen laid them out very well, coupled with very strict training. The strength of everyone has improved to this level in a month or two.

In the future, it will become more and more difficult. Especially every time everyone makes a breakthrough.

But now there is so much control over there, so I will celebrate first. After the wall of Maria was restored, everyone celebrated with joy. Nowadays, food and land are not enough. At this time, if the giants in the Maria wall are cleaned up and then farming and grazing are started, it is really not an exaggeration to send carbon in the snow. ..


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